
Friday, January 02, 2009

Pro-Life Advocate Urges Going to Obama Health Care Mtgs to Oppose Abortion


Pro-Life Advocate Urges Going to Obama Health Care Mtgs to Oppose Abortion

by Steven Editor
January 2, 2009
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Washington, DC ( -- A Planned Parenthood watchdog is urging pro-life advocates to attend meetings that the Barack Obama transition team is sponsoring about health care. Jim Sedlak of Stopp International says the meetings are a good opportunity to urge Obama to oppose promoting abortion in his health care plan.
The Obama team is holding small meetings all across the country to get input from ordinary citizens on health care concerns.

Sedlak tells this is an excellent opportunity to oppose both pro-abortion health care as well as the so-called Freedom of Choice Act that would make unlimited abortions a national law and overturn pro-life laws nationwide.
"As part of the efforts to defeat Planned Parenthood, we are encouraging as many of you as possible to attend one of these meetings in your area and voice your opposition to FOCA, the Prevention First Act and all of the Planned Parenthood agenda," he said.
Sedlak says the Obama transition team web site has a list of local meetings across the country and that the events go by different names such as "health care discussion group," or "health issues round table." All of the meetings should be open to the public.
He also says this is not a request for protests, but for involvement -- for pro-life advocates to raise their voice about the impending Obama pro-abortion agenda.
"Many of these meetings are being held in private homes. These meetings are not the time for demonstrations," he said.
"They represent an opportunity for local pro-lifers, especially community leaders and medical professionals to have civilized discussions and influence what is fed back to the Obama team," he added.
The concern about Obama's national health care plan covering abortions is a real one for pro-life groups.
As reported in October, Obama's campaign answered a survey from a pro-abortion web site that makes it clear abortion will be included the taxpayer-funded plan.
"Senator Obama believes that reproductive health care is basic health care," the campaign said, using the phrase that abortion advocates employ to refer to abortion.

"His health care plan will create a new public plan, which will provide coverage of all essential medical services. Reproductive health care is an essential service," the Obama campaign added.
The Obama camp also made it clear that any private insurance companies wanting to participate would also be required to provide abortion coverage.
"And private insurers that want to participate will have to treat reproductive care in the same way," the Obama campaign responded.
Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, says the answers make it clear to him that Obama would fund abortions with federal taxpayer dollars and make people in private insurance plans pay for abortions because insurance companies would pass on the additional costs to customers.

Buzz up!

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