
Friday, March 06, 2009

The Italian Revolution

Yes, there is a most important link and one that baffled me for years. Here is the story:

Pope Pius X came to the throne in 1846 and he was becoming known as a "liberal" Pope---thus "accursed" by the Council of Trent. In fact he sought to institute a Constitution with the Italian people as he was "King of the Papal States." This infuriated he Jesuits while at that time they were fomenting the Second communist French Revolution of 1848.

So, the Order used its high Italian masons, Mazzini and Garibaldi, to lead a revolt against the "liberal" Pope in Rome. Blaming these supposed "liberals," the Jesuits openly resisted the revolution appearing to side with Pius, convincing him to flee to Gaeta. For approximately 18 months, Rome had no Pope and thus the dungeons of the Roman Inquisition were opened to the horror of the Italian Catholics. Luigi Desantis records this most monumental event in his Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism first written in 1852.

With Pio Nino in the hands of the Jesuits at his "safe house" in Gaeta, he was chastised and evidently became a complete ultramontane. Why this conclusion? In 1848 the Order caused a revolution in France overthrowing the great and liberal "Citizen King," Louis Philippe (1830-1848) who had expelled the Order in 1831. He was driven from the nation and his throne publicly burned. The man who then became president of the new Second Republic from 1848-1852 was none other than Napoleon's nephew, Charles "Louis Napoleon" Bonaparte. Advised by one of the most powerful Jesuits in France, he invaded Italy and brought back the Pope to Rome in 1849. This would be the end of Italian liberty until 1870 when Masonic Victor Emmanuel II would successfully attack Rome, take the temporal power form the Pope for which Victor was excommunicated and later poisoned. This successful Masonic resistance to Jesuit tyranny was due to what was then called "the Second Great Masonic Schism." Without that loss of Jesuit control over a certain faction of Masonry for a time, there would be no loss of the Pope's Temporal power restored by Mussolini in 1929. The Order then created the OTO to be at the apex of Masonic control. Two of those OTO men were Secretary of State to Pope Leo XIII, Cardinal Rampolla and Aleister Crowley.

Upon Pius' return to Rome he repudiated any concept of a Constitution for the Papal States and in 1852 the Order fomented a coup d'etat in France destroying the Second Republic making Charles "Emperor Napoleon III" ruling a new Second French Empire. It was at this time the French entered Vietnam with the Jesuits and their guillotines to behead the Buddhists while conducting the Black Pope's drug trade. Now the Pope had the complete protection of the French Empire (like the American Empire has been the Pope's protector since 1901), the Emperor and Empress being completely in the hands of the Black Pope.

In 1864 the Pope, whose "penholders were the Jesuits," issued his famous Bull which contained the Syllabus of Eighty Errors of Modern Civilization, one of those errors being religious freedom of conscience. This document was ultramontane and the heart of fascism---the Order's favorite form of government according to its La Civilta Cattolica. From this document came Pius XII's Concordat with Hitler and thus the Third Reich.

The above lesson teaches us that when a Pope becomes disobedient, he may be punished with a chastisement using an open enemy that is secretly in alliance with the General. Meanwhile, the illusion that Masonry at the lower levels is an enemy of the Papacy was maintained when in fact at the upper levels it is a most wonderful tool of the General and his Assistants.

Remember also that Mazzini was the organizer of what is today the Pope's Italian Mafia, now the Black Pope's International Crime Syndicate in which certain low-level Jews are a part.

I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

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