
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Resurgence of Eugenics in 2009



2009: A Resurgence of Eugenics?

Daniel Taylor
Old Thinker News
February 3, 2009

As the world moves further into economic chaos, eugenics, an old idea cloaked under modern terminology, is making a comeback. During these times it is easy to see how a resurgence and re-packaging of eugenics could come about. Do you have more than two children? Your carbon footprint has been deemed unacceptable. Your economic burden on society cannot be tolerated during unprecedented economic times. The growing population of elderly individuals will be an incredible burden on a faltering system, we are told. Some governmental think tanks see younger generations pursuing euthanasia policies as an option.

 House speaker Nancy Pelosi recently stated that family planning services are a must during these economic times.

Eugenics "went underground" after WWII, but continued under the guise of population control and environmentalism, proceeding partly with the aid of Rockefeller family wealth. Rather than focus on "quality control" the emphasis was on "quantity control". One of the first books to tie these ideas together post-WWII, titled Our Plundered Planet, was written by Fairfield Osborn, who in 1921 served as the President of the Second International Congress of Eugenics in New York.

Today, we see calls for one or two child policies to be implemented to fight global warming. The Times recently reported, "Couples who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned." The Times article reports that Jonathon Porritt, who directs the United Kingdom’s Sustainable Development Commission, is calling for abortion and contraception to fight global warming.

The economic hardship that the world faces is also creating a climate favorable to population and eugenic policies. House speaker Nancy Pelosi recently stated that family planning services are a must during these economic times. Pelosi says,

"Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children’s health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."

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One of President Obama’s first decisions after being sworn into office included the reversal of Ronald Reagan’s ban on United States funding of international family planning groups that provide abortion services. The issue of abortion has been consistently used as a political football to maintain the theatre of the two party system, but the practice remains at the heart of Rockefeller-sponsored population control directives.

In 2007 The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense released The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Program 2007-2036 report. The report outlines a grim economic future of middle class rebellion amidst falling standards of living, brain chips, and other forecasts. One scenario in particular states that youth in western societies could see the growing elderly population as a burden, opening the doorway to euthanasia. The report states,

"Declining youth populations in Western societies could become increasingly dissatisfied with their economically burdensome ‘baby-boomer’ elders, among whom much of societies’ wealth would be concentrated. Resentful at a generation whose values appear to be out of step with tightening resource constraints, the young might seek a return to an order provided by more conservative values and structures. This could lead to a civic renaissance, with strict penalties for those failing to fulfil their social obligations. It might also open the way to policies which permit euthanasia as a means to reduce the burden of care for the elderly."

The growing economic crisis, and numerous other crises both real and manufactured, will be held as an example of the need for a new army of social workers and bureaucracy to manage the affairs of average men and women. Among all of the other proposals that the elite are throwing at us to "fix" these problems, such as world governance, the scenario outlined by the DCDC report and other population control proposals could become a reality.

Research related articles:

  1. Two children should be limit, says green guru
  2. Economic Eugenics?
  3. Socialists made eugenics fashionable
  4. Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control
  5. Population Control: The Eugenics Connection
  6. NWO Books-on-Tape: World Government, Eugenics, Scientific Technique & Power
  7. Forced Vaccinations Part Of Dark Eugenics Agenda
  8. The Effect of Eugenics Propaganda: Decline of Civilization
  9. Yale Professor Explores History Of Eugenics
  10. Pro-Abortion Marie Stopes Eager for American Funds to Promote Abortion in Kenya
  11. Eugenics Quotes: From lofty ideals to centralized population control and mass death
  12. Stronger U.S. Role Likely in Afghanistan After Taliban Resurgence




Pro-Abortion Marie Stopes Eager for American Funds to Promote Abortion in Kenya

Kathleen Gilbert
February 3, 2009

The leader of the Kenyan division of Marie Stopes, one of the worlds largest abortion providers, has told an AP reporter that he is eager to receive American funds now that President Obama has rescinded the Mexico City Policy.

“Family planning was not given the prominence it needs” when the policy was still in effect, said director Dr. Walter Odhiambo in an AP report.

The Mexico City Policy is a Reagan-era directive that prohibits pro-abortion overseas organizations from receiving American taxpayer dollars. Obama repealed the policy three days after his inauguration, making hundreds of millions in foreign aid money available to such groups.

Thanks to the policy, abortion facilities that would have made abortion available to Kenyan women were forced to close, and contraception became less available, according to Marie Stops Kenya.

Now groups like Marie Stopes Kenya, who were “limping along” on European aid, are lining up to apply for American aid.

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Marie Stopes International, founded by the British eugenicist of the same name, provides for abortions in at least 40 countries. The group reported having received $100 million in “amounts receivable for the provision of services” in 2006. Like other abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood International, Marie Stopes plays a prominent role lobbying for pro-abortion legislation in traditionally pro-life countries.

Pro-life voices in Kenya have denounced the encroachment of the foreign-funded abortion culture as a threat to the deeply pro-life Kenyan people, who are now faced with a bill that would legalize abortion. Kenyan secular and religious leaders have condemned the bill in no uncertain terms, saying that innocent unborn child must not be destroyed for convenience.

“It is hypocritical to cry over the death of those we can see while we condemn those we can’t,” said Raymond Mutura, the president of the Voice of the Family in Africa International, in Kenya’s Daily Nation news service.

Dr. Stephen Karanja, head of the Catholic Doctors’ Association of Kenya, condemned Obama’s decision to open the floodgates of American dollars to aid the lobbying efforts of such organizations.

“We in Kenya know him (Obama) as a person who is anti-family,” he said, following Obama’s November election victory. “A person who would support abortion. In America they can do all right killing their babies. But they must not associate us with the people who would want our babies to be killed.”

Dr. Karanja said that 90 percent of those in Kenya polled over the last twenty years consider abortion to be an “abomination.”

Describing the various pro-abortion “family planning” agencies that are putting pressure on Kenya to adopt pro-abortion legislation, he said: “Those organisations that come to our country … we don’t need them. We don’t need them at all. They come in our country for the purposes of trying to sell an ideology to us, an ideology we do not need.”

Dr. Karanja criticized the concept that poorer countries such as Kenya benefitted from organizations pushing population control.

“The only resource we have that is truly ours,” he said, “is our people. Don’t attack them and we’ll be alright. And this administration of Obama, is going to be a nightmare for our people.”

Research related articles:

  1. Abortion Groups Confident Obama Will Push His Pro-Abortion Agenda
  2. Comic Jean-Marie Bigard: New 9/11 Investigation Needed
  3. Corsi Detained, Deported from Kenya
  4. Global Cooling? Unprecedented Ice Storms In Kenya
  5. Magazine Promotes Sterilization For Women In Their 20’s
  6. Eager to Tap Iraq’s Oil, Industry Execs Suggested Military Intervention
  7. Bush Prepares Request for Rest Of Bailout Funds
  8. Ron Paul Statement at Sovereign Wealth Funds Hearing
  9. Russia touts itself as ‘anti-American’ world power
  10. Video: Barack Obama Was Born in Kenya
  11. Royal Mail Honors Eugenicist & Nazi Sympathizer
  12. Paul: No federal funds for TTC

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