
Saturday, January 31, 2009

More On The New World Order

Note by Me: Chuck Baldwin is wrong that we shouldn't know the time of the end. We don't know the exact date, but the Bible is clear that we should should comprehend end time prophecies. We are living in the end times, because of the increase of knowledge, Israel is back, false Christs are existing, and other reasons.

By Timothy


  1. Hey Tim,

    Your Note by Me says:

    Chuck Baldwin is wrong that we shouldn't know the time of the end. We don't know the exact date, but the Bible is clear that we should should comprehend end time prophecies. We are living in the end times, because of the increase of knowledge, Israel is back, false Christs are existing, and other reasons.

    I am a little unclear - didn't the people who were living in Jesus time, also think they were living in 'the end times'?

    I'm not saying these times arn't the 'end times' (whatever that means); or that current times don't provide examples of what was predicted would be 'the end times'; but I'm kinda a little confused why people make so much drama about 'the end times', is it cause of the 'rapture', or 'anti-christ' (isn't every pharisee a form of anticrhist?)

    I'd appreciate your opinions.


  2. Thanks for the inquiry,

    Well, people back talked about this issue. Yet, during that time (in Jesus's time), certain events didn't transpire that would equate it to being the end times. Jesus Christ said that the end times won't come until the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, false Christs would come, and the fig tree will blossom again. These items never occured in ca. 30 A.D. Later on in today's time, we have Israel existing, the Temple destroyed for now, and false Christs in an epidemic pace today. Now, the end times is defined as the time when the coming of the Messiah or Jesus Christ is near (or soon). The Bible says that the Antichrist will come first and then Jesus Christ will come second.

    I do believe that we shouldn't promote fear mongering about these things. We ought to present concise information and reasoning as it relates to biblical prophecy. Some people are discussing this issue because of the rapture and the Antichrist.

    We shouldn't make too much drama about these things. Yet, we should present legitimate information relating to prophecy.

  3. Jesus Christ said that the end times won't come until the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, false Christs would come, and the fig tree will blossom again.

    And the Jewish Temple is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem? Or the real Jewish ($$) Temple, was the $$ Towers in NYC?

    These items never occured in ca. 30 A.D. Later on in today's time, we have Israel existing, the Temple destroyed for now, and false Christs in an epidemic pace today.

    Which Temple destroyed are you talking about? (Sorry, bit stupid on these things)

    Now, the end times is defined as the time when the coming of the Messiah or Jesus Christ is near (or soon). The Bible says that the Antichrist will come first and then Jesus Christ will come second.

    Oh, and then what do they have to do, or do they do, or is expected of them?

    I do believe that we shouldn't promote fear mongering about these things. We ought to present concise information and reasoning as it relates to biblical prophecy.

    Well I don't know nearly enough about the bible to pretend I could predict its prophecies, if any. I just kind see what I see, about what's going on and put two and two together, about what the possible outcomes are going to be.

    Some people are discussing this issue because of the rapture and the Antichrist.

    What 'issue', the prophecies?

    We shouldn't make too much drama about these things. Yet, we should present legitimate information relating to prophecy.

    I think that's reasonable. Not that you find many priests and pastors who choose to agree on what is 'legitimate information'. Anyway.

