
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Interesting Information

The interview was in 1991. Icke first started talking about the Reptilian Psy-Ops in 1999 in "the Biggest Secret".

That's why Wogan never asked him about "the Reptilians".

Craig Oxley thoroughly outed Icke as a British Intelligence agent over this brilliant 22-page thread on David "Diversion" Icke, Agent of Deception. After the Rome-exposing arena accused Icke of covering for the Jesuits, he gave them slightly more mention than the less-than-a-handful of brief passing references that he gave them in "...And the Truth Shall Set You Free" (1995), writing an article & a still-slender mention in recent times, just as Alex "Jesuit Coadjutor" Jones did after we (Eric Phelps, Craig Oxley, Thomas Richards & myself in my Myspace days - "hate mail" by the "sack load"!) thoroughly exposed his own Knights of Malta/Jesuit/CIA connections & loyalties.

Both Icke & Wogan may have been working for the same team.

See the following thread thoroughly focusing the heat on Icke here:

Highlights include Craig Oxley's email debate with Icke, who truly shows another side to him. Laughably Icke also thinks that Craig's "avatar"/display pic at the time was of himself! It was i fact an ironic use of Peter Hans Kolvenbach ( ), who was the 29th Jesuit Superior General ("Black Pope") from September 1983 to January 2008. Craig currently uses a pic of the 30th & current Jesuit Superior-General, Adolfo Nicolás (,_Sup._G%C3%A9n.jpg ).

It has crossed my mind that there might be a few forum regulars who think that Craig's current "avatar"/display pic is of himself, when in fact he's about 35 & looks nothing like either of them - LOL!!

Anyway: Check out the Icke thread & look for the Oxley v. Icke emails, you won't be disappointed! ;D



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