
Friday, February 27, 2009

Life Goes on

Some Democrats and some Republicans want to introduce public national service bills. This is a prelude to a draft sceanario where the government forces people to volunteer whether they want to or not. A Democratic Senator from Connecticut (named Chris Dodd, whose relative supported anti-gun laws for decades) introduced 4 bills that want to establish the grounwork for a system of comprehensive national service. Dodd said that this legislation will: "...create the architecture and the structure that will serve as the invitation for everyone to serve.” These Senate bills have been co-sponsored by Thad Cochran (a Republican from Mississippi) and they are companion legislation to bills Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3rd District, introduced on Tuesday in the House. These bills call for increases in federal spending for public service programs. The legislation will target anyone from schoolchildren to the elderly and aim to create new bases of volunteers beyond the usual young adult pool of service program participants according to The Day. Two of the bills, named the Summer of Service Act and the Semester of Service Act, are particularly aimed at middle school and high school students and will offer “credits” in return for participation in community-service programs. These bills want to bribe young people to work in exchange for credits. Some residents and education experts fear that these public service programs may become apart of student graduation requirements. A third bill, named The Encore Service Act, offers cash awards to people aged 55 and over who complete 250 or 500 hours of public service. In return for their service, participants would also receive an education award which could be transferred to their children or grandchildren. The fourth bill is called the Action Act. It's about increasing awards for AmeriCorps volunteers and reestablishing the Corporation's connection with federal agencies. The bill would also grant the Corporation for National Service Cabinet-level status under the Obama administration. Previously, Senator Dodd failed to bring a vote to his bills. Others have called for a national service program in America. Even Barack Obama in July 2008 called for a civilian national security force that is as powerful as the U.S. military. Some criticize these words as being apart of a youth bridage. Also, Rahm Emanuel blatantly wants the forced drafting of the youth to have so-called "national service." In his book, “The Plan: Big Ideas for America," Emanuel wants all Americans from the ages of 18 to 25 to be asked to serve 3 months of basic training, community service, and civil defense preparation. Emanuel is also an enthusiastic supporter of the United States Public Service Academy Act, a lobbying group founded in 2006 in order to promote the foundation of an American public service academy modeled on the military academies - a youth corps whose students would be trained in “civilian internship in the armed forces." That is why Emanuel admitted that he wanted a mandatory domestic draft for young Americans in a 2006 interview with Ben Smith (of the New York Daily News). Obama's website changed the word "required" to "community service" to describe their service programs. Last month, there was the introduction by the Department of Defense of a “civilian expeditionary workforce” that will see American civilians trained and equipped to deploy overseas in support of worldwide military missions. Though this plan is restricted to DoD employees, similar pograms have been made for public sector workers. One is called the "Terrorism Liason Officers" in Colorado (with hundreds of police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and utility workers acting to watch for so-called "suspicious activity" which is fed into a secret government database). Therefore, the threat of a draft in America for volunteer activities haven't died. That threat is still here.

Luke Baker from
Reuters on Wednesday at February 25th, 2009 described information about how a lawyer says that Guantanamo Baby abuses are worse since Barack Obama took office. The lawyer believes that the prison guards are getting "their kicks in" before the camp is closed. This lawyer represents detainees. Abuses began to pick up in December after Obama was elected, human rights lawyer Ahmed Ghappour told Reuters. He cited beatings, the dislocation of limbs, spraying of pepper spray into closed cells, applying pepper spray to toilet paper and over-forcefeeding detainees who are on hunger strike. The Pentagon said that on Monday that it recieved new reports of prisoner abuse during the recent review of conditions at Guantanamo. Yet, they still conclude that all prisoners were being kept in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. “According to my clients, there has been a ramping up in abuse since President Obama was inaugurated,” said Ghappour. Ghappour is a British-American lawyer with Reprieve, a legal charity that represents 31 detainees at Guantanamo. Ghappour said he had spoken to army guards who, unsolicited, had described the pleasure they took in abusing prisoners, whether interrupting prayer or physical mistreatment. He said they appeared unconcerned about potential repercussions. Ghappour said he had filed two complaints of serious detainee abuse since December 22 but received no response from U.S. authorities. In one case his client had his knee, shoulder and thumb dislocated by a group of guards, Ghappour said. Of course torture is wrong at any circumstance. General Rick Baccus quit Guantanamo Bay, because he didn't want to torture children there. Torture ought to be never accomplished at any circumstance. The Inquisition was wrong and other forms of torture were wrong as well agaisnt our American G.I.s for a number of years. We will see if Barack Obama will change these horrible policies, because he says that he will end the torture from the Bush administration.

Steven Ertelt from on February 25, 2009 outline the reality that many embryonic stem cell alternatives can yield nerve cells. This alternative is called induced pluripotent cells of iPS. Now, iPS are adult stem cells being reverted back into an embryonic-like state. Researchers have made a type of nerve cells from the iPs cells, which are embryonic like cells reverted from their adult state. The cells are hailed by pro-life groups as an ethical alternative to the use of embryonic stem cells, which can only be obtained by destroying human life. A team at the University of California Los Angeles was able to make motor neurons out of the induced pluripotent stem cells and the scientists hope to make cells tailored to specific diseases for therapy. When the iPS cells are converted into motor neurone cells, scientists may be able to better treat amyotropic lateral sclerosis or ALS. "IPS-derived cells appeared to follow a normal developmental progression associated with motor neuron formation," they wrote in the journal Stem Cells. The researchers said that these new cells they created look just like embryonic stem cells, yet they didn't have to destroy the days old human embryos (or unique human beings) to get them . The researchers at UCLA plan to attach the new cells to muscle cells to determine if they will contact. They hope to eventually be able to take a skin cell sample from a patient to generate a tissue transplant or build a stem cell bank for other patients. Adults stem cells have helped those dealing with ALS. This study was headed by Dr. Neil Cashman. Cashman is a professor neurology at the University of British Columbia and director of the ALS program at Vancouver Coastal Health and VCH Research Institute. This study was sent into the medical journal of Muscle and Nerve. They found that no adverse side effects occured with these adult stem cells. “Our idea was to use a growth factor stimulant to increase the number of circulating stem cells from within the body’s bone marrow where they would have the potential to travel to the site of injury and begin repair, slowing down the progression of ALS,” he said. This completely means that you don't need the death causing embroyonic stem cells to help to treat human beings with serious ailments. Once again, the pro-life truth is validated by continued scientific research.

Ben Zion Hershberg from the Louisville Courier Journal on Wednesday at February 25, 2009 wrote about an Indiana man saying that the SWAT team entered his home illegaly after a police shooting. Brenda Greenwell was awakened in midnight last Thursday by two SWAT officers. They dressed in camouflage. They flipped on the lights in the bedroom of her Jeffersonville, Indiana home. Her husband is named Ed. He was next door at his brother's house as he said. Neither he nor his 57-year-old wife, who has heart problems, had heard that two police officers had been wounded earlier that night. These officers were wounded at a local motel, allegedly by someone who knew their granddaughter. The two officers came in through the home’s unlocked rear door, Ed Greenwell said, and found his wife in the bedroom. “She asked who they were,” Greenwell said yesterday, and the two officers — armed with rifles, he said — said they were police but didn’t show badges or other identification. Greenwell said that his wife grabbed a .38 caliber revolver kept at the head of their bed. She later chased the men outside, where he heard her screamed at them from the rear deck, gun in hand. “It could have been a death sentence for her,” Greenwell said, saying he was thankful the officers allowed him to get through their cordon and calm his wife. Greenwell is a former policer officer himself from Harrison County and North Carolina. He's troubled, because he was never shown a search warrant allowing the police to enter his house. Brenda Greenwell went to the hospital to await heart bypass surgery for two blocked arteries. The surgery is set a Norton Hospital in Louisville. Larry Thomas, a spokesman for the city of Jeffersonville, said it could not be determined yesterday whether a warrant had been issued to search the Greenwells' house. Only in Indiana law, there is exigent circumstances where when the police's life is threatened where the police can enter a residence without a warrant. Grenwell wants an apology, but all of the facts must be exposed to see the total truth of this tragic incident. It is indeed true that SWAT Team made mistakes and come into homes without warrants all of the time now.

Jerome Corsi wrote about how the Oklahoma House passed the sovereignity bill. This legislative body wants to pass the bill, because they want to perserve the essence of the Tenth Amendment. The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed the House Joint Resolution 1003 on February 18 by a wide margin (i.e. by 83 to 13). It had language saying that: "That the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States." The language of HJR 1003 further serves notice to the federal government to stop doing anything that will violate the scope of their constitutionally delegated powers. The sponsor of the resolution is state Rep. Charles Key. He said to WND that the measure was a big step toward addressing the federal government violating the rights of the states. The Ninth Amendment reads, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The Tenth Amendment specifically provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." At least 8 states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignity under the 9th and the 10th Amendments to the Constitutions. They include Arizona,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington. Other states may have similar measures like Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado , Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania. It doesn't take a rocket scientists to realize that government is violating people's rights from FEMA camps, NSA wiretaping, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the anti-gun PTSD law, etc. State Rep. Randy Brogdon wants this bill to reach and be passed by the Senate. Republicans have control in the House and the Senate for the first time in Oklahoma's history. Some believe that New Hampshire has written the most aggressive legislation. No one (who loves liberty) wants the federal government to have militarized police, forced labor concentration camps, money being based on debt (including interest being owed that decreases the value of the dollar. Now, the Federal Reserve is printing more non-valued money can increase inflation sharptly. Also, this economic crisis is about people failing to eliminate debt) or forced labor against someone's will. The legitimate reason for these bills and laws is to make sure that the federal government won't control people in a dictator like fashion. We have the seperation of powers for the perservation of individual rights. Hopefully more states passing pro-state sovereignity bill will transpire even more. Fighting for truth, fighting for liberty, and fighting for sovereignity are great, legitimate aims to seek.

The plans for World Government existed for thousands of years. This world government is about elitists wanting a hybrid of socialist tenets and fascism worldwide in my opinion. That is why John Meachan and Evan Thomas wrote an article for Newsweek on February 16, 2009 entitled "We are all Socialists Now." Nouriel Roubini and Matthew Richardson wants to nationalize the banks. Even Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said on ABC's "This Week" on February 15, 2009 that we should consider the possibilit of nationalizing banks. This economic crisis by newer evidence was as contrived as the Great Depression was (we know the Great Depression was in recent years). The Securities and Exchange Commission or the SEC even waived the 12 to 1 leverage ratios for the five biggest investment banks. The banks then leveraged into 10 to 1. The banking system collapsed as a result and capital was wiped out (thereby leaving the problem at taxpayers' expense). Secret agendas are similar to the secret Nazi plan of going underground to infilatrate nations. This was described in American official Sumner Welles’ "The Time for Decision" (from 1944). Welles knew of this plan since he was pictured with Nazi Hermann Goering on March 19, 1940. It's easy to witness that Hitler's rise and fall was facilitated by the elite (in order to pacify Germany, to create Israel, and ultimately centralize the world move via the United Nations). In 1942, the Nazi agent Paul Dickoff went underground into Switzerland and the U.S. was already in the war. Even the U.S.'s Standard Oil from New Jersey aided the Nazis. Col. Sosthenes Behn, head of ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London. The Allied corporations funded both sides of the war. Therefore, history is not what it seens. Not only do mysteries in history exist. Also, strange occurences are a common feature in historical events from the evil Ratlines to the Allied corporation aiding the Nazis. It's obvious that the elitists want undemocratic international bodies like an EU to govern our socieities worldwide.

Secret Societies still exist among us today. Silvio Berlusconi may seem like a clean cut person from Italy, but even he is a member of secret society. Berlusconi is reported to saying offensive jokes about Argentines being murdered in the Dirty War. His laughing may not be a random affair. Some believe that he had knowledge of the event for a reason. That reason may be that he is a P-2 Lodge member and numerous high ranking 1970's Argentine military people are on its roster. Silvio lied and said he wasn't a member. Ironically, an Italian court proved that Silvio Berlusconi was a member of the P-2 Lodge. The P-2 Lodge according to Masonic apologists is not apart of regular Freemasonry, but the P-2 Lodge is still apart of a different variety of Freemasonry. The P-2 Lodge have been complicit in terrorism and possible assassinations for decades. Many of them are Italians. Official Freemasonry in Italy cut ties from the P-2. Some P-2 members originally had ties to fascists like Benito Mussolini (Mussolini's chief of police was a member). Many Argentine military members were directly responsible for the atrocities of the Dirty War (like Emilio Massera, Guillermo Suarez Mason, and others). These men were or are members of the P2 Lodge of Freemasonry. Berlusconi even recently lied and said that Mussolini never killed anyone. Mussolini was a fascist dictator who had an Lateran Treaty with the Pope in 1920's. Even if you support Freemasonry (which I don't), the P-2 Lodge had been involved in really corrupt activities for long decades. The P2 Lodge was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli, the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli (and banker Roberto Calvi). The Savoy pretender to the Italian throne Victor Emmanuel; and the heads of all three Italian intelligence service were or are members of the P-2 Lodge.

By Timothy

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