
Monday, February 23, 2009

Pepper answered once again.


Pepper: Do you have a link to it??? The reason is I read the written information on the link you did provide and there are tons of errors in there already... I have done some deep research on this subject of Knights Templar, Gnosticism, Freemasonry which has different groups, some of which were not Masons at all, especially the british group.... so if that documentary has links and sources for their information that I can follow up on, I would much like to see it.

My Response: There are many links to it as found in . There is no errrors in what I wrote. Also, the film has little errors. It's very ironic that you don't a single major error in my work at all. There are not tons of mistakes regardless of what you write. Many folks having done deep research are wrong on issues. For example, the Vatican have done deep research for centuries, yet they are dead wrong on their religious dogma. I've done deep research myself into the Knights Templar, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, etc. Also, just because certain groups aren't Freemasons doesn't mean it shouldn't be exposed. This documentary and my words shows tons of sources to back them up and you can see my sources up close and personal.

Pepper: As I have said often, I am always open to new information, that is documented since my knowledge base to date has come from hard core documentation, so any change in that information would have to come from valid, verifiable source information to change what I already know.... for instance (its a small thing, but gnosticism has no desire for leadership or professional clergy or temples... that is antithesis to their beliefs, yet you say they want an anti-Christ leader and a temple..... hard to swallow), so if you have some proof of that, I would appreciate it.

My Response: You claim to be open to new information, but you seem to deny the sources I show. The reason is that you are pro-Mason. Also, I don't want to change what you believe by force at all. I just have a right to disagree with Freemasonry. Also, not a single word you will say will convince me others. Also, I never written that all Gnostics want a leadership position. I did mention that Gnostic teachings and philosophies have influenced elitists and occultists for a very long time. Also, the Scriptures are clear that an Anti-Christ figure will exist. That's clear from the Bible. Never did I wrote that Gnostics wanted an Anti-Christ leader. I did wrote that New Agers wanted a false Christ leader though. Many New Ager want their false Christ to appear as well. Benjamin Creme, Alice Bailey, and other New Agers have admitted to this by their own words. Also, Freemasons have lusted for the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple. I've presented you quotes backing myself up. To deny this is denial or deception. You saying that I don't have proof of these facts is false on your part. I took my time to document everything I wrote in my article. I listed over 10 sources in my article that you can read, so you are in error about that.

Pepper: By the way, Madam Blavatsky was a "new ager" and not a gnostic..... and the Knights Templer were all but wiped out in around 1200 AD by the pope and the king of france with the remainder scattered through out Europe and America, with no central leadership or communication..

So any information on that would be appreciated as well.


Response: Madame Blavatasky was a New Ager and she was pro-Gnostic. Her belief about the Genesis story was Gnostic (believing that Jehovah was wicked). Also, her view about God is Gnostic which is validated by her own literature. The Knights Templar weren't all wiped out in 1200 A.D. That's a mistake on your part. They existed in the 1300's A.D. when the Pope presecuted them. Jacques de Molay lived in the 1300's. Many of them did went into other places in Europe as you say. Also, I never talked about whether the Knights Templar was decentralized or not after the 1300's at all. Pepper, I've refuted you on Freemasonry and I will continue to refute you again on this issue.

By Timothy

The Film can be seen at:

(and you need to click on links in other places as well)

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