
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Eugenics Equals Fauxgenics: Canada’s Awful Experiment With Genetic Manipulation


  1. Lara Braveheart January 3rd, 2009 at 14:44
    Lara Braveheart Says:
    January 3rd, 2009 at 14:44

    Hi 'WhoWeAre'

    You state that: " hopes to chip away at the impersonal face of immigration dominant in more traditional media outlets and instead presents a face whose parts comprise a mosaic that better reflects the diversity and individuality inherent in immigrant experiences..."

    Well, I'm not sure if you are interested in this bit of context or feedback, but perhaps you may sit down and think about it for a while, or not. Here goes.

    No disrespect intended, but it is my opinion that you are rather naive; and perhaps I may be wrong; but I shall herewith provide you with a few tidbits of my allegation.

    Disclosure: I am white, and I endorse Eugenics (RRR Zhivago Hunter :: “Nuclear Freedom is the Recognition of Mutual Coercion, Mutually Agreed Upon Procreation Values Necessity” :: Buffalo Bill DMW; spent 14 years travelling around the world with a backpack; I've worked for German and European Royal Family, and Indian Island Fishermen; married an American citizen for love.

    Long story short: I spent 30 days in Yuba Co. Jail, California; with dozens of other 'sheduled for deporation immigrants'; and in South Africa I spent over 365 days in an African prison.

    This is where my opinion of your naivety comes in: You would be absolutely amazed at the duplicity and deception of most of those seeking asylum, or green cards, etc. They'd come back from their meeting, and proudly declare how they had 'fucked' over the Immigration Consultant, or Interviewer with their long story; and how the INS consultant was such a moron. So, you'd ask 'why was the INS consultant a moron?'. Response something to the effect of: 'Well, I just turned on my charm juice man, kissed her goddamn fucking white ass, and acted like a good obedient fucking nigger or wetback, and turned on the goddamn fucking kiss ass juice.'

    I, on the other hand refused to kiss the INS fucking backside, irrespective of whether the interviewer was white, hispanic or black; I told them in no uncertain terms, I wasn not going to lie to them to get American citizenship; and if they did not like that; then they could go and fuck themselves and send me back to South Africa; because I did not want to be a goddamn fucking citizen of a country that demanded I fucking lie in order to get my citizenship papers.

    So, I got deported; cause I refused to lie; and the wetbacks, who kisssed the INS interviewers asses, many of them got their appeals heard, and weren't deported. The clear message: LIE, AND DECEIVE, AND BE A TWO FACED HYPOCRIT SUBSERVIENT ARSE KREEPER, AND INS-AMERICA WANTS YOU AS AN IMMIGRANT.


    On my deportation flight back to RSA, I told the two INS agents who escorted me back, you guys haven't got the faintest fucking clue, who the wetbacks are fucking you over; the guy looked at me, like I had slapped him in the face. He didn't say a word; but a little while later he took of my handcuffs, and for the rest of the trip back, including hours on interconnecting flights in Atlanta, he didn't bother to follow me round when I wnet to the toilet, cause I guess he had got the message, that wasn't the type of person I was.

    When I was in prison in RSA: same thing. All single cells were around a meeting hall; where lots of 'human rights' workers would come and give their 'inspiration' talks, or pastors would come and give their sermons, or bible study and such stuff.

    So, most of the single cell prisoners cannot stand being locked up, so will go out, for anything, bible study whatever; they go out, and pretend to be interested. I refused, although if I opened my door, could hear what was going on. These prisoners would sit there with the human rights workers, or pastors, and you would think you were listening to kids in primary school bible school, man did they turn on the victim stories, and the human rights workers would fall over themselves believing the shit, and praying for them, and laying hands on them, and you will fucking not believe the shit.

    Then the human rights worker, or pastor would leave, and they'd all be sent back to their cells, and then the real stories would come out. Then these prisoners would start their party, of 'Goddamn, that pastor was fucking stupid, did you see how he belived the story about my dead mother, whose alcoholic...' and they would roar with laughter for a couple of hours, like a fucking comedy show depicting every single act or statement the human rights worker went through 'believing' their misery; 'Jesus she's got to be fucking stupid, do you think she ever gets fucked, or is she just here to find some pussy?'

    Suffice to say, your 'human rights' perspective may sometimes be valid, but for many other times, you are being led down a fucking garden path, who -- like Madoff focused on naive investors -- these individuals focus on naive and guilt ridden Pastors and 'Human Rights Workers'.

    Anyway, perhaps you prefer being ripped off and being in denial thereabouts, or perhaps you may someday take a kinesthetic trip and go and spend some time undercover in any of these Immigration facilities, and hear the real stories, and what many of your 'human rights concerns' really think about your organisation...

    To conclude: Let me simply say, if you were to put many of those you are so concerned about being 'eugenically culled' in charge of whether you should be culled, quite a few of them wouldn't have any qualms aobut the issue whatsoever, and quite a few -- if they really thought you were worthy of their brutal honesty -- would be happy to cut you up and stew you, to find out how tasty your ignorant 'Human Rights Worker' meat buttocks taste!! I ain't joking! So, when I read your concerns for these people.... I just smile, and think 'IF ONLY YOU KNEW!!, WELL NOW YOU DO,' and its the tip of your iceberg..


    Lara Johnstone
    JAG 07-146

  2. I diagree with you. Eugenics is wicked. There have been plenty of scientists and experts that have refuted the lies intertwined with eugenics completely. Also, citing extreme experiences is never a justification to support evil behavior. Citing bad behavior is never justification in an attempt to justify bad behavior. Eugenics dehumanizes life and it is related to extermination of fellow human beings.

    By Timothy
