
Friday, February 20, 2009

Change and a Mirage




Scanners are becoming very potent indeed in America. Thomas Frank from USA Today on February 18, 2009 outlined about how body scanners are replacing metal detectors in a tryout at a Tulsa airport. The Transportation Security Administration talked about this story on Tuesday. This experimental program began at the Tulsa International Airport. They will test whether the $170,000 body scanners could replace $10,000 metal detectors that have screened airline passengers since 1973. Airports in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Miami, and Salt Lake City will join the test in the next two months, TSA spokesman Christopher White said. These scanners aim to close a loophole by finding non-metallic weapons such as plastic and liquid explosives, which the TSA call a major threat. Many privacy concerns are developing up. Some people say that these scanners can even reveal outline pictures of people's personal body parts. “We’re getting closer and closer to a required strip-search to board an airplane,” said Barry Steinhardt of the American Civil Liberties Union. Privacy advocate Melissa Ngo fears that passengers won’t understand that the scanners take vivid images that screeners view. Passengers at the test airports will be instructed to go through the new scanners. Anyone who doesn't want to go through will be allowed to refuse and instead go through a metal detector and receive a pat-down, White said. The scanners aim to address problems exposed by government probes in which covert agents got liquid explosives and detonators through airport checkpoints. A 2005 Homeland Security report urged better checkpoint technology. Proponents of the scanners feel that it uses no radiation. Yet, you still must address privacy concerns, because our liberty is much more important than tyrannical policies. Many scanners show the whole body of passengers now. The Big Brother state is increasing rapidly in this decade alone. So, we have to be careful in our everyday lives.

Some believe that Obama's stimulus law will cause lower wages for American workers. This was mentioned by the Congressional Budget Office or the CBO. A CBO anaylsis (from February 11) was sent to Senator Judd Gregg (who is a Republican from New Hamsphire). The report says that the $787 billion plan will increase employment in the short term, but will run up deficit spending that will crowd out private investment in the economy (in the long term). The analysis concludes that the stimulus will put downward pressure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and wages after 2014. (The Gross Domestic Product is the total value of all goods and services produced in the United States in one year). Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who is the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, said the CBO analysis underestimates the long-term economic consequences. “Number one, the spending spends out very slowly, so it doesn’t give you much of a pop,” Ryan told “Number two, it costs much more than advertised. Number three, at the end of the day, it would have been better to do nothing for the economy given that it [the stimulus package] will reduce GDP growth and wages.” In its analysis, the CBO predicts that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will increase GDP through 2014. However, in the following years, “the legislation is estimated to reduce GDP by between 0 and 0.2 percent.” That decrease will not come from lack of employment, which the CBO predicts will increase by between 800,000 and 2.3 million jobs in the fourth quarter of 2009 and up to 3.6 million by the fourth quarter of 2010. The CBO believes that lower GDP might be caused by lower wages not lower employment. The stimulus will cost Americans over 1 trillion dollars and will have high interest rates. Now, there are secret things in the bill like the government centralizing medical records and funding foreign banks that is just as bad as other parts in this new law. We need to do something to help our economy, but it must be consisted of the right policies.

Terrorism is a point of controversy spanning eons. John Ashcroft said that Barack Obama's and George W. Bush's detainee policies are exactly the same. Ashcroft was the infamous former Attorney General of America during the Bush years. He said these words in an interview with the New Yorker's Jane Mayer. He said that the only difference bettween both Presidents Bush and Obama is their names. John Ashcroft had no apologies for his policies under the Bush administration. John Ashcroft was famous for wanting to introduce camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be "enemy combatants." This sick goal made headlines back in 2002 when John Ashcroft blatantly called for the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens with the authority to strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts system. Barack Obama's executive order secured the practice of secretly capturing, transporting, and imprisoning so called "enemy combatants." Some have criticized Obama's ban of torture and getting rid of Gauntanamo Bay as being half hearted. The reason is that there are chocked full of loopholes and hidden clauses designed to allow such practices and premises to be continued. Days ago, the New York Times even ran a detailed piece on how Obama’s war on terror resembles Bush’s war on terror a little too closely for comfort. The New York Times reported that the similarities include how Obama supports the CIA rendition program. The Barack Obama administration followed the Bush plan of refusing to accept a lawsuit made by former CIA detainees under the guise of the "state secrets" doctrine, the continuing of military commission trials, and the non-repeal of threatening to cease all intelligence ties with Britain if it revealed that a British suspect held at Guantanamo Bay had been tortured into confessing to being part of a dirty bomb plot. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Maria Vitale, who is a Editorial Columnist from February 18, 2009 wrote about apologetics in the Pro Life Movement. An 86 year old woman called Maria recently about a quesiton. The woman studied a pro-life fact sheet and she's changed from being pro-choice into being pro-life. This elederly woman even written a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to change his position as well. She asked Vitale what happens when the girls goes into the clinic. Maria explained that women talked about undergoing abortions and undercover investigations have exposed evil done by Planned Parenthood. One of people doing this undercover investigations was an UCLA student named Lila Rose. She wasn't satisfield. She wanted to know exactly what happens during an abortion—in other words, how an abortion is performed. She was embarrassed to say that, despite being a mother, a grandmother, and a great-grandmother, she still really didn’t know what abortion is all about. She wanted details about what constitutes an abortion. This is ironic since newspapers and the mainstream media rarely define how sick a procedure abortion is. Some abortions involves sucking a baby's brains out or using sharp objects to ruin a baby's body. These acts constitute parts of partial birth abortion. Even most Americans by polls support a ban on partial birth abortion. The elderly woman being pro-life is a clear case that anyone can wake up and be pro-life. Being silent doesn't solve nothing. Being honest in a non-confrontational way to express our views about abortion can wake up people. Some pro-choice people never heard of the information we have about abortion. Human life is God-given, unique, and beautiful. All of us are miracles. Now, to kill innocent unborn life is definitely wrong, because an innocent human being merits nothing for death at all. Abortion is always murder. I will forever be Pro-Life.

Tax problems are common among numerous politicans now. Tax problems could be on the horizon for White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He reportedly has lived in a rent free place in Washington, D.C. for 5 years, but hasn't paid taxes on the imputed income (according to certain reports). He's the latest in the growing list of President Barack Obama's nominees to have been involved in tax issues. Some nominees have removed their names from confirmation, because of various economic scandals. According to the New York Post, the nondisclosure of free rent in a home owned by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., apparently isn't all that's being questioned about Emanuel's arrangements. Another issue is "the work Emanuel tossed the way of DeLauro's husband, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg." The Post said that while Emanuel was living in the rent-free arrangement, he served as the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Greenberg was paid $239,000 in 2006 and $317,000 in 2008 via several polling contracts. Yet, the Post suggested that over five years, the rent could have been worth more than $100,000. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was confirmed despite not paying taxes on time. Health and Human Services nominee Tom Daschle withdrew his name over unpaid taxes and proposed Chief Performance officer Nancy Killifer withdrew over similar problems. Geithner paid about $35,000 past due after being nominated to the post. In Killifer's case, she reportedly failed to pay required employment taxes on her
household employee. Franken previously left unpaid workers' compensation and disability premiums in New York. So, both major parties have people with economic problems in them.

The 2 Border Patrol agents are out of jail now. It's a great time that their freedom is given back to them after an excessive display of injustice by the federal government. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are released from federal prison days ago. They are meeting their families in El Paso, Texas. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas called their incareration as a political prosecution. U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton under the direction of Bush administration Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lead the charge in getting both men into jail. Poe called for an investigation about what role the Mexican government had in the Ramos and Compean prosecution. "In their protest, the Mexican government admitted their involvement in the case without specifying what their involvement was," Poe added. After serving two years in federal prison in solitary confinement for shooting a fleeing Mexican drug smuggler who had brought 750 pounds of marijuana into the U.S., Ramos and Compean are being released into home confinement until March 20, the end of their commuted sentences. Both men can't speak to the press until March 20. They are still under probation for up to 3 years, so Poe wants President Barack Obama to pardon Romos and Compean in the administration's first round of Presidential pardons. Typcially, Ramos and Compean would be suspended for their actions not jailed potentially for over 10 years in prison. Poe also charged Sutton's office of intentionaly misleading the jury at the trial (like refusing to tell that the drug smuggler named Osvaldo Alderete Davila was implicated in a second smuggling incident before the trial began). Hopefully, Ramos and Compean will live a better life than being subjected to an injustice by the American government indeed.

Barack Obama apparently chosen Kansas state Governor Kathleen Sebelius to be his Health Secretary. Is their elite ties among her. Unfortunately, there is. Tom Daschle resigned his position, because he didn't pay his taxes in a sufficient manner. Her supporters claim that she is just a moderate Democrat and has worked with Republicans on various issues according to CNN. She was once considered a potential Vice Presidential candidate, but Jesuit connected/CFR member Joe Biden was picked instead. In June, 2008, Sebelius attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, a fact not reported by the corporate media in her home state. She was included on the Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List. Kathleen Sebelius even meet in a Bilderberg meeting in June 2007 at Istanbul, Turkey. The Bilderbergers are a secret group that whose members want a new world order. So, Sebelius is a puppet of the Bilderbergers. The group was created by Prince Bernard and pro-Jesuit Joseph Rettinger. Barack Obama has supported more government control of our personal health care records. Kathleen Sebelius is very pro-abortion as well. As the health secretary, Sebelius could have an impact in crafting a health care plan that could cover abortions with taxpayer funds or require insurance companies to cover abortions in their plans. Some accuse Kathleen of having a close tie with the late term abortion pracititioner George Tiller. Tiller escaped prosecution for repeatedly violating state abortion laws. Sabellius even vetoed a bill last April that will make stronger state's limits on late term abortions. That followed by a year her veto of a bill requiring explicit medical reasons for a late abortion, which was preceded by vetoing other pro-life legislation in 2006, 2005 and 2003.Sebelius went as far as to coordinate a secret event with Tiller at the governor's mansion that was criticized because her staff failed to officially report the event. She is in fact radically pro-abortion. Her leaving the post could make pro-life Sam Brownback run for governor of Kansas. Increasingly, Obama’s “change” represents not only more of the same, but a larger dose of the same as he has appointed a record number of Trilateralists, CFR members, and Bilderbergers to his administration.

Geronimo's descendent is sueing the Skulls and Bones over the remains of Geronimo. Skulls and Bones is a secret society that is based in New Haven, Connecticut. This society is found in Yale University where CIA Directors, bankers, politicans, and even judges have been a product of. The federal lawsuit was filed in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. This is the 100th anniversary of Geronimo's death. The person leading the charge is named Harlyn Geronimo, who is Geronimo's great-grandson. He and his family believes that Skulls and Bones members took some of the remains in 1918 from the burial plot in Fort Sill, Oklahoma was stolen by people to be sent into the New Haven Skulls and Bones group. The alleged graverobbing is a longstanding legend that gained some validity in recent years with the discovery of a letter from a club member that described the theft. "I believe strongly from my heart that his spirit was never released," Harlyn Geronimo said. Yale says that they are not affiliated with Skulls and Bones, but why is the group in the University. Of course, Yale, Skulls and Bones, and the corporate world have intergrate ties with each other. After years of famously fighting the U.S. and Mexican armies, Geronimo and 35 warriors surrendered to Gen. Nelson A. Miles near the Arizona-New Mexico border in 1886. Geronimo was eventually sent to Fort Sill and died at the Army outpost of pneumonia in 1909. According to lore, members of Skull and Bones — including former President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush — dug up his grave when a group of Army volunteers from Yale were stationed at the fort during World War I, taking his skull and some of his bones. Harlyn is 61 years old now. Their lawsuit also names President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Army Secretary Pete Geren as defendants. The Skulls and Bones was created in 1832 with rituals where you confess your sexual secrets. Now, the ritual occurs in a place called the Tomb. Number 322 is a secret number with many meanings. Only 15 Yale Seniors are asked to join each year. Now, if the Skulls and Bones stole Geronimo's bones, they should return them to his family immediately.

By Timothy

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