
Monday, February 23, 2009

Responding Right Back

In the UK, the government wants to school children to think like the 7/7 terrorists. In other words, secondary schools are desired to ask children as young as 10 years old to imagine themselves as suicide bombers. The teaching pack contains an exercise in which children are required to “prepare a brief presentation on the 7/7 bombings from the perspective of the bombers." Pupils are asked to put themselves in the position of terrorists and provide possible justification for carrying out attacks like the July 2005 attacks on the London transport network. You couldn't make this stuff up. The pack has also been adopted by several police forces across the country. The London Telegraph reports that the pack was made available through a Government-­sponsored website called It has since been removed in the wake of media attention. Of course, politicans and 7/7 survivors have criticized the move. Jacqui Putnam, who survived the Edgware Road bomb on July said that: "...I can’t see why anyone would think it is a valuable exercise to encourage children to put themselves in the position of men who treated people in such an inhuman way...To encourage children to see the world in that way is a dangerous thing. Surely there must be a better way of achieving their objective?” This is an example of indoctrination of by the government in order to get people to support the contrived "war on terror." This is immoral since you don't promote the actions of terrorists towards young people at all. The UK already have much more draconian laws and anti-civil liberty policies than even America. It's also a promotion of moral relativism since it could blur the lines of extreme violence in everyday life. It gets people into frenzy in order to allow the government to achieve more power (while the government attempts to suppress any legitimate resistance to their nefarious agenda). Therefore, this policy isn't necessary to harm little children by making them think about putting themselves in the shoes of terrorists.

Benjamin Netayahu is the new Prime Minsiter of Israel. Now, he wants to form a coalition Israeli government. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni lost the election to Netanyahu. Mr. Netanyahu will have six weeks to put together a government. If Livni refuses to join him, he will most likely form a coalition of nationalist and religious parties that take a much more hardline approach to possible peace talks with the Palestinians. Netanyahu's critics believe that he too hard line to create any meaningful peace talks with the Palestinians. Israel is a nation with good things and bad things like all nations have. Some Israeli Arabic people and Israeli Christians are denied rights on many occasions. On January 12, the Central Elections Committee (CEC) banned two Arab parties from participating in the February elections on grounds of incitement, racism, supporting terrorist groups, and refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist. All charges were bogus and hateful. On January 21, Israel’s High Court unanimously reversed the ban after Arab politicians appealed. The Election made Kadima to win 28 seats, which is the most in Israel. Netanyahu is from the Likud Party. People erreneous equate militant policies with "Right." Having explusions that are violent, refusing negiotations, and having excessive bombings is just wrong having nothing to do with a legitimate political ideology at all. Zionists aren't monolithic. Some Zionists sincerely want a political home for Jewish people and want peace. Other Zionists are indeed radicals, extremists, pro-Socialist-Communist, and hate real liberty in the region. That is why Jewish authors (not anti-Semitic bigots) like Barry Chamish, Rabbi Antelman, and others proved that the Labor Zionists colloborated with the Nazis (in order to use force to send Jewish people into Israel. Adolf Eichmann was one Nazi who faciliatated this goal). Chamish believes that Labor Zionists are victimizing both Jewish people and Arabic people. The truth is that Netanyahu is a Freemason and a friend of the establishment. We should love holy people in Israel and the rest of the Middle East. Real peace in the Middle East will exist if independent Jewish and Arabic leaders would work together to solve their own problems (without the EU, the West, the Vatican, etc. interfering with the affairs in the Middle East).

Steven Ertelt from on February 20, 2009 reported on how a California man wakes up from a coma right before his disconnection of life support. This story proves that families should avoid making premature decisions to take the life of a love one, because the possibility of recovery always exist. Mike Connolly is a 56 year old man whose heart stopped in late January and he lay in bed comatose for four days. This was when his family decided to give doctors permission to remove his life support. That's when Connolly recovered and interacted with his world around him once again. According to the North County Times, Connolly's stepson Mike Cooper was reading Scripture by his bedside when he noticed a tear going down Connolly's cheek. Cooper soon left the room, only to return moments later when heard another family member cheering and hollering."He said Mike was responding," Cooper told the newspaper. "I didn't believe him, but I went back in there, and it was true. You would say his name, and he would turn his head toward you. It was a miracle." These developments were suprising, because doctors believed that Connolly had brain damage from his heart stopping (which would lead him to never recover from the coma). Now, Mike is making steady progress and the same physicians say that he will make a full recovery. Martin Nielsen, Connolly's pulmonary doctor, told the newspaper he is surprised by his full recovery and called it miraculous. "When we get a guy like Mike Connolly, it's almost like a miracle," Nielsen said. "I've never seen anybody come back like he has." Connolly's hearted stopped beating for 35 minutes. The doctors speculated that he went without oxygen for at least 10 minutes. That makes his recovery even more spectacular. "Generally, the rule of thumb is if you go for more than four minutes without oxygen, you will see severe damage to the brain," Nielsen said. Connolly joked that he feels pain from the CPR. Connolly's family needs financial help to defray the costs of his hospital stay and anyone can donate to it in care of his name at Marilyn Cipriani, 1075 Shadowridge Drive. Unit 70, Vista, CA 92081. The lesson here is that life is important to perserve, miracles occur in this day and age, and that euthanasia is just as evil as abortion.

The George Washington’s Blog from Friday on February 20, 2009 described information about a growing list of officials and experts warning of depression induced violence. They believe that the economic crisis could lead to revolts and a revolution worldwide, even in U.S. The U.S. Army War College in November warned in a monograph [click on Policypointers’ pdf link to see the report] titled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development” of crash-induced unrest. This reports warns of unrest in the case of civil unrest. The Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair said that: "...Statistical modeling shows that economic crises increase the risk of regime-threatening instability if they persist over a one-to-two-year period...Some even fear that the recession could further deepen and reach the level of the Great Depression. Of course, all of us recall the dramatic political consequences wrought by the economic turmoil of the 1920s and 1930s in Europe, the instability, and high levels of violent extremism..." Even Trilateralist and former national security director Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that conflict with the classes are real or even riots could occur if the economy doesn't improve itself. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned that the financial crisis is the highest national security concern for the U.S. The Chairman warned that the fallout from the crisis could lead to of “greater instability." Dodd, the head of the WTO, and Gerald Calente have all talked of the same thing. One bigger picture is that the FED and the elite orchestrated this crisis, so more power will be at the banker's disposal. It was the Wall Street bankers that funded Barack Obama's Presidential campaign even more than McCain's campaign. Some are using this crisis to promote world government or a new world order. That is the Davos meetings and the EU have promoted a global economic crisis in response to this crisis. Some believe that the destruction of the value of the dollar is like a Phoenix (dying first and then) rising to transform into a global currency. The truth is more stranger than fiction. This isn't real change. Barack Obama says that he wasn't going to elect lobbyists in his administration, yet 3 major lobbyists are in his administration.

The National Guard ends their plan to invade a rural town. Even they admitted that this operation could be intrusive to the people of the rural area. The National Guard once wanted a 4 day urban military operation in the tiny town of Arcadia, Iowa. It has about 443 people. The National Guard wanted to send troops to take over the town and search door to door for a suspected weapons dealer. The exercise was intended to give soldiers deployment skills in an urban environment. The military officials justified this deal by saying that only households that consented to be apart of the drill will be searched. "It will be important for us to gain the trust and confidence of the residents of Arcadia," Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company, told Carroll's Daily Times Herald. Military spokesman Lt. Col. Greg Hapgood, however, told WND that the operation has now been "scaled back" and no longer involves an "invasion" of Arcadia. Citizens legitimately objected to this plan, because military drills are about conditioning people to accept more of the wicked militarization of society. Kots described the original operation to the Herald as set to begin on Thursday, April 2, with reconnaissance and exploratory patrols. Also, the National Guard grabbing guns is very similar to what the elite want (i.e. gun control of law abiding citizens has been a goal by the establishment for decades, especially in America. America has more gun rights than any nation in North America including most of the Western world). The exercise will continue in an armory. Historically, there has been a push for the government to make the military act more domestically, even beyond what the National Guard does. That is why the NORTHCOM once planned to have thousands of troops to patrol American soil. That is why military drills are going on dealing with confiscating guns, acting in a law enforcement fashion, and ruling other aspects of our society. In fact, foreign troops from Mexico, Holland, Israel, etc. illegally acted as law enforcement in Louisiana during the Hurricane Katrina tradegy (There were gun confiscation illegally done by authorities of innocent citizens in New Orleans during the Katrina tradegy as well). The government has no right to promote the idea that the military can patrol streets like the police without opposition. The reality is that we should act to help our fellow man and improve our nation. Also, the basic things of helping our neighbors, getting our lives spiritually cleaned, and exposing the new world order are vital things to do as well.

A person named Pepper issued a critique, which is fine. Yet, his critique about my words with the movie of the Eye of the Phoenix was filled with errors and distortion of what I said. There are many links to the documentary as found in . There is no errors in what I wrote. Also, the film has little errors. It's very ironic that Pepper didn't point out a single major error in my work at all. There are not tons of mistakes regardless of what he writes. Many folks having done deep research are wrong on issues. For example, the Vatican have done deep research for centuries, yet they are dead wrong on their religious dogma. I've done deep research myself into the Knights Templar, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, etc. Also, just because certain groups aren't Freemasons doesn't mean it shouldn't be exposed. This documentary and my words shows tons of sources to back them up and you can see my sources up close and personal. Pepper questioned on whether I presented documented evidence or not. My response to him is that he claims to be open to new information, but he seems to deny the sources that I show. The reason is that Pepper is pro-Freemason. Also, I don't want to change what his views by force at all. I just have a right to disagree with Freemasonry. Also, not a single word Pepper will say will convince me others. Not to mention (despite what Pepper wrote), I never written that all Gnostics want a leadership position. I did mention that Gnostic teachings and philosophies have influenced elitists and occultists for a very long time. Also, the Scriptures are clear that an Anti-Christ figure will exist. That's clear from the Bible. Never did I wrote that Gnostics wanted an Anti-Christ leader. I did wrote that New Agers wanted a false Christ leader though. Many New Ager want their false Christ to appear as well. Benjamin Creme, Alice Bailey, and other New Agers have admitted to this by their own words. Also, Freemasons have lusted for the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple. I've presented Pepper quotes backing myself up. To deny this is denial or deception. Pepper's claim that I don't have proof of these facts is false his part. I took my time to document everything I wrote in my article. I listed over 10 sources in my article that he can read, so he are in error about that. Pepper. He also made distortions about Blavatsky. Madame Blavatasky was a New Ager and she was pro-Gnostic. Her belief about the Genesis story was Gnostic (believing that Jehovah was wicked). Also, her view about God is Gnostic which is validated by her own literature. The Knights Templar weren't all wiped out in 1200 A.D. (as falsley claimed by Pepper). That's a mistake on his part. They existed in the 1300's A.D. when the Pope presecuted them. Jacques de Molay lived in the 1300's. Many of them did went into other places in Europe as he written. Also, I never talked about whether the Knights Templar was decentralized or not after the 1300's at all. Pepper, I've refuted you on Freemasonry and I will continue to refute you again on this issue.

The Fairness Doctrine is an obvious threat to free speech of course. It has been mostly supported by Democrats. No one knows exactly how the Fairness Doctrine will be implemented. The legislation hasn't been released in Congress yet. Although, many politicans want this including the pro-Soros crew of Bill Press. This doctrine may be done under slick means. One way is that it can be created is by a regulation by the Federal Communications Commissions, which can bypass the need for Democrats in Congress (and in the White House to defend their attacks on the First Amendment). Some feel that it can come in another form of legislation dressed up in new clothes and make up (like in new mechanism that talks about media diversity, accountability, and balance). The FCC may create censorship by saying it's necessary for community service programming. They could do this in threatening the licenses of talk radio, etc. The Fairness doctrine existed from the 1940's until 1987. It had a chilling effect of free speech in America for a generations. Folks in TV and talk radio were scared to openly discuss about controversial issues on a regular basis. Ronald Reagan allow the FCC to get rid of the Fairness Doctrine by 1987. In 1987, there were a grand total of 75 talk programs in the entire country – local and national. In 22 years since, that number has grown to 3,500. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights is clear that: "Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Therefore, the FCC and the government don't have the right to have censorship of talk radio or the media at all. More folks are waking up about these issues indeed.

The controlled "Left" and the controlled "Right" are equally responsible for suppressing our constitutional rights in America. Although, unilke what Paul Craig Roberts says, real conservatives (and real liberals) then and now still respect real liberty (and they respect the Bill of Rights completely). It's a fact during the first 8 years of the Bush administration, many Republicans assaulted our civil liberties in a cruel way. The Bush regime ignored the protections of habeas corpus. Bush supported the NSA spying on American citizens without warrants. They violated the First Amendment when they allowed the Pentagon to spy on peaceful war protestors. The Bush administration supported the executive branch above American law. They even restricted Congress in seeing some policies like the contunity of government. The Bush brownshirt regime revealed itself as lawless, the worst criminal organization in American history. The Democrats are now in power. They will assault our civil liberties in many different ways though. Barack Obama even supports the rendition policy where the CIA kidnaps people and then sends them into foreign countries where they are tortured. Now, some Democrats like Rep. Bobby L. Rush want to attack the Second Amendment (with his Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. That bill will force a federal registry of all firearms and have other restrictions). Now, people's gun rights will be negated if they refuse to have an license. Even an antique or historic gun would be stolen if a license isn't given. William Blackstone wrote that "the last auxiliary right" of free men is "having arms for their defense." Blackstone, England’s greatest jurist, said that the right to bear arms enables the "natural right of resistance and self-preservation, when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression." Blackstone was a great 18th century legal scholar who was a defender of lbierty. The Founding Fathers loved his writings and his words influenced their fundamental thinking on matters of the law. Some Democrats justify these bad policies by saying it will decrease gun violence (Yet, in some places with the most gun violence in America, have the most restrictive anti-gun laws against law abiding citizens). Banning drugs haven't ended drug trade sales. Banning guns from citizens won't end all gun crime either since criminals by definition will disregard laws. Americans have exercised Second Amendment rights for 234 years. The Second Amendment is an individual right, abortion is still murder (i.e. In 1992 when the Supreme Court revisited Roe v. Wade, the justices acknowledged that the legal argument behind the 1973 decision legitimizing abortion was flawed), and tyranny ought to be exposed. You can believe that.

By Timothy

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