
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama Picks Bilderberger for Health Secretary


Obama Picks Bilderberger for Health Secretary
Kurt NimmoInfowars

Thursday, Feb 19, 2009

Obama has picked a Bilderberger to be his choice for health secretary — Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Obama initially picked former Senate Democrat leader Tom Daschle for the position, but Daschle “withdrew because of personal tax issues,” in other words he didn’t bother to pay any taxes because minions of the elite are not required to do so, except for public relations reasons.
Recall Sebelius, described as “a moderate Democrat,” was considered a leading candidate to be Obama’s vice presidential running mate last summer, but the elite picked CFR member Joe Biden instead.
In June, 2008, Sebelius attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, a fact not reported by the corporate media in her home state. She was included on the Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List.

In 2007, Sebelius attended the Bilderberg meeting in June in Istanbul, Turkey and the Kansas City Star reported the story on Sept 2, 2007. “It is a rather prestigious group,” Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran told the Star. “She was pleased to be invited.”

Now she will be pleased to do the bidding of the Bilderbergers in the Obama administration, that is if she is confirmed and does not have any pesky tax issues or illegal alien housekeepers in her closet.
It is also fair to say that any health care agenda Obama puts forward will be vetted by the elite who attend secretive meetings initially organized by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a confirmed Nazi.
Increasingly, Obama’s “change” represents not only more of the same, but a larger dose of the same as he has appointed a record number of Trilateralists, CFR members, and Bilderbergers to his administration.
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