
Monday, December 29, 2008

Battlefields of Conflict


Northcom's combat team conducted a "humanitarian support" exercise in Maryland. Of course, the military is spewing propaganda that the wicked policy of allowing the 3rd Infantry Division in America to handle domestic operations is a good thing. Even Lt. Col. Mark C. Weston of the U.S. Air Force Reserve wrote (in a paper published by the US Army War College in early 2006) about bashing Posse Comitatus with intensions of either banning the law or revising it so the military can act fully domestically in law enforcement actions. The 1981 passage of the the Military Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Act accelerated the militarization of America (much of it was done under the guise of executing a "war on Drugs"). These actions are clearly a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. One propaganda piece appeared on the Hinesville, Georgia Coastal Courier's website on December 26. This comes in the light of a Northcom training exercise in Maryland. The Armed Forces Press Service promote this possible future military rule of America by showing a photo of a soldier wielding the jaws of life during an exercise in Maryland. This exercise also was composed of buddie teams that recently returned by Iraq's Anbar province to remove mannequins form the rubble of a collapse building. This comes in the light of other recent developments. In this month alone, Branson Hunter (writing for the Big Bear Observation Post blog) reported on how the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center and the California Highway Patrol worked together “in a joint effort to reduce accidents and drinking and driving” in San Bernardino County, California. This is another direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385) which was passed on June 16, 1878. October 1, 2008 was the day when the U.S. Army announced its 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team to be under the day to day control of the Northern Command (and be on call to respond to emergencies and disasters). This incident in Maryland occured in a Naval Support facility. Now, this is about Northcom trying to control our society more. Prior to this, in May, 2007, Northcom announced its Ardent Sentry-Northern Edge ‘07 (ASNE) exercise. ASNE is about an event that local, state, and federal workers worked with troops in Indiana. This exercises obviously promote the militarization of America domestically. A report issued by the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves want the Pentagon to use citizen soldiers to develop into an operational force that can be fully trained, equipped, and ready to defend the nation (especially in crisis to supplement active duty troops in combat). If this isn't a call for the open militarization of the USA, I don't know what is. These actions in Maryland isn't just to make people get used to America possibly going under martial law. It was designed to condition the troops to believe that their mission was legal when it was wasn't at all. Even the Founding Fathers realized that standing armies acting domestically in a time of peace was immoral and illegal. “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty,” wrote James Madison. The ancient Romans is a precise example of how the military enslaved the people, especially during times of a war or a revolt. America is looking very similar to the Roman Empire day by day. That occupation is supposedly slated to end in 2011 – the same year, incidentally, when the military’s 20,000-man Homeland Security force is supposed to be fully deployed. It's a shame, but the good news is that folks are waking up daily.

Israel has attacked Gaza again. These actions are reminiscent of the Hezbollah vs. Israel conflict of the summer of 2006. Likely always, these acts are highly controversial. Israeli warplanes destroyed dozens of security compounds across the Hamas ruled Gaza. This occured on Saturday. This was an unprecendented move. There were waves of air strikes and over 200 people died from it. Some accuse Israel of targeting a school in Gaza. Over 310 people were wounded. This is the single deadliest day in Gaza fighting in recent memory according to the Palestinian medical officals. These strikes were in response to the renewed rocket fire from Gaza on Israeli border town. There are several Grad type Katyusha rockets hitting southern souther Israel in response to the Israeli strikes. Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak justifies these deeds as necessary. Yet, it's common to see Israel having a right of self defense (Israel accuses Hamas of being the prepretrator of the bombings in southern Israel), but sometimes Israel acts in excessive force in their retailiations against certain targets. That is why some of the missiles by Israeli hit densely populated areas where children were leaving school. The Gaza police chief was killed. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has governed from the West Bank since Hamas seized control of Gaza last year, called for restraint. Egypt opened its border with Gaza to allow ambulances to drive out some of the wounded. Israel declared a state of emergency in Israeli communities within a 12 mile range of Gaza. Television footage outline many people crowding hospitals in Gaza City because of the strikes. Typically, both Hamas and the Israeli military ought to possess restraint as each side have achieved excessive strikes against each other. I believe this total Middle Eastern conflict will never be solved anytime soon. It wouldn't matter much if there is a new President since the events in the Middle East are out of our control on many instances. This is why the Middle East should be primary responsible in handling plus solving their own crisis. Too much Western intervention in the region have only exacerbated the crisis.

Bob Unruh from WND reported on a SWAT raid. This raid has taken place in a food co-op. Some have accused this occurence as being an example of entrapment. A state agent from the Ohio Department of Agriculture pressured a family whose member ran a food cooperative for friends (and neighbors) to sell him a dozen eggs, sparking accusations of entrapment from a lawyer defending the family. John and Jacequeline Stowers in LaGrange, Ohio own a co-op that has been involved with a case. On December 1, the police used SWAT style tactics to burst into the home. They held family members including children at gunpoint. They also confiscated the family's personal food supply. Two organizations, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and the Buckeye Institute's legal arm, the Center for Constitutional Law, are working to defend the family. Maurice Thomspon of the Buckeye Institute said that the Stowers family ran the Manna Storehouse focusing mainly on organic supplies, for several years near Cleveland. The confrontation with the federal government was years in the making. It started when local health officals demanded that the family hold a retail food license in order to run their co-op. The Stowers family wrote a letter questioning the requirement and asking for evidence that would suggest that they were operating a food store (and how their private co-op was similar to a WalMart). The health inspector didn't like the letter. "He didn't think the tone of that letter was appropriate," Thompson said. " I've seen the letter. There's not anything there that's belligerent." A simple letter should never be a means to arrest people at all. Therefore, law enforcement planned, staged, and carried out the SWAT style raid on the family's home. An undercover agent visited the family for the state agriculture agency. The agent acted as a stranger. The family said that the co-op was private and couldn't provide to the stranger. Later, the agent came again to lie and say his sick mother need eggs. The family gave him some eggs after the agent refused to leave. The agent left some money on a counter and departed. On the basis of that transaction, the Stowers were accused of engaging in the retail sale of food, Thompson said. Pete Kennedy of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund said the case was government "overreaching" and was designed more to intimidate and "frighten people into believing that they cannot provide food for themselves." "This is an example where, once again, the government is trying to deny people their inalienable, fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice," said Gary Cox, general counsel for the FTCLDF. "The purpose of our complaint is to correct that wrong." The SWAT Team didn't even identify themselves when the raided the Stowers' home. If the government can raid a home of innocent people giving food to someone, they can raid anyone's home for any reason. Organic food is fine and people have the right to give their food to people independently. Now, we have to be careful of policies from the Codex Alimentarius and others that want to bash vitamins or restrict health freedom.

The UK has an intense pro-censorship culture. Robert Winnett from the Daily Telegraph on December 27, 2008 wrote about how the UK Culture Secretary wants an Internet Rating system and censorship. Any Burnham believes that new standards of deceny is needed to be applied to the web. He is planning to negoitiate with Barack Obama's incoming American administration to draw up new international rules for English language websites. This is sick by Any of couse. The Cabinet minister said that the Internet is a dangerous place and he wants ISPs (or internet service provides) to offer parents child safe services. The deal is that independent services already exist that individual people can use to restrict harmful material in the Internet. He even wants age ratings for websties. ISPs, such as BT, Tiscali, AOL or Sky could also be forced to offer internet services where the only websites accessible are those deemed suitable for children. Burnham said that wants to allocate money raise from the BBC’s commercial activities to fund other public-service broadcasting such as Channel Four. He desires these drocanian policies to be enacted in the New Year. His plans of censoring some websites and monitoring the Internet is precisely a violation of the freedom of speech. He also wants the government to control all of the Internet under the guise of protecting against copyright or libel. The truth is that people have a right to fully express themselves on the Internet. If he is worried about children so much, he would easily advance existing programs that private citizens can utilize now to prevent harmful content from being seen on sites (that doesn't infringe on anyone else's Internet access capabilities). He even wants America to be involved in his goals. In America, we have more Internet freedom than Europe, China, and Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the resistance here will be more intense against the pro-censorship policies of Burnham. The corporate establishment wants Internet censorship. That is why they promote Internet 2, the restriction of websites, and the bashing of Internet freedom. The mainstream media and newspapers lie so much that their viewership is going down. The Internet is popular among people, because the Internet does give the real truth on various events and other developments. The Internet is one of the few places where you can recieve the real truth on what is happening in the world today.

Steven Ertelt from on December 29, 2008 expressed more news about Canada and pro-life issues. People want Canada to reopen the debate on Abortion according to an MP despite what Prime Minister Stephen Harper says. Stephen Harper desires to not reopen the abortion debate in Canada. There is a member of Parliament who wants it to happen. His name is Winnipeg MP Rod Bruinooge. He said that a new debate is necessary in order to create laws that can reduce or limit abortions. This can in Rod's mind to value the life of unborn children's lives. Bruinooge is the new chairman of a pro-life Parliamentary caucus. He said that it creates a disservice to Canadians when Canada has no limits on abortions. The national government of Canada even forces its own citizens to fund abortion via taxpayer dollars. "Very few Canadians appreciate the fact that essentially until a child takes its first breath, it has less value than a kidney," he told the Canadian Press. Rod made the analogy that selling a kidney on eBay to be auctioned is illegal whereas you can kill an unborn child the second before it's delievered. That is abhorrent of course. In January 1988, Canada allowed abortion for many reason literally. The Supreme Court from Canada ruled that even fewer limits on abortions than the U.S. are existing in 1988. Harper claims to be a conservative, but won't agree to a discussion about the issue of abortion at all. He said the all-party caucus features pro-life MPs from each of the major and minor parties in Canada. Pro-Life people in Canada are trying to pass a law that would hold criminals accountable for killing an unborn children in an attack on a pregnant woman. Canada like America has an uphill crime in having a real pro-life culture in their respective societies.

The Focus on the Family website yanks the Glen Beck interview from their website. The groups said that it was removed because it didn't alert its readers that Glen Beck is a Mormon. The original article about Beck's best-selling new book, "The Christmas Sweater," appeared on the ministry's
CitizenLink website on Dec. 19. ChristianNews Wire had an article criticizing Focus for promoting a Mormon as a Christian. Steve McConkey wrote that Glen Beck's religious views are not compatible with Christianity at all. Joel Campbell of the Mormon Times said that Focus should have an explanation. Focus made a statement to Joel via a receptionist. The statement was that evangelical theology and Mormonism have deep theological differences. That's one of the reasons why Beck's article was removed form CitizenLink. Beck's "The Christmas Sweater" was a story about a 12 year old boy named Eddie who wanted a bicycle for Christmas. He only recieved a handmade sweater. He carries a bitterness because of this experience until his adulthood. Later, he realize the significance of the gift Eddie's mother gave him when he was 12. The sweater was a metaphor for the atonement for Christ. Glen Beck admits that this book is partially autobiographical. Pastor Dustin S. Seger of Shepherd's Fellowship of Greensboro, N.C., disagrees with Beck's religion as he should. See, Mormonism teaches that man can be a god on his own planet. Mormonism was created during the 1800's by Freemason Joseph Smith who followed the occult (i.e. Joseph Smith had a seer stone that he used as a crystal ball to find hidden treasures) and he embraced quasi-Gnostic views. Mormonism view Jesus and Satan exist as spirit brothers. It teaches that salvation is made by works. It encorporates other false doctrines. Mormonism is very powerful and wealthy. Numerous ex-Mormons have gotten out of Mormonism and woke up to the lies of that organization. Mormonism once prevented African Americans to recieve the Priesthood as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter day Saints (or the LDS) veil or camoflague their actual beliefs under a "wholesome" picture nowadays. William Schnoebelen was an author who exposed Mormonism for years. Ed Decker is a famous ex-Mormon Christian who has also written books on his dissent with the Mormon religion. The good news is that Mormonism is being exposed in a very high level. James Dobson (who heads Focus on the Family) supports Halloween, is Ecumencial, and voted for John McCain. Dobson is of the establishment just like George Soros is. Ironically, Glen Beck is about to have his new show on FOX News. Beck isn't without controversy. He said that he hates the victims of 9/11's families. He also called the victims of Hurricane Katrina scum like a coward. He claims to be a conservative, but he isn't. He agrees with the war on terror, the anti-civil liberty law of the Patriot Act, and bashed harshly anyone who disagrees with the official story of 9/11. Glen Beck is now working for the Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch's network.

In 2008, the man-made global warming was debunked and refuted like in no other time in history. That's great news, because we should be focusing on real environmental issues not this hoax of man-made global warming at all. There is even an article from December 19 that is entitled, “The Alps have best snow conditions in a generation” , reported that this winter’s Alpine snowfalls “look set to beat all records by New Year’s Day." Now with all of the evidence refuting global warming paranoia, politicans in Europe (and America) are proposing some of the most costly, damaging measures around. This environmental plans are costing close to a trillion dollars in some places. This is inspite of the fact that CO2 is a natural chemical that can grow plant life. CO2 utilized in the right way is not a poison at all. Not to mention that temperatures have been dropping all over the world. This was of course unpredicted by all of the computer models that predicted a record warm year for 2008. 2008 was not filled with record warmth at all. This winter, with the whole of Canada and half the US under snow, looks likely to be even worse. After several years flatlining, global temperatures have dropped sharply enough to cancel out much of their net rise in the 20th century. The alarmists lied and said that polar bears are in risk of dying because of the melting ice in the Arctic. Now, in 2008, the Arctic Circle grew ice at least 30% more than in 2007. Also, the polar bears are growing in population and aren't in risk of becoming extinct at all. It appears that most of the cooling and warming in the Earth are caused by natural factors like the sun, ocean currents, volcanoes, La Nina, El Nino, and other entities. The Manhattan Declaration of March 2007 disagreed with the global warming consensus as well. The economic crisis is making it even less plausable to endorse the Kyoto Treaty when folks are starving and jobs are being lost. The biofeuls of ethanol have been one of the culprits of extending much of economic problems globally. Hopefully, 2009 will bring even more evidence to utterly refute the myth of man-made global warming.

By Timothy

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