
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

BBC Journo: Enviros Need to Embrace Eugenics (These eco-extremists are hypocrites)


  1. Hey Tim,

    Why do you say "These eco-extremists are hypocrites"?

    Can you be a bit more specific about how you think they are hypocrites, please.



  2. I can think of one 'how'.

    I mean I support their endeavour, I just think that if they really felt strongly abuot the issue, and impartially so; they would provide information about those who have been 'screaming in the Wilderness' or attempting to educate on these issues.

    Why haven't they said one word about the SAP 572/02 courtcase from 2002, that's over 7 years it's been going on attempting to educate particularly the third worlds women (should the BBC, have given a flying fuck about the third worlds women, since 2002), about population issues.

    So, I agree they are hypocrites, I just wondered why you thought they are hypocrites?


  3. Oh, my example of them being hypocrites is that these eco-extremists are the ones who claim to be tolerant in an extreme form of political correctness, yet now they advocate the intolerant action of eugenics for society.

    By Timothy

  4. I don't understand clearly what you mean by:

    the ones who claim to be tolerant in an extreme form of political correctness, yet now they advocate the intolerant action of eugenics for society.

    How can anyone who supports extreme forms of political correctness, claim they are tolerant?

    Wouldn't supporting extreme forms of political correctness indicate untolerance for unpolitical correctness?


  5. That's the essence of hypocrispy. That is holding on to 2 contrary concepts simulteaneously, while acting act your sane in your belief system.

  6. That's the essence of hypocrispy.

    What is the essence of hypocrisy?

    That is holding on to 2 contrary concepts simulteaneously, while acting act your sane in your belief system.

    Not sure what sanity has to do with it; but what to contrary concepts are you referrign to that are being held to simultaneously?
