
Monday, February 02, 2009

Superbowl XLIII

TAMPA, FL - FEBRUARY 02:  Santonio Holmes of the P...

Superbowl 43 is over. The Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl title. The score is 27-23 with a Steelers win. That is the most any NFL team have ever acquired. This Superbowl was historic on many levels. The Steelers coach Mike Tomlin is the 2nd African American coach to win the Superbowl. Mike Tomlin is also the The MVP of the Superbowl was the wide reciever Santonio Holmes (who had 9 receptions for 131 yeards). Santonio Holmes told Ben Roethlisberger that he wants to contribute mightily for this game. Troy Polamalu believed that his team incorporated the blue collar ethic of the city of Pittsburgh. The Steelers in their season and during the Playoffs were the most consistent football team in the NFL in terms of winning critical games. He made many great plays in the game. Holmes shined during the game in the 4th Quarter. He caught the game winning ball in about 35 seconds left in the game. Kurt Warner played well for his age, but he lost. Larry Fitzgerald caught difficult balls to him. The question for Kurt Warner is whether he will retire this year and whether he will ever get into the NFL Hall of Fame. The answers to both questions may be a 50/50 chance. The Arizona Cardinals made fumbles and other mistakes that caused them the game. The Pittsburgh Steelers won, because they executed better in the football field than the Arizona Cardinals did.

The Defense Department announces their civilian expeditionary workforce. This is about seeing American civilians trained and equipped to deployed overseas in support of worldwide military missions. The intent of the program “is to maximize the use of the civilian workforce to allow military personnel to be fully utilized for operational requirements,” according to a Defense Department report. Some believe that this new group is the initial step that President Barack Obama may fulfill in creating a civilian national security force (which will be as powerful as the U.S. military). These plans are nothing more than a citizen bridage. The program was officially implemented one week ago, on the 23rd of January, when Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England signed Defense Department Directive 1404.10 (PDF). This directive provides a summation of the duties the workforce will undertake. The directive (which is effective immeditately) says that civilians employees of the DoD will be asked to sign agreements. These agreements state that they will deploy in support of military for upt to 2 years if needed. These workforce members are divided into different designations under the directive, will serve overseas (in humanitarian matters, reconstruction, and even if necessary combat support missions). The DoD in section 4, subsection (e) paragraph (2) said that the program can be voluntary or involuntary. In addition, the directive states that all workforce members will be subject to physical and psychological testing, both before and after deployment. The civilian workforce is called the "Total Force." Obama's call for a civilian national security force was ignored by most of the corporate media. Some fear that it could related to a bridage of illegal, citizen soldiers. Rahm Emanuel even wants to force people to have an universal civilian service for all young Americans (from 18 to 25). That's illegal since the Constitution says you don't have involuntary servitude at all. A draft is nothing more than forced work. Emanuel is also an enthusiastic supporter of the United States Public Service Academy Act, a lobbying group founded in 2006 in order to promote the foundation of an American public service academy modeled on the military academies - a youth corps whose students would be trained in "civilian internship in the armed forces". Emanuel was on tape supported compulsory military style training. That is nothing more than fascism since fascism is about forced military service (which restricts individual liberty). When controversy arose over the program last November, the use of the word "required" to describe the community service program was removed from Obama’s website and replaced with "community service" type terminology. There is also the Terrorism Liaison Officers where police, firefighters, etc. monitor activity secretive to be placed into a government database. Therefore, the DoD's civilian expeditionary workforce program is wrong, because it merges the military with civilian life (Posse Comitatus agrees with the seperation of the military and the people).

Jimmy Carter says that he supports a new call for a new 9/11 investigation. He comes in a long list of people that want that new investigation. We Are Change Ohio attended a book signing by the former President in Chicago. There were secret service there. The Secret Service agents wanted to abduct the person who was recorded the conversation. They were unsuccessful. The audio of Carter's words were still captured. Carter was asked, “I was just wondering if you’d support the victims’ family members that want a new investigation into 9/11.” Carter clarifies the question before responding, “Yeah, I don’t have anything to do with it but I certainly would….it would be nice.."Jimmy Carter told the London Guardian newspaper in October of 2004 that President Bush exploited the 9/11 attacks (and that the press had not held him to account). “The basic reason is that our country suffered, in 9/11, a terrible and shocking attack … and George Bush has been adroit at exploiting that attack, and he has elevated himself, in the consciousness of many Americans, to a heroic commander in chief, fighting a global threat against America,” Carter said. He doesn't believe that slamming some of Bush's actions was unpatriotic. He said that the mainstream media was cowardly in not asking serious questions pertaining to the war on terror in general. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, UK MP Michael Meacher, Japanese MP Fujita Yukihisa, former German Defense Secretary Andreas von Buelow, music icon Willie Nelson, and even vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin have all expressed support for a new inquiry into the September 2001 attacks. This doesn't escape what Jimmy Carter is. Carter was a Trilateralist and is pro-CFR. Carter supported the Mujahadeen fighting the Soviets in the late 1970's. So, he's an establishment figure although he's different from the discredited neo cons. Certainly, there is nothing wrong will exposing the official story of 9/11. 9/11 was definitely an inside job.

Steven Ertelt from on January 29, 2009 outlined that more pro-life citizens in America are having their free speech rights violated. Officials at George Mason University in Virginia (where I'm from) were arrested people. There were 2 members of a pro life team that tried to simply educate students about the problems with abortion. This occured on last Monday. They were 2 college age members of the Survivors Campus Life Tour. They were distributing pro-life literature on the public campus. They arrived on the campus and quietly held signs. They distributed literature, and peacefully dialogued with students. A student complained about the pro-life presence on school. A campus police officer asked the pro-life advocates to leave the campus. When members of the tour refused to stop their free speech activity and leave the public school property, the two team members handing out literature to students were handcuffed and arrested. They were charged with causing a disturbance, although the police later described the group as polite, well behaved, courteous, and respectful. Christianna Cherf was 21 and she was one of those from the team that were arrested. She told that: "I feel like these arrests are unfortunate because my mission is to reveal the truth of abortion, not to fight for my First Amendment rights." Cherf was saddened that her rights that were violated. She just tried to peacefully and respectfully educate students on the abortion debate. Kortney Blythe, director of Campus Life Tours for Survivors, told, "My team members were peacefully exercising their free speech rights. To deny them that right is unconstitutional and is nothing more than content-based viewpoint discrimination." It's immoral to arrest people for peacefully expressing their First Amendment rights at all. Therefore, the pro-life citizens should fight the charges in court. This incident will never escape the fact that abortion is a heinous crime and abortion is murder.

Timothy Geithner is the new Treasury Secretary. He has generated plenty of controversy because of his failure to pay income taxes for 5 years. Also, he presided over the failure of some of the largest banking institutions in the world. These institutions he was charged with overseeing and regulating as head of the New York region of the Federal Reserve Bank. On November 17, 2003, Geithner became the ninth President and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve works within 12 region regional districts. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York presides over Wall Street based financial instructions. In the current financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has played a major role in responding to the meltdown of banks and investment firms, including some of the nation's largest. During Geithner's tenure as CEO of the New York Fed, he presided over numerous following major economic failures. They include how the Investment bank Bear Stearns collapses from losses in subprime mortgage obligations and derivatives transactions. The Federal Reserve extends to insurance giant American International Group, or AIG, an $85 billion loan that saves it from going bankrupt from derivatives loses in a massive $441 billion exposure to credit default swaps. Timothy Geithner had ties to the Rockefellers and he is a CFR member. The Barack Obama administration believe that Geithner is a financial wizard that is qualified to take over the U.S. Treasury. On the other hand, he failed to sustain the solvency of New York financial institutions during his tenure as head of the NY Federal Reserve. He worked for Kissinger and Associates for three years in Washington, D.C. From 1998-2001, he served as under secretary of the treasury for international affairs under Clinton administration treasury secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers. Geithner is perfect representative of an agent of the Elite. from Saturday, on January 31, 2009 exposed some ads. An advertisement on a video screen in a mall, health club, or grocery store is commonplace. Now, there is a growing chance that an ad is watching you too. Small cameras now are being embedded in the screen or hidden around it. The creators of the tracking system said that the software can determine many things. These things include the viewer's gender, the approximate age range, and some incases ethnicity. They can change the ads accordingly. That could mean razor ads for men, cosmetics ads for women and video-game ads for teens. This new technology's ability to determine the viewers' demographics is great for advertisers who want to know how effectively they're reaching their target audience. This technology is limited in its usage now. The manufactures said that the ads can determine gender 85 to 90 percent of the time, while accuracy for the other measures continues to be refined. Some have compared this invention as reminiscent of the science fiction of "Minority Report." This film had Tom Cruise's character entering a mall and he found that retinal scanners identified him and prompt personalized ads that greet him by name. The secret cameras categorize items by outward appearances. "So a video screen might show a motorcycle ad for a group of men, but switch to a minivan ad when women and children join them", said Vicki Rabenou, the chief measurement officer of Tampa, Fla.-based TruMedia Technologies Inc. This company is one of the leaders in developing this technology. This technology is exactly like Big Brother, because these ads can identify characteristics about certain people. Some civil liberty advocates worry about privacy concerns. These devices are still in their early stages. So, we still have to be careful about such machines.

Police Brutality is occuring all of the time now. The only few good news of this epidemic is that video cameras are more often recording these incidents. There is footage of a protestor being knocked out cold by a nightstick-wielding thug cop. The protestor was posing no physical threat to the cop at all. The police officer should go to jail for assault with a deadly weapon. The video has a lot of profanity going around. The police in some cases are acting like thugs. Now, this has been going on for centuries. The only difference today is that many cops are doing this to nearly every background in plain sight. Now, Barack Obama is President. We should treat Barack Obama as we would treat ourselves. Yet, this doesn't mean we worship Obama or investigate him less than we have investigated George W. Bush. There is even a Myspace video release where celebrities pledge to serve the Obama government. They include P. Diddy, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Ashton Kutcher. They actively support a Presidential Pledge. I don't support a pledge to a President at all. Many of them support the global warming hoax. Some of Obama’s stated policies for combating “global warming” will only make worse because we live in an economic recession (not to mention that Obama's plans will deplete further our GDP). CO2 is a good chemical needed for plant photosynthesis. There are record cold temperatures worldwide and natural forces hold the key for the majority of climate change. Indeed, the woman overseeing Obama’s climate agenda, Carol Browner, is a card-carrying member of Socialist International, an organization that has resolved to use the threat of global warming as a means to facilitate the creation of a system of global government. They want to be a servant to the President. I don't. I am a servant to Almighty God alone not to a mere man. My discernment is still as strong as ever.

By Timothy

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