
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Kevin Abrams Replies

Kevin Abrams Replies:

Dear Henry,

I would like to remind Reverend Pike, zoologist Alfred Kinsey was an anti-Shemite, who selectively excluded Jews from "work" at his Indiana based Insitute For Sex Research. History will reflect, Kinsey and his co-"researchers" were engaged in criminal activities under the guise of science, even by today's vastly deflated moral standards. Kinsey is most responsible for the American sexual revolution which turned the founding sexual ethos of western civilization on it's head, bringing about the sexualization and corresponding spiritual reduction of western culture. Dr. Judith Reisman in her book, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences; The Red Queen & The Grand Scheme, reports the Rockefeller Foundation, whose mission is stated as "to promote the well-being" of humanity," funded his research. Reisman also reports, the powers that be found "Uncle" Kinsey's scientific pretext and conjured statistics, particularly useful in altering American law. Officials of the US legal and Judicial system were henceforth compelled to defer to the new "science," rather than to the riggers of the American Constitution, when formulating or amending (color of) law as it related to sex crimes like rape, child sexual molestation, and the model penal code. Hugh Hefner, also a non-Jew of Playboy fame, served much to popularize, i.e., propagandize Kinsey's elicit "findings."

Reverend Pike must also take note, Dr. Judith Reisman, a Jew who lost hundreds of her relations to Nazi barbarism in the Holocaust, is today, the leading authority on the life and times OF Alfred Kinsey - a sympathetic admirer and cloned personification of the "Beast," - Aleister Crowley. Kinsey was Rockefeller's Balaam, an occultist for hire from the Exodus period, "who did teach Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel," whereas the Rockefeller "philanthropic" pretense, or monetary TRUST, served as Kinsey's Balak's/banker. Refer also to The Pink Swastika for the sexual etiology of Nazi fascism.

For, as Cicero said, and Aristotle first of all, "those nations who ignore history are doomed to repeat it's tragedies." [Quote from Pillar of Iron, a work by Taylor Caldwell based upon the life and times of Marcus Tullius Cicero] Interestingly, the name Cicero translates from Latin as, "Chickpea." In Cicero, the man made the name, not the name the man - great in substance, then in form.

As Viktor Frankl, author of Doctor of The Soul, observes from his incarceration in Auschwitz, "there are only two types of people in the world, builders and plunderers." This difference cuts through all others. And paradoxically, some of the worst haters OF Jews in history, have come from within the Jewish people themselves. No people has a monopoly on corruption and contempt for decency. As our rabbis tell us, "all the righteous of this world, have a place in the world to come."

Kevin E. Abrams

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