
Friday, March 27, 2009

Fritz's words

What Will I Do?

By Fritz Springmeier

New Letter From Jail - dated Aug 17,2008

Fritz Springmeier, pioneer Illuminati researcher framed in a bank robbery and serving a sentence until 2012, is providing a Christian Ministry in jail. He says the only inmates able to reform are those who accept Christ into their lives. "Christ's teachings are as practical today as they were when he walked in Gallilee."


When we watch someone going through difficulties, when we watch a movie or see the news, do we sometimes ask ourselves, "What would I do in that situation?"?

A period of judgment is shaking this planet, and many of humanity are carried along with the tidal waves like human flotsam.

God's spiritual truths are like medicine, for instance: not every problem calls for just any truth, but specific truths must be applied within the right spiritual timing and in the correct spiritual proportions,

I feel led to encourage us all as we continue through this shaking valley of judgment, but I also recognize that I can't spiritually diagnose and prescribe the correct truths for every reader's minute by minute challenges. These demanding struggles are too varied, and they need the spirit's answers in the spirit's timing.

Nonetheless, I do feel I have something of value to share with you, something from YHWH's Spirit for your heart, something that resonates with the experiences I had in life. And it is spoken to your better nature, for there is something in the divine in each one of you that can rise to positive greatness.

Now that we have entered into this time of challenge - the sooner we accept what time it is mentally, the better off we will be to thrive and not just survive. Once we have accepted our circumstances, we can find a sense of mission, and a service to perform, including the healing of the many wounds and divisions that divide us.

Hope is important for success. For those who love Christ and the Word, the message of ROM 8:28-29 (and indeed the rest of that chapter's verses 30-39) teaches us a profoundly important truth: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose... to be conformed to the image of his Son." In the Greek manuscripts, the phrase "to them who are called according to his purpose" begins this verse.

In other words to paraphrase: "For those called by the Creator according to His purpose and who love Him, circumstances in these persons' lives will work to mold them into Christ-like persons." And of course this is good news. It will provide encouragement, and in the middle of a storm, we all want to have all the hope and peace that is beneficial and reasonable to have.

So. one benefit of this time of challenge is our growth in character, it will mold us into the character, indeed the image of Christ (as verse 29 predicts). As YHWH's Kingdom increases from glory to glory, we can expect greater things will be done by the Spirit, so Christ's words at JN 14:12 make good sense, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works that these shall he do; because I to unto my Father."

But early one morning Christ was arrested and the weight of the world came crashing down upon him, Christ had anticipated this and that previous night he had humbled himself in prayer. Likewise, when the righteous King Hezekiah, whose tunnel remains to this day in Jerusalem, was confronted with inability to deal with the situation and in humility, ashes and sackcloth admitted to YHWH that he didn't have answers. This is where some of us have been, others will go, and others should take note and do likewise.

We must accept that we can't deal with the overwhelming circumstances, but that answers are still available from YHWH, and if the solutions we want are not forthcoming, then our remaining difficulties are designed to mold us into Christ's image. We can be proactive with our problems while admitting the enormity of the challenges. Conversely to becoming more Christlike, Christ's life also speaks to us.

The ROM 8:28 framework gives us dear reader the chance to frame this period of judgment as a positive. Christ is at work. If this framework is unappealing, then we can retain the common view of simply seeing this time as one of misery, evil, and destruction. This planet has become one big prison to endure. So let's reframe it as an opportunity to grow and serve one's fellow man and community.

We may have to humbly fall on our faces in the face of adversity and admit in all our honesty, "I'm not strong enough." "I don't have all the answers." When Hezekiah did this, his heavenly Father destroyed the persecuting World Power of his day.

Let us humbly come into obedience with the Creator and in harmony with the rest of this Creation, let us line up with His will and so His purpose for us is fulfilled.

Humility is helpful in another end time way. This is a great deal of religious pride and judging going on between all the various and numerous interpretations of end-times prophecy. The great insightful Apostle Paul walked in truth enough to aptly state, "Now we see through a mirror darkly... a poor reflection in a poor mirror..." (1 COR 13:12). In an age of stress, including economic stresses, cooperation and community thinking are important. We're all in this together. Those seeking Biblical answers remember to love our heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your fellowman. (Hint: loving heavenly Father means obeying his commandments, JN 14:15 & 1JN 2:3). Those not seeking Biblical answers can at lest look deep in their hearts and in their consciences, and do what your heart and conscience would ask of you. But by all means, all judging and divisions and pride need to be forgotten. They are a waste of all of our time. If humanity doesn't work together, they will end up killing each other over scraps of food.

Now, do I really expect people to set aside their judging, pride, and habits of selfishness to think of the common good? Habits are hard to break and people will do what they want; but perhaps some seeds of selfless cooperation will be planted that will be watered further on. Let us each do the best we can, and leave the increase and results to our Creator.

We can do it.

Fritz Springmeier
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 5000
Sheridan OR 97378




By Fritz Springmeier

Slobodan Milosevic is refusing to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the U.N. war crimes tribunal and has decided to try to finger the western diplomats who cut secret deals with him and gave him the finances and green lights to do what he did.

Meanwhile Ramsey Clark is riding to the rescue. Ramsey Clark is known by those in the Anti-New World Order community as an outspoken lawyer who has challenged the official version of things in the Panama invasion, and Desert Storm. He was once the U.S. Attorney General, and has been associated with Bill Clinton, and hails from Texas. Ramsey Clark seems to fit the category of “controlled opposition”. In other words, he has the appearance of being against corruption, but is part of the Hegelian dialectic cover up.

Is Ramsey Clark clean? Romwell’s Office Diary (up to Jan. 18, 1989, p. 6) mentions, “Ramsey Clark/Lyndon Johnson/Atty Gen is talking to people in Wash. D.C. Drug charges may be lifted against Capcom.” This implies that someone expected Ramsey Clark to help cover up Capcom’s criminal behavior. Anyway Ramsey Clark’s father was U.S. Attorney General for Pres. Truman, and later Ramsey Clark works with all these politicians and bureaucrats in Washington in the same line of work. It looks like the elite see him as one of their own, and now he is off to the Hague to “help” Slobodan.

Who has rubbed shoulders with Slobodan Milosevic? Who is he trying to expose? Two of these figures are Illuminati kingpins, Lord Carrington and Brent Scowcroft.

Brent Scowcroft has been a member of an elite group called the wise men, who run the United States. This secret group has been known as MJ-12 but it constantly changes its semi-secret official name and has been variously known as Special Study Group, Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee,

303 Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and carries the secret label in paperwork MAJIC. These Illuminati wise men are based on Plato’s Utopian wisemen concept. Another member has been Nelson Rockefeller. Brent Scowcroft has had the right memberships to rule us, he’s a Bilderberger, a CFR member, a Trilaterialist, a UN Asssoc. Member, director of the National Bank of Washington, and vice chairman of Kissinger Assoc., Inc. Kissinger Assoc. has been a way for these elitists to do “public service” and privately make fortunes. Brent and Sir Henry Kissinger are longtime coworkers in and out of government, or as some have said “clones”. Brent Scowcroft has been intimately connected with the National Security Council for many years, was its director for a while, and as Nixon and Bush’s National Security Adviser made millions of dollars “consulting” the U.S. government. One of Brent’s beloved terms is “New World Order”, and just to let you know what kind of New World Order it will be, Brent Scowcroft was busy toasting the Red Chinese leadership in Peking just shortly after the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Brent Scowcroft had the position of “asst. air attaché” to the American Embassy in Belgrade Yugoslavia from 1959-1961. One can easily speculate all the spooky things he was involved with. Later, we find him as one of the Chairmen of the Board of the National Bank of Yugoslavia along with fellow chairman Slobodan Milosevic. Slobodan Milosevic is trying to expose the insider deals these men made with him, that made them money and allowed him to carry out his policies with a green light.

Lord Carrington is another Illuminati kingpin that Slobodan Milosevic dealt with. He was the European Union’s chief negotiator for the Balkans during the early 1990’s. Lord Peter Rupert Carrington has been prominent in NATO (Sec. General) and the head of the Bilderbergers. His co-worker Lt. Gen. Michael Rose was caught red-handed in preventing NATO air strikes from being launched to stop Serbian campaigns of genocide, and also in encouraging fighting between the Bosnians and Croats.

Lord Carrington is one of the key people running Hollinger, Inc. which is financed largely by Rothschild and Li money, and owns the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun, and hundreds of other daily or weekend mainstream establishment newspapers. Sir Henry Kissinger also helps run Hollinger, Inc., which originally began as a British company procuring weapons from the United States during W.W. II. Lord Carrington and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Rupert Nicholas Hambro have ran The Telegraph, PLC, which has ties to the Bank of England and the British Royal Family. Hollinger, Inc. owns The Telegraph, PLC.

Milosevic also wants to expose Lord Hurd and Lord Owen.

Two things are appropriate to mention at this time. When Milosevic points the finger at anyone he has more pointing back at himself. The news media has called him names like “strongman”, but they have really seriously under reported his record of underhand ruthless dealings. He makes mafia bosses and Hitler look like school children. This man would make a good used car salesman, and the world would have been better off if this had been his occupation. He is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes; the stink of his guilt is all over the Balkans. Entire collections of books could document the ruthless dealings he has had with everyone around him.

The second thing is that Panamanian “strongman” Noriega also thought at first he would expose his American backers, and he never pulled it off. For starters, when Noriega was arrested he was severely intimidated. Milosevic’s parents have “committed suicide”, or a more convincing scenario is that they were “suicided”. Milosevic can dream of paying back his captors by exposing their corruption and their role in the years of repeated Balkan genocides, but he is seriously underestimating their power if he thinks the world will get a chance to hear. Milosevic is becoming another Noriega. While he was useful, he was used, and now he is useful as a scapegoat, so that the real masterminds of all these Balkan traumas can wash their hands of this unfortunate era in the Balkans. RAMSEY CLARK TO THE RESCUE WHEN SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC POINTS THE FINGER, IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF? By Fritz Springmeier

Slobodan Milosevic is refusing to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the U.N. war crimes tribunal and has decided to try to finger the western diplomats who cut secret deals with him and gave him the finances and green lights to do what he did.

Meanwhile Ramsey Clark is riding to the rescue. Ramsey Clark is known by those in the Anti-New World Order community as an outspoken lawyer who has challenged the official version of things in the Panama invasion, and Desert Storm. He was once the U.S. Attorney General, and has been associated with Bill Clinton, and hails from Texas. Ramsey Clark seems to fit the category of “controlled opposition”. In other words, he has the appearance of being against corruption, but is part of the Hegelian dialectic cover up.

Is Ramsey Clark clean? Romwell’s Office Diary (up to Jan. 18, 1989, p. 6) mentions, “Ramsey Clark/Lyndon Johnson/Atty Gen is talking to people in Wash. D.C. Drug charges may be lifted against Capcom.” This implies that someone expected Ramsey Clark to help cover up Capcom’s criminal behavior. Anyway Ramsey Clark’s father was U.S. Attorney General for Pres. Truman, and later Ramsey Clark works with all these politicians and bureaucrats in Washington in the same line of work. It looks like the elite see him as one of their own, and now he is off to the Hague to “help” Slobodan.

Who has rubbed shoulders with Slobodan Milosevic? Who is he trying to expose? Two of these figures are Illuminati kingpins, Lord Carrington and Brent Scowcroft.

Brent Scowcroft has been a member of an elite group called the wise men, who run the United States. This secret group has been known as MJ-12 but it constantly changes its semi-secret official name and has been variously known as Special Study Group, Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee,

303 Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and carries the secret label in paperwork MAJIC. These Illuminati wise men are based on Plato’s Utopian wisemen concept. Another member has been Nelson Rockefeller. Brent Scowcroft has had the right memberships to rule us, he’s a Bilderberger, a CFR member, a Trilaterialist, a UN Asssoc. Member, director of the National Bank of Washington, and vice chairman of Kissinger Assoc., Inc. Kissinger Assoc. has been a way for these elitists to do “public service” and privately make fortunes. Brent and Sir Henry Kissinger are longtime coworkers in and out of government, or as some have said “clones”. Brent Scowcroft has been intimately connected with the National Security Council for many years, was its director for a while, and as Nixon and Bush’s National Security Adviser made millions of dollars “consulting” the U.S. government. One of Brent’s beloved terms is “New World Order”, and just to let you know what kind of New World Order it will be, Brent Scowcroft was busy toasting the Red Chinese leadership in Peking just shortly after the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Brent Scowcroft had the position of “asst. air attaché” to the American Embassy in Belgrade Yugoslavia from 1959-1961. One can easily speculate all the spooky things he was involved with. Later, we find him as one of the Chairmen of the Board of the National Bank of Yugoslavia along with fellow chairman Slobodan Milosevic. Slobodan Milosevic is trying to expose the insider deals these men made with him, that made them money and allowed him to carry out his policies with a green light.

Lord Carrington is another Illuminati kingpin that Slobodan Milosevic dealt with. He was the European Union’s chief negotiator for the Balkans during the early 1990’s. Lord Peter Rupert Carrington has been prominent in NATO (Sec. General) and the head of the Bilderbergers. His co-worker Lt. Gen. Michael Rose was caught red-handed in preventing NATO air strikes from being launched to stop Serbian campaigns of genocide, and also in encouraging fighting between the Bosnians and Croats.

Lord Carrington is one of the key people running Hollinger, Inc. which is financed largely by Rothschild and Li money, and owns the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun, and hundreds of other daily or weekend mainstream establishment newspapers. Sir Henry Kissinger also helps run Hollinger, Inc., which originally began as a British company procuring weapons from the United States during W.W. II. Lord Carrington and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Rupert Nicholas Hambro have ran The Telegraph, PLC, which has ties to the Bank of England and the British Royal Family. Hollinger, Inc. owns The Telegraph, PLC.

Milosevic also wants to expose Lord Hurd and Lord Owen.

Two things are appropriate to mention at this time. When Milosevic points the finger at anyone he has more pointing back at himself. The news media has called him names like “strongman”, but they have really seriously under reported his record of underhand ruthless dealings. He makes mafia bosses and Hitler look like school children. This man would make a good used car salesman, and the world would have been better off if this had been his occupation. He is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes; the stink of his guilt is all over the Balkans. Entire collections of books could document the ruthless dealings he has had with everyone around him.

The second thing is that Panamanian “strongman” Noriega also thought at first he would expose his American backers, and he never pulled it off. For starters, when Noriega was arrested he was severely intimidated. Milosevic’s parents have “committed suicide”, or a more convincing scenario is that they were “suicided”. Milosevic can dream of paying back his captors by exposing their corruption and their role in the years of repeated Balkan genocides, but he is seriously underestimating their power if he thinks the world will get a chance to hear. Milosevic is becoming another Noriega. While he was useful, he was used, and now he is useful as a scapegoat, so that the real masterminds of all these Balkan traumas can wash their hands of this unfortunate era in the Balkans.

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