
Friday, January 02, 2009

The Start of 2009

The Technocracy is a real threat in the world. With the economic crisis here, certain individuals want to exploit the gap between the rich and the poor to justify their claim that transhumanism is an answer to our problems. Transhumanism is the belief that machines merging with man or having genetically engineered humans (with robotics) can live forever. 2008 was a year that saw huge advances in artificial intelligence and nano-technology. There was a recent study by Spanish scientists on the impact of robots on the future society. Now, international experts who were working on inventing and adapting cutting edge robots for practical use were interviewed during the study. This was done in order to figure when would we would regularly use models that they are currently designing. All of them agreed with the year of 2020 as the time. They predict that 2020 will be a technological inflection point whereby robots: “will be able to see, act, speak, manage natural language and have intelligence, and our relationship with them will have become more constant and commonplace,” said López Peláez. They predict that robots will be placed into our brain and bodies. They concieve of them of improving our rational thoiught. There are nanotechnology as well. Nano-technology revolves around little machines that can be the size of molecules. Nanotechnology is found in military devices and other machines. According to Professor López Peláez, it is predicted that 40% of armies will be automated with robot soldiers by 2020 ‘just as a car factory is today, which will result in less human deaths during violent conflicts.’ DARPA (the Pentagon group that help invent the Internet) has been the leader in developing robotics for the military. There are robots that can fight and carry large objects. Researchers in the study predict that robots can possess articial intelligence or have emotional interaction with people. Today in 2009: Various robots that can not only vacuum a room (Roomba), but cook food, greet a person at the door, fetch things, or just listen if you are lonely. Robots now can assist pets (like hamsters, dogs, lions, tigers, and various bears) plants, and robotic dolls exist that can show emotion depending on how they are treated. There are robotic fish, and robots designed to help teach autistic persons. AI development has existed with neural networks, etc. Some of these eugenicists want genetic engineering in order to divide mankind. The poisons of GM food, mercury, sodium flouride, MSG, etc. are poisoning human beings. Some of the things like aspartame can harm male fertility. The only reason these items are promoted (despite their dangerous nature) is because some people want to depopulate the world. The elite's plan for the new world order isn't just about global government. It's about genetic engineering, depopulation, and establishing a technocratic society.

Big Brother is ever apart of Britian. The Belfast Telegraph on December 31, 2008 reported on such a story relating to this topic. Some in the UK want a proposed communications database containing details of everybody's telephones calls, emails, and internet usage. It could be run by a private firm. This option is to tender out the management of the controversial database that will be included in a consultation paper to be published next month, according to the Guardian. The facility is designed to assist the police and the Security Service by ensuring that they have access to vital communications data which may not be saved by telephone or internet porviders. Civil Liberty campaigners are of course oppose such a database. Sir Ken McDonald disputes the notion that additional legal assurances would ensure that the information will not be misused. He told the paper: “All history tells us that reassurances like these are worthless in the long run. In the first security crisis the locks would loosen.” The critics of this database believe it will cost up to £12 billion. They feel that this program isn't meant to feature the content of communications, but only present details of internet sites visited (including what emails and telephone calls have been made to whom plus at what times). Right now, the information from sources must be requested from communication companies, but it is not always readily avaliable. A Home Office spokesman said: “The communications revolution has been rapid in this country and the way in which we collect communications data needs to change so that law enforcement agencies can maintain their ability to tackle serious crime and terrorism..." The Home Office spokesman said that there are no database containing the content of emails, texts, or conversations. The UK has many databases. There are laws in the UK that restrict citizens' right worse than the USA Patriot Act. For example, in the UK, you can be arrested without being charged at all (and without due process) and jailed for days on end. Now, the good news is that folks are waking about the civil liberty problems in the West. Some people are letting this tradegy to be known in the Internet, speeches, books, protests, and other forms of activism.

The Israeli bombings in Gaza keep on occuring. Hamas is still attacking Israel as well. Israel killed a top Hamas leader. Some speculate that Israel is doing this before Obama is inaugurated, because some in Isreal think Barack Obama is a moderate on Middle Eastern policy. Now, JINSA released a press release making that claim that Iran is facilitating Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel. That of course is false. JINSA stands for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. The JINSA is interrealated with the neo-cons. Hamas has Kassam rockets. Some say that these rockets don't do as much damage as other devices have. Yet, there is still no justification for Hamas to randomnly send rockets at all into Israel. There is conversely no justification for Israel to have excessive force against those living in Gaza as well. William O. Beeman argued that Hamas is sealed of by Israel and Egypt, therefore it would be hard for Hamas to have a serious connection with Iran. People in Gaza numbering about 1.5 million people have been locked inside of their borders, and thousands of them have been seriously wounded. JINSA promote the continuation of the Likudnik and neocon perspective of agitating conflicts in order to have an attack against Iran. That is why JINSA's board of advisers includes neo cons like Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Douglas Feith, and CFR member Dick Cheney. These are the same folks that brought us the Iraqi invasion. JINSA operatives are ensconced in the Pentagon, the Naval Academy, the Military Academy at West Point, and the Air Force Academy. JINSA advisers May, Paul Cerjan, and Carlisle Trost have also worked for Lockheed Martin, which has sold F-16s, flight simulators, and rocket systems to Israel. This group is in the military industrial complex. The leadership of Israel is just as much controlled as the leadership of other Middle Eastern nations. The leaders of Israel (some respect the Kabbala, which comes from the Babylonian Mystery Religion) are heavily controlled by the Papacy since Shimon Peres was trained by the Jesuits. The Vatican Accord is related to the Oslo Accords of 1993. . The deal is that there should be a fair approach to Middle Eastern affairs for the Palestinians and those living in the nation of Israel. The neo conservatives have been exposed on plenty of times as extremists. They are are tryants. They are the CFR-inspired puppets that allowed Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib to take place.

Assisted Suicide is unfortunately legal in Washington State. This doesn't mean that folks are refusing to fight back. Steven Ertelt from on January 1, 2009 reported on how a Washington Group is building assisted suicide free zones with doctors plus hospitals. These groups tried to defeat the November ballot proposal that approved of assisted suicide. The Caolition Against Assisted Suicide is working with hospitals and doctors to estabish assisted suicide free zones. Katie Martin of CAAS spoke to She said that she is hearing from Washington citizens who want to patronize doctors and medical centers committed to refusing to be involved in assisted suicides. "We have received calls from across the state from Washington residents concerned about their hospitals, care facilities or doctors participating in assisted suicide," she said. "Obviously, the more encouragement they receive to refuse to participate in assisted suicide, the better chance terminally ill and sick patients have of receiving truly good medical care and not lethal drug overdoses at the hands of their doctors," she said. Martin made the point that senior citizens, people with disabilities, and caregivers have contacted them to ask how to make sure faciliities in their communities remain safe harbors (or assisted sucide free zones). The CAAS also created a series of template letters that can be sent to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, pharmacies, doctors and clinics to encourage them to refuse to participate in assisted suicide. Martin wants officials and physicians to not engage in the grisly practice of killing patients. This can create a better chance of terminally ill and sick patients of having great medicial care without the lethal drug overdoses at the hands of their doctors. CAAS can send anyone interested the sample letters to use or form as a basis of an original letter to your doctor or medical center. Oregon was the first state to legalize assisted sucide and then Washington State (with the approval of the evil law of I-1000). Montana may become third which depends on a lawsuit that the state judge has used to legalize assisted suicide there. Assisted suicide is wicked and it is definitely murder indeed.

Eugenics and population control is ever real. Paul and Philip D. Collins wrote about Barack Obama supporting the resurrection of America funding the UNFPA policy. Barack Obama talks about change. All of his changes might not be the right change we need though. The Collins brothers accuse Obama of wanting a revival of eugenical regimentation. Further evidence points to that accusation as being the truth. In a 2007 questionnaire prepared by RH Reality Check, a pro-abortion organization have the Obama campaign admitting that they want to support the UNFPA policy when that policy forces taxpayers to fund abortion overseas (especially in China with its forced abortion procedures). Of course NY House Representative Caroline Maloney loves this policy. Even the Bush administration (with its crimes and bad policies) was right to restrict funding of UNFPA. The PRI or the Population Research Institute recorded how the UNFPA was involved in funding forced abortions in China (They relied on interviews from over 2 dozen victims plus witnesses in their 2001 investigation). Even the liberal Colin Powell (when he was Bush's Secretary of State at the time) supported the US revoking of the UNFPA funding. The UNPA have participated in nefarious sterilizations programs in Albania not just China as well. Joseph Meaney, who is a representative of Human Life International, found that the UNFPA send kits with the dangerous morning after pills, and other abortion devices to people. Doctor Enzo Ferrara, a physician employed at a hospital in Scutari, Albania during the UNFPA’s eugenical crusade, said that Albanians experienced a secret sterilization campaign. This isn't odd since the United Nations have promoted eugenics since its founding. Hopefully, Barack Obama will never assist the UNFPA in any manner. Assisting them will continue the eugenic, racist practice of population control in the world over.

Paul Proctor made the truthfully point that Rick Warren and Barack Obama are walking hand in hand. AFA's news editor Ed Vitagliano was wrong to criticize Joseph Farah form WND for criticizing the errors of Rick Warren. Warren knows what Barack Obama represents and it's really not shocking for him to align with him like this. It's apparent that the Purpose Driven Pastor is the perfect match for the Obama administration. Even Warren told a group of Muslims in California that: "You don't have to see eye to eye to walk hand in hand." In other words, CFR member Rick Warren promotes Ecumencials. I will not walk hand in hand with an unbeliever at all. I respect religious liberty and religious freedom. On the other hand, these freedoms gives me the right to disagree with other religions though. Warren's words contradict the Bible. False tolerance is a type of tolerance that agrees with going with the crowd, while compromising your core convictions. Rick Warren for years have followed that path with him in his book not wanting to say Amen, comparing conservative Christians to jihadists, and agreeing to align with the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. The Bible is rather clear in saying that: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” – Ephesians 5:11 . It will be interesting to see what Warren will say and what Barack Obama's response will be in this controversy.

Global Warming hysteria has been utterly refuted. Vaclav Klaus is one leader from the Czech Republic that has strongly disagreed with global warming that is man made. He doesn't dispute climate change as the Earth's climate has been changing for eons. Although, the warming in the Earth has been within a natural fluctuation over that period. This doesn't mean that an imminent climate catastrophe will occur on the Earth that is man-made. Decades ago, these same eco-extremists falslely predicted that the Earth will experienced an Ice Age that will ruin the world. This hasn't occur. Now, they say that the Earth will warm up too far and become destroyed. This hasn't occur either in the past 20 years. In recent years, biased propaganda has come up to promote the restriction of private property and spending trillions of dollars for the battle against global warming (when we have a global financial crisis) in order to save the world. With these proposals of Kyoto and other such proposals, our prosperity is threatened. Notice also that these eco-extremists don't talk about the real environmental issues of GM foods, rainforest depletion, toxic waste in our oceans, bees disappearing, endangered animal species, sodium flouride, aspartame, and the list goes on and on. The good news is that now in 2009, the paranoia is being exposed. Hundreds of scientists (even those who once supported the IPCC report) have denounced and rejected the IPCC report's view on climate change. Folks are realizing that climate change is dynamic and the Earth is cooling slighty. This is evidence of that because there are record winters worldwide and the sunspots disappearing from the sun. Clarity and real science ought to be promoted without spin or obfuscation.

Secret Societies are ever real. Now, the skeptics and bigots are trying to intimidate me and others for just mentioning the words of (and exposing) the Pilgrim Society, high level Freemasonry, the Constantinian Order, the Knights of Malta (which is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit network), and other such groups. The reason they are doing this is because these organizations are the real top of the pyramid. These groups are rarely talked about in the "alternative media." This isn't suprising, because GCN will never outline the following information at all. That is why the Outlaw forum banned Craig and Troy from simply posting messages there like cowards. Profanity users like Ongir is ever present in that forum to promote hatred of Jewish people collectively. They are the people that head the Labor Zionists, the CFR, the Trilaterial Commission, and even the Bilderberg Group (although, the Bilderbergers are still powerful from their origin in the early 1950's). My motto has always been to expose to all evils in the world. Other bigots on the other hand just try to expose one group then distort history in order to justify their deception. Today in 2009, people like me are refuting these people. The truth is coming out no matter what. No man will intimidate me at all. That is why the Archbishop of Cantebury is a Papal Knight of Francis I. Jacob Rothschild is the Knight of the Queen's Order of the British Empire and the Order of merit. The Queen defers to the Pope, so the Rothschilds are directly related to European Knighthoods (this Knighthoods are allies of the Papal Knights of Malta. Even Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush received the Knight of Malta award of the Order of Merit). Pat Buchannan is a famous Knight of Malta that work with someone that was apart of the CIA's Operation Mockingbird Program (this program was about the CIA controlling the US media). The Pope defers to the Jesuit Superior General. Even King Abdullah of Jordan was Jesuit trained from Georgetown University. So, these attacks against Vatican/Jesuit exposers will never work at all. I'm more convinced than ever about my views on who really rules the world.

By Timothy


  1. Anonymous04:14

    "my views on who really rules the world"

    That is a big problem. You've already come to the conclusion that someone indeed "rules the world," so your final conclusion will always be monolithic and absolute. There is no room for a nuanced reading of history. This is why serious researchers get as annoyed with the Jesuits/Vatican rule us all, as they do with the Jews/Zionists rules us all - it's the same animal, in different fur.

    Knowing that you are indeed a fan of the Collins brothers, surely you realize they are in agreement with me on this issue of undue attribution to single body of omnipotent conspirators. I'm all for investigating the Vatican, the Jesuits, the orders of Nobility, etc. - but I know the difference between supposition/assertion and fact.

    This article of yours was fine up until the last paragraph. If you hadn't even written that last paragraph, tell me, in your mind, would the whole have been compromised? I think you know the answer; it is no. In fact, it would have been fortified and more believable, because you didn't resort to rhetoric for rhetoric's sake. (Which is all it comes down to anyway - rhetoric.)

    It is my experience that "conspiracy theorists" go in two directions (and only two): 1) they can grow up some more, hon their craft, and become experts - earning respect for being meticulous and reliable in every respect - to the point that there is no other word but to call them bona fide historians; 2) they so caught up in their chosen group to hate that their material is useless, and in most cases just devolve into bigots.

  2. I will respond in an elaborate way soon enough.

  3. It is not always inaccurate to deduce a monolithic conclusion. Everything in the Universe isn't composed of an absolute, but absolutes do exist. Also, I do respect a nuanced view of reading history, yet there are a fundamental aspects of history that are unchanging. Not to mention that just because I believe that the Vatican/Jesuit network is the most powerful geo political/religious network in the world today doesn't mean I disregard any other aspects of control. Even in a group of leaders, a centralized aspect of control exists. Either we can deduce the controllers of most geo-political actions or we can't. It can't be both. I do understand that when forms of control spanned among thousands of years, there was always a group of leadership.

    I'm accurate about attributing certain evil to a body of conspirators (who then on many occasions utilize other third parties to carry these actions out). Never did I outline these conspirators as omnipotent. ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! Only God is omnipotent. I do prescribe accurate information on this subject as I try my best to not type inaccurate information at all. You have every right to disagree with the last paragraph. I feel that it was mostly accurate.

    Pat Buchannan being a Knight of Malta and many Rothschilds (who were called the Guardians of the Vatican Treasury) being knighted by the Queen is true. There is no debate about those conclusions at all. I believe conspiracy researchers go into more directions than what you prescribe. Me dissenting with the false Romanist religion has nothing to do with inherent bigotry. It has to do with the Scriptures, logic, and common sense. No word in the Bible outlines a Pope, calling a Pope Holy Father, calling a wafer as God, and calling Mary as the Queen of Heaven. You can't offer a refutation of those truths at all.

    Now, this is my response to you. Conspiracy researchers can go out and contribute to the world, build up communities, live their lives with joy, fight against evil, and outline a wide spectrum of directions. This discussion has been stimulating for my mind. Thank you for the comments.

    By Timothy

  4. Anonymous11:26

    Preaching to the choir ain't going to cut it no more.

    Why is it that the so-called Vatican link is always the most tenuous? You can describe the elite eugenical behemoth in detail, and who is at the top with the money and the funding and the founding of the population reduction programs; and the perpetuation of social darwinism; and the thinkers behind the dumbing down schools; and who owns the oil; and who lends the money. It's done. The picture is complete. Yet you want to introduce a canard into the soup. An amorphous ether in which A does not begat B and is therefore not in control of any consequence to C.

    "Pat Buchannan being a Knight of Malta"

    So what? Big bad Buchanan. What is he the master string-puller of the earth? Should I be scared that he is from the American branch of Knights of Malta. There's Knights of Columbus and Masons in my town (and Shriners rear their head once in while too); what is the significance of that, besides a statement of the obvious?

    "Rothschilds ... being knighted by the Queen is true"

    I should hope so. They probably made her plenty of money throughout the years. Again, big deal. Surely you are not merely insinuating that because the Queen, in your opinion, is evil, and "being knighted" is doubly wicked, and because you believe the Queen is controlled by the mind-control ray gun in the pocket of the Black Pope that ... (oh, forget it)

    I'm not getting on your case specifically, I am speaking about the apparatus of the Jesuit-paranoiacs whose definition of "research" is to endlessly list off names upon names, with statistics that are utterly meaningless because they neglect to connect the dots in a coherent and digestible fashion. You, at least, write. The rest of them compile and throw it against the wall hoping that something makes sense gibberish because that hasn't been properly analyzed.

  5. Preaching to the compromisers is a lot worse than preaching to the choir. Also, I've shown my information to many outlets not just the choir.

    The Vatican link is not tenous. You can find sources spanning centuries linking the Vatican to the Inquisition, WWI, WWII, the Ecumencial Movement, the illegal immigration movement in America, etc. These facts are ever present in newspapers, the Internet, books, videos, etc. Also, for years I've described the elite programs, eugenics, etc. in great detail. Sometimes details can be displayed in varying degrees of length.

    I don't create create a canard on this issue. Pat Buchannan being a SMOM is the truth. You have a right to describe this fact as anyway you please. Also, he is involved in the media, he has funded many false conservative movements (as found in the Heritage Foundation, JBS, etc.), etc. I wouldn't be scare of any of these people. We fear God alone, but we should name names in describing people. These names ought to be possess the proper context in fully explaining historical ties though. Specifically, the Knights of Malta work for the Vatican in expanding the power of Papacy worldwide. The significance of the SMOM is that they are key players in the new world order and in the corporate world (as many corporate elitists are Knight of Malta members from Geoffrey Biosi to Alexander Haig).

    Also, the Rothschilds have a history of funding various movements and banking infrastructures in Europe for centuries. I have a First Amendment right to expose these connections and more. The rest of your words are very interesting.

    Never did say that the Queen is mind controled by a ray gun from the black Pope. That's erreneous. What I do mention that the Queen is under in power to the Papacy and that her relatives are key Papal followers. The Queen had met with the Pope on many occasions. The Queen is the honorary leader of many Knighthoods and these Knighthood members are in high positions of power promoting globalization. Troy outlined excellent evidence about this and more.

    I do agree with you that randomnly showing names without placing context is a farce. As in the past and in the future, I will continue to put context into the names I expose.

    By Timothy

  6. "Troy outlined excellent evidence about this and more."

    Troy is a lister and a copy-and-paster. He lacks the skill of analysis; though he could be a good writer if he wrote instead of data-dumped. But a lot of his info (Re: the Clermont conflation) is wrong and outdated by a hundred years or more.

    "I have a First Amendment right to expose these connections and more"

    This is about the third or fourth time that you said this to me. What do you think I'm deaf, dumb and blind? That I don't understand you have a right to say whatever it is you like? Respect my right as well. I have a right to comment on whatever I please; whether it gets posted, is another story - it is your home. I also have a right to critic and question and poke and prod and I'll even interrogate if all else fails. I'm pretty good at it too.

    I like your answer re Knights of Malta. It's the Jesuit bogey that is lacking in precision. They haven't been in any measurable control of "Geopolitics" since the 18th Century. That they still influence minds - sure. That they in some way still fulfill the role of court confessor - perhaps. That they control the drug trade, the intelligence networks, the oil business, international banking, Freemasonry and all secret societies of any significance (the assertions of Jesuit-paranoiacs) - a big fat ROFLMAOAAPMP!

  7. Here's examples of the Knights of Malta having influence in the Intelligence community and the corporate world:

    Source #1

    Source #2

    Source # 3

    Source #4

    Source #5

    To deny this evidence is either ignorance or denial. The Knights of Malta don't control every corporate organization worldwide. On the other hand, they control many of them. The Knights of Malta have a key role in the CIA as some of them were its Directors. Troy is a good writer with many lists. I believe he uses the list to simplify his words, so more people can understand certain powers. Now, I don't mind that at all. Never did I say that you have no right to critique as I allow people to say what they want.

    By Timothy

  8. The Jesuits in the 21st century controlling dozens of Universities worldwide, training world leaders, and promoting the doctrines of control are strong examples geo political influence beyond the 18th century indeed.

  9. Anonymous22:39

    Geopolitical is a lot more involved than just education or "controlling" a few universities.

    "To deny this evidence"

    I don't deny the evidence; I deny the leap of logic from powerful organization to all-controlling entity at the top. I resent the constant exaggeration that the Jesuit-paranoiacs engage in.

    "Never did I say that you have no right to critique"

    Then why was it 3 or 4 times that you stressed to me your right to free speech, if not to insinuate that you are peeved that I would even have the nerve to question?
