
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Troy on Masonry, etc.



Dear friends

Do you know any Alex Jones supporters or Vatican gatekeepers? Please ask them to read this message that I posted to a friend that contains all the information & links that they will need to reconsider their position.

What is a Vatican gatekeeper? Those who refute the full extent of the Rome’s hand in the creation & implementation of the “New World Order” that her agents have publicly called for. Some of the better known frontmen - Vatican agents that is - who have called on this phrase include Bush 41 & Bush 43, Henry Kissinger, Gordon Brown & even Hugo Chavez. That Venezuelan “champion of the people”, for those who don’t get it, is a feather on the left wing of the Vatican beast to the right wing represented by the “neo-cons” among others. Like all of these guys he is an actor in a false-dichotomy play. Kissinger has to fake things a bit less as he is, relatively speaking, more of a “behind the scenes” manipulator.

Terms like “neocons” are, by the way, part of a lexicon of meaningless “newspeak” to cover a fiction that is itself part of the false-choice political distractions). The lists below & their many fascinating details provide you - the researcher - with all the you need to educate yourself on who the Pope’s Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s American power players are & thus the ability to challenge these false “truth” champions.

American researchers should note that on the other side of the Atlantic (this side!), the original European royalty & aristocracy-filled Rome-based wing is just as powerful, not to mention the also very powerful London-based British branch. Along with the Constantinian Order, who’s hand can be seen to be involved in the orchestration of the phony “war on terror” (devised by the Jesuit Superior-General in Rome & executed by his servants in the U.S.), the SMOM are one of only two religious-military orders answering to the Pope (he in turn answering to the Jesuit Superior-General, colloquially known as “the Black Pope”.

See or go straight to for confirmation of the aims of Papal chivalric orders, with several high-level Knights of Malta also being Constantinian Knights & listed at the official website with their SMOM rank. It is also important to note that via SMOM Joseph E. Schmitz (& no doubt others), Prince Group chief operating officer & general counsel, Rome has its own private mercenary army in Blackwater, which is reported to have more troops than the U.S. government in Iraq, aiding the slaughter of mainly Shia Muslims who have a declared “infallible” spiritual leadership (descended genealogically from Muhammed) & that is one thing that Rome will never tolerate: true competition to its own false claims of the Papal “infallibility”.

You will not hear the details of Rome’s manipulation & of the unparalleled influence of the Jesuit/Vatican/Knights of Malta nexus from either the (controlled) mainstream media (obviously) or the (equally intelligence-controlled) so-called “alternative media” big names such as Alex Jones.

For a list of useful sources to find out about the true nature of the covert global power structure go to: .

In truth & awareness -




Let me start by making one thing clear:

“Truth movement” figurehead Alex Jones is a controlled gatekeeper who is part of a structure that informs & to a large degree creates the worldview of many, if not most, of those interested in finding out about the New World Order & who is behind it.

In this he is no different to 9/11 conspiracy-denier Noam Chomsky. He just working in a different political arena, spouts different views & is less intelligent. Ultimately these differences are superficial & irrelevant. Both men are diversionaries & this is what interests us here.

Jones has a - thankfully - fairly unique manic presentation, bordering on the deranged. This useful persona is useful for discrediting those interested in researching the power players who are either “in the shadows” or at least their connections with each other are. While some point out that Jones does mention the Jeuits & the Vatican it must be noted that this has consistently been no kore than minimal passing references.

Partial - & therefore false - “truth”-exposer Jones (or, more precisely, his handlers) has been forced into a position where he has to start occassionally mentioning Rome, due to the exposure of Jones’ Jesuit & Knights of Malta connections by Vatican-exposers such as Eric Phelps, Craig Oxley, Doug Willinger, Thomas Richards, myself & others. Which just goes to show what a bit of persistence can achieve when the facts are on one’s side.

If there are “crazy sounding” Rome-exposers calling into Jones, as has been suggested, then I would comment that these are highly likely to be false callers & that this would be a superbly effective technique for Jones to use to undermine the credibility of those genuinely dedicating much of their time to expose the true spiritual controllers of the New World Order.

If people do not understand who is ultimately running the whole global show then they will be lost in a sea of disinformation that will lead to to a second Holocaust & worse.

I’m clearly not supporting “it’s the Zionists all the way” activist “Pro Think”, but Jones’ mad dog attack on him on air showed Jones’ true colours - such behaviour with Jones going ballsistic & swaering repeatedly on air was unpardonable for a figurehead of the so-called “Truth” movement, let alone any radio host - & all this going on while that eunuch Alan Watt meekly went along with Jones’ behaviour. It was apalling!

Below I will post you a very extensive list of the SMOM Knights of Malta & demonstrates clearly the one organisation that could have facilitated 9/11 under orders by the Jesuit Superior-General via the Pope. The other orders that they belong to are listed as well. There is an additional series of list of SMOM movers & shakers below that from fellow researchers.

I am amazed (not really there’s many wilfully blind &/or intelligence plants out there) at the lengths some people go to to make excuses for Jones. If Jones is scared to name names then he shouldn’t be doing the job that he is doing. Jones claims to be a Christian, while he isn’t obliged to be a member of any Christian association, it is notable that the only so-called Christian organisations that he has been known to associate with or promote is the Mormon-controlled Remnant Saints & his sisters’ Catholic University!

Here is a link to a brilliant expose of Jones:

If Jones is scared to name names then he’s in not in the business that he claims to be in. However bearing in mind that he is submissive to Jesuit-trained President of the false-patriot internal intelligence-gathering John Birch Society & is a mutual supporter of Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan (who also supports J.B.S.-promoting high-level Freemason Ron Paul.

See my many links here:

That is all the proof that anyone needs. If they reject that then they are blind-faith Romanists, intelligence operatives, or insistent on maintaining an obstinate position regardless of the pile of evidence before their eyes.

Let me also clarify: The racial Jews that the everyone focuses on are Vatican uses are not religiously Jewish. They are Sabbataians (also spelled Sabbateans). Shabtai Tzvi (Sabbatai Zevi) was the claimed Jewish messiah (& a false one as if I need to make clear) that half of the Jews in the world converted to after his “John the Baptist” forerunner, Nathan of Gaza announced him to the world on the highly symbolically evocative June 18 1666 (June = the 6th month, 18 = 6+6+6, 1666 = 1 with 666). The only intelligence network with the facility to propagate this grand deception was the Vatican, who had been using its many Jewish turncoat agents for centuries.

When Tzvi was arrested by Muslims he converted to Islam, the Jewish world went into shock & most renounced him. A hardcore interpreted this as a sign that by adopting the guise of other religions they could spread Sabbataianism. Shabtai Tzvi’s spiritual successor Jacob Frank & inner circle were completely brought under Vatican control & the Frankist Sabbataians as they are referred to founded Zionism to create Israel for the Pope to eventually rule a Global Government from Temple Mount on a rebuilt Solomon’s Temple.

Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres who deeded Temple Mount to the Vatican in 1993 at the end of the Oslo Accord, under what has been referred to as the Vatican Accord, is a Sabbatain “Jew”. The Sabbataians created Labor Zionism, which was the only form allowed by Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler (who’s Jesuit advisor Bernard Staempfle wrote “Mein Kampf” for Hitler) from 1933. These are the ones who set up Israel. Even when the Israeli Labor Party is not in power, the Sabbataians have dominant control of Israel via the media, academia, etc.

The Rothschilds & others are Knights of Malta doing the Pope’s bidding. Any serious research into top financial organisations such as the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland (the hub for all central banks including the Fed) will show you that its not all or even mostly Jews. The richest institution in the world is the Vatican & he who pays the piper calls the tune.

So let us find out a little bit more on who some of these Knights of Malta are, especially in their American branch:



  1. Anonymous00:28

    Interesting I'll give you that. It's obvious that the truth/patriot movement is big business but it will be even more interesting to see the real underground media (you & others) start to really challenge folks when it comes to waking up.

  2. People like us have been challenging people to wake up for years. We just don't believe in using fear mongering tactics or hiperbole in executing our points. Thanks for your words.

    By Timothy
