
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Extra News

Huge New Biodefense Lab Is Dedicated at Fort Detrick

2/3 of US population lives in “Constitution-free” zone

Psychological Control: States of Mental Disempowerment

What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?


  1. Anonymous20:12

    Copy of Email:

    Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:05 AM

    Feedback: Psychological Control: States of Mental Disempowerment...

    Dr. Judith H. Young

    CC: Center for Global Research

    Dr. Young,

    RE: Psychological Control: States of Mental Disempowerment: Deconstructing the Power of the Global Elite

    I read your aforementioned article. My conclusion was that the contents of your article's message was distinctly Orwellian, or should you prefer Hegelian. The 'overt' message was academically (for Global Research) politically correct, with plenty academic psycho-babble critical of the 'elite'. The 'covert' message, intentionally or negligently simply added an additional layer of not an endorsement, nor encouragement, and definitely not an example, for breaking free from the enslavement and Psychotronic Disempowerment; to the contrary.

    Accordingly, my response is:

    1. If the intention of your article was to add another little notch to your ego's 'publication' list, then Congratulations, you accomplished your task. Continue on your merry way, another little notch in your list of do-gooder academic blathering you dished out for the poor desperate proles, as an honourary -- with Security Clearances -- member of the Demockery Oligarch Butt**** the proles elite.

    2. If however, your intention was actually to experientially knock on the cognitive consciousness of individuals whom you consider to be living lives of quiet desperation, beyond their short and brief desperate acknowledgement of your alleged psychological superiority; but to their gut instincts; may I suggest you discard your politically correct snotty high-assed language of desperation, and find your inner fire. Because until you find yours, I doubt you will enable anyone else -- and considering your language, aimed at similarly desperate academics living lives of desperation -- to find their inner fires.

    If the latter, may I suggest a Course in Honesty (no disrespect, but you could do with it, particularly on a psycho-emotional truth telling level) with Brad Blanton. And I imagine if you have the courage to confront yourself by taking one of his workshops; you will come back from such a workshop; and use your knowledge to really start lighting some fires. Because frankly, I'd be quicker starting a fire with two stones and a few twiggs, than your elitist quiet desperation.

    You certainly may disagree, but a significant amount of Psychological Theory, from Fromm to Spinoza, et al; and for the interested social scientists observation, indicates that the individuals living the lives of quiet desperation, and those now petrified beyond apathy of the upcoming Armageddon Crash, are indeed those caught in the Matrix Financial, Academic and Psychological Trap. For example: Those whom think that their identity is their -- pardon my French -- Shit between their Ears, Ph.D.!!; what I refer to as the Poopol Doctors!! Put these Poopol Doctors into a prison cell with 30 proles, all on murder charges, and the Poopol Doctor, got a serious case of diarhea, cause then none of their little Poopol theories been experientially tested. Brad Blanton on the other hand, ain't got that problem; which is why Brad Blanton gets my and many others RESPECT. It's not just a bunch of Poopol words on a piece of publication to him.


    Lara Braveheart


    "What good fortune for governments, that 'the people' do not think." ~ Führer Adolf Hitler, Wolfsschanze Huskylord, Third Reich ~

    "Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?" ~ Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ~

  2. Anonymous20:31

    Copy of Email to Infowars:

    Posted the following comment twice to; and as usual with all my comments; it doesn't get posted to Alex Jones InfoWars!! Alex Jones continued censorship of my posts has been noted; not to mention your cowardice and total lack of honourable conduct in implementing your censorship, with anything remotely resembling an appropriate reason or notification. But your choice. Your choice and your lack of credibility for total support for free speech and networking and support for dissent and encouragement to others to speak out. Your choice to be two-faced hypocrit cowards.

    Copy of Email:

    Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:05 AM

    Feedback: Psychological Control: States of Mental Disempowerment...

    Dr. Judith H. Young

    CC: Center for Global Research

    Dr. Young,

    RE: Psychological Control: States of Mental Disempowerment: Deconstructing the Power of the Global Elite

    I read your aforementioned article. My conclusion was that the contents of your article's message was distinctly Orwellian, or should you prefer Hegelian. The 'overt' message was academically (for Global Research) politically correct, with plenty academic psycho-babble critical of the 'elite'. The 'covert' message, intentionally or negligently simply added an additional layer of not an endorsement, nor encouragement, and definitely not an example, for breaking free from the enslavement and Psychotronic Disempowerment; to the contrary.

    Accordingly, my response is:

    1. If the intention of your article was to add another little notch to your ego's 'publication' list, then Congratulations, you accomplished your task. Continue on your merry way, another little notch in your list of do-gooder academic blathering you dished out for the poor desperate proles, as an honourary -- with Security Clearances -- member of the Demockery Oligarch Butt**** the proles elite.

    2. If however, your intention was actually to experientially knock on the cognitive consciousness of individuals whom you consider to be living lives of quiet desperation, beyond their short and brief desperate acknowledgement of your alleged psychological superiority; but to their gut instincts; may I suggest you discard your politically correct snotty high-assed language of desperation, and find your inner fire. Because until you find yours, I doubt you will enable anyone else -- and considering your language, aimed at similarly desperate academics living lives of desperation -- to find their inner fires.

    If the latter, may I suggest a Course in Honesty (no disrespect, but you could do with it, particularly on a psycho-emotional truth telling level) with Brad Blanton. And I imagine if you have the courage to confront yourself by taking one of his workshops; you will come back from such a workshop; and use your knowledge to really start lighting some fires. Because frankly, I'd be quicker starting a fire with two stones and a few twiggs, than your elitist quiet desperation.

    You certainly may disagree, but a significant amount of Psychological Theory, from Fromm to Spinoza, et al; and for the interested social scientists observation, indicates that the individuals living the lives of quiet desperation, and those now petrified beyond apathy of the upcoming Armageddon Crash, are indeed those caught in the Matrix Financial, Academic and Psychological Trap. For example: Those whom think that their identity is their -- pardon my French -- Shit between their Ears, Ph.D.!!; what I refer to as the Poopol Doctors!! Put these Poopol Doctors into a prison cell with 30 proles, all on murder charges, and the Poopol Doctor, got a serious case of diarhea, cause then none of their little Poopol theories been experientially tested. Brad Blanton on the other hand, ain't got that problem; which is why Brad Blanton gets my and many others RESPECT. It's not just a bunch of Poopol words on a piece of publication to him.


    Lara Braveheart


    "What good fortune for governments, that 'the people' do not think." ~ Führer Adolf Hitler, Wolfsschanze Huskylord, Third Reich ~

    "Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?" ~ Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ~
