
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Life's Journey



MI6 wants to utilize Facebook for new spy recruits. AFP from September 29, 2008 made known about it. MI6 is the British overseas security service. Now, MI6 wants to go into the social networking website of Facebook to help recruit new agents. News about it emerged on Sunday. A Foreign Office spokeswoman said that the open recruitment campaign continues to target wide pools of talent representative of British society. They want to use these channels in order to promote job oppurtunities in the organizations. Facebook is one such avenue MI6 wishes to exploit. That is why MI6 launced Facebook job adverstisments a few weeks ago to try to reach a larger variety of people. More than 2 years ago, MI6 started to use radio and newspapers for recruitment. Budding spies can also apply for jobs at the MI6 website. There are election news. Stephen Spoonamore made some shocking claims. Stephen is a GOP member and a lifelong Republican. That obviously means nothing, because many Republicans are liberal. Stephen worked on election campaigns with Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. He also has 20 years worth of experience in encrypted and networked communications systems (for banks, TV, telecommunications, EMS, Military and other uses). What he said in a ten part Youtube interview is that hackers are threatening to hack electronic voting machines in order to make John McCain the new President of the United States. He claims that it wouldn't be a shock if you see McCain win by a shocking victory via a 51.2 percent vote victory (with 3 electoral votes over Obama). Spoononmore classified this as a national security threat. He's right, because electronic voting have been victims of fraud for years (even one person was convicted for 2004 election fraud dealing with Ohio. Vote fraud occured for decades, so it isn't just a Republican deal). He said that Israel, China, and Russia can use codes to manipulate the 2008 election as well. He called our voting system as extremely vulnerable. The lesson is here is that you have a right to vote (and you should vote if you want to), but don't worship voting. Spoonamore blames Republican operatives for planning this plot.

The Presidential debates are obviously controlled events. London Guardian from September 29, 2008 exposed this truth. The debates are not really high risk situations. They are very anti-freedom since they are made to restrict any Third party candidates from having a say in the debates at all. The Commission on Presidential Debates controls the organization of these debates. This group was established by Republican and Democratic national committees in 1986. They serve the duopoly's interests. Even before the debates occur, the two party group jointly draft debate contracts. These contracts define exactly what will happen during the debate. This includes screening which topics will be discussed, who can attend the debates, who can ask questions, how long each candidate will have to answer and that there be no candidate-to-candidate questions, no rubuttals and no follow-up questions. The CPD also set criteria that deliberate exclude third party candidates from taking part. For a third party candidate to even join the debate, they must expect to have 15% of the public vote. This is 3 times greater than the 5 percent that political parties must achieve to recieve major party status and recieve funds. The polls are utilized to determine expected support (and they aren't required to list candidates other than those from the 2 main parties). The debates turn into press conferences and stage managed events not an overlay of a wide spectrum of views. That is why many have complained about the first debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. There is nothing wrong with having Baldwin, McKinney, Nader, Barr, and others in a debate with Obama (plus McCain) at the same time discussing real issues.

Waste in Water doesn't just include flouride. Now, the US government wants to maintain a toxic rocket fuel in our drinking water. The White House and the Pentagon are distorting the science to protect themselves and their corporate defense contractors from liability on water contamination. The EPA claims that there is no need to act against a toxic rocket fuel ingredient being in our water. This ingredient has been proven to lead to a loss of IQ and an increase in behavioral plus perception problems. This was a reversal of their previous position. The reason is that the EPA once made a 6 year effort to try to persuade the government that perchlorate contamination poses a serious risk to the public and should be regulated. The EPA is the same group saying that the air quality immediately after 9/11 was safe to breathe. They were wrong on that point. Perchlorate, which has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels high enough to interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses, reports AP. The toxic chemical has also been found in lettuce and other foods. Perchlorate was used by defense and aerospace contractors in conjunction with the Pentagon in rockets and missiles. Blogger Rick Attig at the Oregonian said that the EPA back down to address percholorate contamination, because the administration doesn't want to clean up our water supply (and they don't want explosure about how the Pentagon via its contractors were responsible for leaving percholorate behind to seep into our drinking water in at least 35 states plus the District of Columbia). Attig accuses the Bush administration of fixing the science to justify not handling the perchlorate issue. A document estimates that up to 16.6 million Americans are exposed to perchlorate at a level many scientists consider unsafe; independent researchers, using federal and state data, put the number at 20 million to 40 million. Robert Zoeller, a University of Massachusetts professor who specializes in thyroid hormone and brain development, told reporters that the government amendments to the EPA proposal “have distorted the science to such an extent that they can justify not regulating” the toxic chemical. Therefore, percholorate and flouride shouldn't be in our water. They increase the risk for bone loss, affecting negatively the thyroid gland, and other serious consequences as validated by numerous scientific studies. Now, the government wants to flouridate 75% of America's water system by 2010. So, cleaning up our water is important.

Another disturbing taser incident occured. Gerry Bellett from the Vancouver Sun on September 27, 2008 manifested information describing this story. The deal is that Vancouver police are defending a decision made by officers. These officers tasered a 16 year old mother who wouldn't hand her baby over to social workers last Monday. The police said that the officers were afraid to engage in a tug of war with the mother for what they said was a critically ill baby. On the other hand, the great grandmother of the one months Taige said on Friday that the baby boy was not critically ill. Doreen Duncan said she saw the baby and his parents — her grandson Scott Michell, 17, and Misha Peterson, 16, — the night before the Taser incident. Duncan said that the parents and came to her house and fed the baby. She said that the baby was born with a minor brain condition, they'd checked him out the week before, and the baby was fine. The scan was to be done when the baby gets older and other than, everything was fine (according to Doreen). Police spokeswoman Const. Jana McGuinness said that social workers came to get the child, so he could be taken to the hospital. This was after the mother refused to give the baby up. The woman was tasered. McGuinness said that a physical tug of war was unnecessary and her only option to retrieve the baby was by a taser attack against the mother. The mother was attacked just because that Peterson didn't report to a group home with the baby. So, social workers and police officers came looking for her. "They phoned me and said it was a missing persons case and I told them that everything was fine and that they would likely be at Scott's place," she said. Of course, it's wrong in Vancouver to taser a woman when she has a baby with her. The taser culture has gone too far with people sometimes dying from experiencing taser shots as well.

Planned Parenthood have been involved in scandals for many years. Steven Ertelt from on September 29, 2008 exposed how Planned Parenthood is being accused of overcharging the government by the millions. A probe is being sought about it. The probe is being called for by a pro-life philanthropic firm. This call comes after Planned Parenthood affiliates in California were accused of overcharging the state by millions for birth control. The accusation came in March, when P. Victor Gonzalez, who is a former Planned Parenthood official, filed a lawsuit against its affiliates in California saying they overcharged the state hundreds of millions of dollars on birth control. Gonzalez said that his own internal audit estimates that Planned Parenthood overcharged California taxpayers for purchasing birth control by at least $180 million. Gonzalez said that the abortion business fired him because he raised concerns about the illegal practices. Ray Ruddy, president of Gerard Health Foundation, has issued the call for the investigation. He points out how the abortion business receives federal family planning funding through Title X, a 90 percent Medicaid match, as well as monies from the federal government to purchase drugs at reduced costs. Ruddy says that you can't overcharge the government at all. Looking at the California situation, Gonzalez was the vice president of finance and administration for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles. According to a Los Angeles Times report, the overbilling began in the late 1990s. While other public health facilities and private facilities charged the state between $8 and $9 for a cycle of birth control pills, Planned Parenthood charged almost $12. The Planned Parenthood charge to the California government was several times more than it paid for the drugs originally. the Times says a 2003 state audit found at least $5.2 million in overbilling in 2003 alone from just one of the nine California Planned Parenthood affiliates. Hence, corruption in Planned Parenthood existed from the early 1900's to today in 2008.

The economy is in uncertain waters. The good news is that House rejected the present bailout proposal. The reasons are it gives the executive branch imperial power in handling our economy, it costs more than just 700 billion dollars, and it will do nothing to radically improving our economy at all (when we are spending billions upon billions in the war on terror and other things that we shouldn't be spending in the first place). Congress and the mainstream media (most of whom love the bailout bill and they lie about it making money when we have record debts now) to advance a revised version of the bill. Paulson and Congress pretended that the first bailout bill capped the initial round of funding to $200 billion, and capped executive compensation. However, treasury officials have admitted (when they thought the public wasn’t listening) that the restrictions on disbursing more than 200 big ones and CEO compensation were lies that wouldn’t be enforced. Even a Bloomberg analyst says that the bailout would increase to $5 trillion dollars. The Iraq War costs at least 3 trillion dollars now. This plan won't save the economy completely. The deal is that this government inforced oppressive policies to strangle the middle class and decrease individuals having the right to possess individual capital themselves. This bailout is a government takeover of nearly all of our economy. McCain and Obama support this bad policy. Even one Congressman accused Pelosi of creating martial law. The markets are manipulated for a political end via conflict of interest, insider trading, and insider regulation. Reserves in banking are being lowered, while the globalists want an economy based on transactions alone. The bill is about stealing wealth from small banks not being assured if it's over 100,000 dollars (not to mention that the FED is bailing out Wall Street banks now already under the people's noses. For example, in the past week alone, the Federal Reserve had pumped an astonishing $188 billion per day into the system in the form of emergency credit. Not to mention that the bailout plan has provisions that want to bail out foreign companies. Also, the bill has the proposal to create whatever money they want in essence to steal wealth from the taxpayers). The system is broken no matter how much money you throw into it. You need to restructure the whole economic system in order to have a real deal of supply and demand. Inflation is utilized to deflate the value of the dollar. Some want deflation to fight against inflation. Big crisis have no choice to be solved by big solutions. They include ending the FED (which is a central, non-federal private bank that is owned by private banks with no audits of it at all), to allow our currency to be backed by precious metals, decentralize the federal government's power in our economy (to prevent monopolies), cut unnecessary spending to build up our infrastructure, have fair trade deals, encourage cash down on home mortagages, allow those homeowners suffering from foreclosures to re-negiotate their home contracts if they are experience a homeforeclosure, strive to balance our budget, and of course have real oversight (along with accountability with a firm enforcement of our laws) plus transparency in our economy. This isn't representative of true capitalism since certain people are guilty of corruption (manipulating the market and using various derivitatives).

India is having brain scans in their country. Anand Giridharadas from IHT on September 15, 2008 wrote about how India's usage of brain scans in the courts will dismay critics. The new technology is being described by Anan as Orwellian according to its critics. Some want it to be a tool to fight against terrorism (without the need to do waterboarding and harsh interrogation methods, which are blatant torture techniques). India is the first country to convict someone of a crime relying on evidence from this controversial machine. This machine is a brain scanner that produces images of the human mind in action. It is said to reveal signs that a suspect remembers details of the crime in question. For many years, scientists investigated the brain to identify deception. They have shot infrared beams through liars’ heads, placed them in giant magnetic resonance imaging machines and used scanners to track their eyeballs. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the United States has plowed money into brain-based lie detection in the hope of producing more fruitful counterterrorism investigations. These technologies are interesting, but unproven. They aren't widely accepted as evidence except in India. Judges there have begun to admit brain scans. In June, a judge used a brain scan as proof of the suspect being guilty of murder (when he might be innocent). The judge sentenced the woman to life in prison. Psychologists and neuroscientists in the United States, which has been at the forefront of brain-based lie detection, variously called India’s application of the technology to legal cases “fascinating,” “ridiculous,” “chilling” and “unconscionable.” In America, defense lawyers use them typically to outline a suspect's mental impairment, not prosecutors utilizing it to convict a person at all. So far, no magical brain scan outlines whether a person is lying or not. India using it for cases are encountering growing opposition to it. Therefore, I wouldn't trust an unproven brain scan in a court room dealing with a guilt or innocence of a suspect at all. The technology is on its lower scale.

Pensioners are important in UK society. Pensioners are people who collects a pension or a person who is retired from an occupation. Some of them are sheltered in a housing complex. The council in England found that some of them sent the 12 tenants letters threatening the pensioners with eviction and even prison if they persist with giving ducks bread. This is extreme, but true. The reason for this is the council has been hearing about complaints about the amount of bird droppings in the area. They accuse the people of breaking their tenancy rules by feeding the birds. But now blundering East Riding of Yorkshire Council said the letters were heavy-handed and apologised for causing distress. Ron Tyler called the letters and threats as disgusting. One elderly lady was crying being upset when she read the letter. She was frightened that she was going to lose her home. Donald Hebden, 49, who has lived in the complex in Bridlington, East Yorkshire for three years, was also outraged by the severity of the letter. Mr. Hebden said that the council wasn't in need to residents at all with eviction along with imprisonment. The UK should be concerned about other real issues than this.

We are Change members met up with Joe Scarborough. Joe is the main host of his show Morning Joe. Morning Joe talks about politics from MSNBC. He is the one of the few major hosts that isn't a liberal, since Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow, Schuster, Mika, etc. are liberals. Now, Joe Scarborough broke a camera phone after losing his patience after the We Are Change people asked him simple, but important questions. These questions dealt with 9/11 Truth. Scarborough was accompanied by his co-host and mainstream media puppet Mika Brzezinski. Some in the crowd said that Mika's father started al-Qaeda. The reality is the Mika's father funded Muslim radicals in support of the war in Afghanistan during the late 1970's. Later, these radical entities evolved into the formation of al-Qaeda. Scarborough was angry about these words. He dismissed the War are Change questions about why he and other pundits (from the mainstream media) unfairly conflated 9/11 Truth activists to terrorists (along with being in need to be tasered plus placed into a camp as said by Willie Geist). Joe called 9/11 Truthers to be tasered indeed. Later, Scarborough was questioned by Matt Lapacek about the mysterious WTC 7's collapse with signs of it being destroyed as a product of a controlled demolition. Joe talked down to them about baseball. Later, he slapped down the iPhone camera Lepacek was holding. The camera was worth about 500 dollars. It fell beneath the elevator was only later recovered with the help of the building staff. Though the memory card and footage was intact, the screen was shattered. Scarborough walked away, leaving Mika Brzezinski in the elevator. Joe Scarborough acted like a coward by throwing a camera away from an innocent person wanting to ask a question. He's lucky that he wasn't sued for that. Joe Scarborough is another phony conservative (he promotes embryonic stem cell research and refuses to expose the new world order, FEMA Camps, our sovereignity decreasing, etc.) suck-up to MSNBC that wants a paycheck.

Oppressive surveillance in society isn't just an American or UK problem. It's a global problem. Karen Dearne from Australian IT at September 29, 2008 reported on CRIMTRAC. This CRIMTRAC devices has a planned automatic number plate recognition (or ANPR) system that could become a mass surveillance sytem. It can take as many as 70 million photos of cars and drivers every day across a vast network of roadside cameras. State and federal police forces want full-frontal images of vehicles, including the driver and front passenger, that are clear enough for identification purposes and usable as evidence in court. This is wild though. Crimtrac told the Queensland TravelSafe inquiry into the use of ANPR for road safety that any vehicle going into the ANPR camera will have the data recorded (plus avaliable for interrogation). This is a violation of the right to privacy since potentially many innocent people's personal information will be monitored without their permission (or due process). Some in Queensland want upgrades to camera applications like Safe T Cam. David Vaile, who is an executive director of the University of NSW’s Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, warned that the ANPR “could become the next Access Card”.“As a public surveillance system that could be linked to facial recognition, this has enough technology behind it to impinge on everybody’s daily life,” Mr Vaile said. The reality is that Big Brother is increasing its power in an unprecedented pace. Some want 1,000 cameras in downtown Syndey. CrimTrac is due to hand a $2.2 million scoping study for an integrated ANPR to the Minister for Home Affairs, Bob Debus, and the Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management in November. A VicRoads and Victoria Police trial had encountered problems with the accuracy and timeliness of information. Therefore all uses of technology aren't perfect. Technology is needed in the 21st century, but not to exploit or violate our civil liberties at all. I'm still here and I'm not going away any time soon. Life's journey is wild indeed.

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. Hello Timothy,

    There's much more to this unfolding story. Be a little patient to understand the truth and then hold their feet to the fire!

    Money Karma comes home to roost !!!

    This is the long awaited opportunity to finally "kill the beast" and kick all the bums out, forever. Read what I have been saying for insights into another way to manage this civilization, without money and without evil cabals running this world. The keys to a "New Earth" are wisdom and cooperation, not the fears and follies of the past.

    It will soon become painfully obvious, to even the most clueless, that it will be far easier to step away from the deceptions of the past (money, religion, and politics) and finally fix our civilization so it works for everyone, not just for a self-chosen and abominably greedy few. Why should humanity struggle and suffer any longer to repay massive debts and endure great debacles created by amazingly greedy and deceptive monetary and political leaders? Are you familiar with the ancient concept of a Jubilee? It's time has come, and the power of the rich and arrogant is about to be blown away on the winds of long-overdue and irresistible change.

    Here is Wisdom...

