
Tuesday, February 03, 2009



  1. Lets see...

    You are using Comfort as a source? The man who used bananas as proof of Gods existence? Who thought the lack of a crocoduck was a serious argument? "Breaks down into uncontrolled laughter".

    Must. Avoid. Ad-hominums... eh, to be fair, he isn't a total sociopath like Vox Day. Lets see the arguments.

    "Comfort told WND he believes the rise of an aggressive "evangelistic" atheistic movement is a "symptom of moral decline.""

    Except that US crime rates have been going down since the 90s.

    ""The darker a nation gets, the more it hates the light," he said. "The more a nation throws itself into sin, the more it's going to hate righteousness." "

    Nations aren't people. They don't get darker as a whole- only a larger percentage gets worse. There will always be people receptive to alternative messages, providing free expression is allowed.

    "You cannot have a creation without a creator. You cannot have things made without a maker. So all it takes is a little bit of common sense on the part of thinking people to realize atheism is a farce. It's intellectual suicide. It makes no sense whatsoever.""

    Argument from design.

    "But he meets many angry "teeth-gritted" atheists, he said, "whose agenda isn't to push atheism but to take from you and I the freedom that we have in this country to worship God.""

    This leads to the funny part:

    ""They want to get prayer out of the inauguration, they want to get 'In God we trust' off our money, they want to stop Gideons from getting Bibles out in schools," said Comfort."

    Yeah, the evils of secularism. Embraced by evil other first world nation, most second world and a good number of third world. Nations like France, Turkey, MEXICO and the like. Those are the aggressive secularists- more gentle versions tend to exist in others.

    "These "zealots," he said, "want to stamp God out of schools and out of American society because of the moral accountability that they're held to""

    Unless they could somehow have a non-theistic morality system...


    offer more real arguments refuting atheism than what you are showing.

  3. You seem to omit that you can't cite a single piece of evidence to disprove God's existence. Many secularists in the UK have arrested people for just peacefully expressing their First Amendment rights. This has occured in other European nations as well like in Sweden. I don't believe in racism,

    By Timothy
