
Friday, March 06, 2009

It's Not Over Yet

The Government promotes propaganda all of the time. Now, there is another example of how the government is trying to make churches to obey the government unconditionally. This document outlining this goal is found form a church in Ohio. This documents lies and tries to educate the congregation that the Barack Obama's presidency is appointed by God (in a perversion of the chapter of Romans 13. This verse is cited as an excuse for some Christians to not oppose tyranny especially in Hitler's time). Ohio District Superintendent Rev. John Wooton was responsible for distributing the pamphlet, which was handed out at the Assembly of God church in Ohio, according to a reader who forwarded the document to Click here for the PDF file. One person said that this document was handed out at the Assembly of God church and this person's fiance attended. The pastor even said to the person that the church should submit to teachers, firemen, and the police. He said that he confronted the pastor about his stance on Romans 13 and the pastor said that he will never sell out his church. The person left the church now. The church now is recieving new funds (including a new flat screen monitors, updated church vans, and the possible expansion of the church). Romans 13 talks about the highest authority being God and he allows governments to exist. It doesn't say that unconditional support of the government is to be followed or that we submit to evil and tyranny in our world. Moses, the apostles, and Jesus opposed tyranny (and they rejected unjust, anti-God policies of the government). The document concedes that a majority of practicing Christians probably didn’t even vote for Obama because of his pro-abortion policies, indeed one of Obama’s first acts as President was to issue an executive order which ensured that millions more black babies are aborted in third world countries, (with American taxpayers picking up the tab). Obama himself has also scoffed at Christians in the past, arrogantly stating that people “cling to guns or religion” in tough times. FEMA is training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation. The Bible verse that FEMA encourages religious representatives to cite while undertaking this role? Romans 13. The deal is that we should reject evil and not follow the government if they want us to do anything evil.

Finland is having issues now. Uutiset from March 4, 2009 reported that the Finland passed an unlimited internet surveillance law. Their Parliament passed the controversial reforms to the data protection law. It's called the Nokia bill. There was 96 people in the legislature for it and 56 against it. It was hotly debated and arguments existed within the government coalition. It also caused a crack in the Green League. There were 3 Green MPs, who had previously voted against the bill, abstained from the vote. They are Johanna Karimäki, Ville Niinistö and Kirsi Ojansuu. There were just 3 of the 47 parlimentarians who decided not to cast a vote. The bill is called Lex Nokia, because of the mobile phone giant's percieved advocacy for the law. It angered unions and privacy rights advocates. This law allows employers and other organizations that provide users with Internet service and e-mail to monitor IP traffic data. This means that employers can see which workers are e-mailing, when the message was sent (and the size of the emails and attachments). It will not allow them to read the contents of e-mails. Businesses claim that this law will alow them to clamp down on industrial espionage. The law's opponents will decry the measures as ineffective for preventing espionsage. The reason is that any wily spy will simply use a personal e-mail account. They fear that the law will allow employers too invasive monitoring rights like watching what Internet site employees access. So, privacy rights are important to maintain on the Internet. Threats to liberty aren't just limited to the Third world. These threats are made manifest in Europea and even America.

Glen Beck is on the news again. Glen Beck has his new show on FOX News. Glen Beck recently discussed about FEMA camps on his show. He believed that FEMA Camps exist since he can't debunk them. He heard about them continually for a while. Glen Beck declared that the United States may be headed for totalitarianism. We know that FEMA creating detention camps is a fact and that these camps do exist. In January 2006, Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded a $385 million contract to construct the camps for the Department of Homeland Security. In a press release issued on January 24, 2006, KBR said the “contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.” FEMA and the government utilize the cover of illegal immigrants as an excuse to develop these camps (that can be utilized to house American citizens in the case of martial law). Even Rex 84 was the 1984 program that wanted house people during the implementation of martial law. This program was mentioned during the Iran Contra hearing (It was publicly exposed the Miami Herald on Sunday July 5th, 1987). Operation Garden Plot was a United States Army and National Guard program under control of the U.S. Northern Command to provide Federal military support during domestic civil disturbances. In October of 2006, Congress passed the Military Commissions Act. This legislation allows the government to detain citizens deemed “enemy combatants” and hold them indefinitely without charge (and independently of the judiciary). The act was upheld by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 2003. George W. Bush on May 9, 2007 declared the emergency Executive order of NSPD 51/HSPD-20 (which says that in the case of a catastrophic emergency, all national essential functions was taken over by the Executive branch of the government, the DHS, and FEMA). Hurricane Katrina was a dry run for the government to violate citizens' rights on a high level. In other words, some people were forced into FEMA facilities against the will, there was mandatory registration with FEMA, mandatory FEMA ID Cards, and mercenary groups running around. Even the skeptic can be suprised by this quote: “The Justice Department secretly authorized President George Bush to use the military inside the United States to snoop on, raid and even kill citizens in order to fight terrorism without regard to the Fourth or Fifth Amendment, according to a Oct 23, 2001 memo released by the Obama Administration Monday,” reports Ryan Singel for Wired News. This memo was written partly by John Yoo (who was a Deputy assistant attorney general that wanted crushing children testicles as a fine procedure to get information from suspected terrorists. That's sick and wrong of course). So, Yoo and Robert Delahunty (who is a Justice special counsel) are wrong to promote such extremism. Glen Beck is a neo con, but him agreeing with the explosure of FEMA Camps is a sign that some folks are waking up.

Chris Matthews lied about Pro Life issues and the Second Amendment for decades. Now, he has gone too far in his anti-life rhetoric. I don't believe he should be thrown off the air for his words (unlike the hypocrites supporting the Fairness Doctrine), but he should be criticized for his actions. On MSNBC, Chris Matthews called pro-life people, who criticized Health Secretary nominee Kathleen Sabelius, as using verbal terrorism. That's a lie and a disgrace since dissent is pro-American. How dare he say some garbage like that when any nominee in government ought to be evaluated in constructive means. That has nothing to do with terrorism or verbal terrorism. That has to do with being intelligent human beings. Matthews is the host of the "Hardball" program. Not to mention that Sabelius may have a connection to Tiller (who has been accused of doing illegal abortions) and she a member of the Bilderberg Group. He talked to Lois Romano of the Washington Post on this issue. Pro life people have been called terrorists in other occasions as well. In July 2006, Planned Parenthood's web site labeled pro-life groups "terrorists and extremists." Abortion activist Gloria Steinem came under fire in October 2004 when she called President Bush, because of his pro-life record on abortion, "more dangerous to this country's citizens than terrorists" at a New Mexico NARAL fundraising breakfast. Some so-called Christians support Kathleen Sabelius. They believe that she can enact policies that can reduce abortions in America. These people include Sammy Rodriguez, Paul Devries, and Joel Hunter. The reality is that Sabellius have offered no common ground solutions of abortion greatly at all. The Kansas health department showed a 6.5 percent increase in abortions from 2005 to 2006. Sebelius repeatedly vetoed legislation that has proven in other states to reduce abortions in large numbers. A measure that protects pregnant women and unborn children from violent, was only signed after Sebelius spent years opposing it (and only because she knew the legislature would overturn a veto). In other words, she is so radically pro-abortion that she voted against even a legitimate bill that can stop crime only after the bill was veto proof. This law was called Alexa's Law (which was an unborn victim of violence bill). Mary Kay Culp (who is the head of Kansans for Life) tolde in a letter that: "In 2007, she signed Alexa's Law, an unborn victim's of violence bill, which she had a 20 year history of opposing," Culp said. Sebelius only signed it "after it was attached to another bill she wanted and after favorable news coverage of very vocal support of the bill by the Brooks family of Wichita -- whose daughter, and 8 month gestation granddaughter, Alexa, were murdered." As the health secretary, Sebelius could have an impact in crafting a health care plan that could cover abortions with taxpayer funds or require insurance companies to cover abortions in their plans. She could even force doctors to do abortions if she revokes conscience protections that was established by President George W. Bush (which was one of the few things Bush got right). So, I'm not decieved about Kathleen Sabellius at all.

Marjorie Cohn from Counterpunch on March 4, 2009 described about the Bush Justice Department that outlined blueprints for a police state. There are newly released memos. The memos provide so-called "legal rationales" for the President to suspend the freedom of speech and press, order warrantless searches and seizures (including locking out citizens in America without criminal charges indefinitely, and rendition to abrogate treaties). The memos say that Congress has no role to check and balance the executive branch. These immoral, extremist policies are the precise definition of a police state. The person who wrote the memos were John Yoo and Jay Bybee. These memos crafted the torture memos that made a more narrow definition of torture (in order for the President to allow it and get away with it). One memo had Yoo saying that the Justice Department would not enforce U.S. laws against torture, assault, maiming and stalking (in the detention plus interrogation of enemy combatants). The federal maiming statue prohibits the intent to torture, maim, or disfigure a person. It further prohibits individuals from “throwing or pouring upon another person any scalding water, corrosive acid, or caustic substance” with like intent. The two torture memos were later withdrawn after they became public because their legal reasoning was clearly defective. But they remained in effect long enough to authorize the torture and abuse of many prisoners in U.S. custody. The 7 memos that just went public were disavowed as well. Steven Bradbury, the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General in Bush’s Department of Justice, issued two disclaimer memos – on October 6, 2008 and January 15, 2009 – that said the assertions in those seven memos did “not reflect the current views of this Office.” Why Bradbury waited until Bush was almost out of office to issue the disclaimers remains a mystery. One reason was that the new Barack Obama administration is more anti-torture than the previous administration was. The same day that Attorney General Eric Holder released the memos, the government revealed that the CIA had destroyed 92 videotapes of harsh interrogations of Abu Zubaida and Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, both of whom were subjected to waterboarding. The memo that authorized the CIA to waterboard, written the same day as one of Yoo/Bybee’s torture memos, has not yet been released. There are more memos yet to be released. Meanwhile, John Yoo remains on the faculty of Berkeley Law School and Jay Bybee is a federal judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. These men, who advised Bush on how to create a police state, should be investigated, prosecuted, and disbarred. Yoo should be fired and Bybee impeached.

Health Care that is government run has been criticized by Walter E. Williams from Many advocates of a total government run health care point to Britian's system. Its health care is controlled by the British NHS or the National Health Service. It's been found that a poor delivery of health care services is known. There is a recent study by David Green and Laura Casper, "Delay, Denial and Dilution," written for the London-based Institute of Economic Affairs. It found that the NHS health care services are the worst in the developed world. The head of the WHO deciphered that Britian have as many as 25,000 unnecessary cancer deaths a year, because of under provision of care. The reason is because of under provision of care. Twelve percent of specialists surveyed admitted refusing kidney dialysis to patients suffering from kidney failure because of limits on cash. Waiting lists for medical treatment have become so long that there are now "waiting lists" for the waiting list. Some folks praise Canada's single payer system, but even Canada has its own problems. After a Canadian has been referred to a specialist, the waiting list for gynecological surgery is four to 12 weeks, cataract removal 12 to 18 weeks, tonsillectomy three to 36 weeks and neurosurgery five to 30 weeks. Toronto-area hospitals, concerned about lawsuits, ask patients to sign a legal release accepting that while delays in treatment may jeopardize their health, they nevertheless hold the hospital blameless . There are also issues in Sweden. A patient in Sweden wants a patient must go to one of the two local clinics before they can see a specialist. Uppsala, a city with 200,000 people, has only one specialist in mammography. Sweden's National Cancer Foundation reports that in a few years most Swedish women will not have access to mammography. Dr. Olle Stendahl, a professor of medicine at Linkoping University said that government run health care lacks people to have innovation (or curious physicians and other professionals to challenge established views). According to Mr. D. of Gothenburg, Sweden would prohibit private purchase of your own medicine if the government refused paying. Too much government control over a society can cause problems in our health care system in America. More than 50 percent of health care expenditures in our country are made by government. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, who published Sven Larson's paper, is a group of liberty-oriented doctors and health care practitioners who opposed Hillary care's plan. So, our health care system in America needs reform in America. Every citizen should have access to quality health care not only in America, but worldwide. Yet, the 2 extreme of Big Pharma running all of our health care system or the government running all of it doesn't work (and aren't wise courses to follow at all). Independent solutions are necessary to solve our health complications indeed.

There are connections among the Vatican and Rothschilds to the new world order. The Rothschilds handle the Vatican's Treasury as admitted by the Jewish Encyclopedia. Charles Taze Russell would write a 1891 letter to Baron Lord Rothschild (Rothschild wanted big businesses to control the area) about establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization Association, which was a major Zionist group. Many Rothschilds sent money for that goal to be set. The Rothschilds didn't always support Zionism. Originally, many Rothschilds opposed Zionism. Lionel de Rothschild opposed Communism and Zionism. It is fine for Jewish people to live in Israel if they want to, but the elite infiltrated the movement for that goal even in the late 1800's. Historically, the Rothschilds have been the Vatican's bankers for centuries. The Kuhn Loeb and Co. (This was owned by Jacob Schiff. He grew up in the same house of the Rothschilds in Frankfurt, Germany) would finance the Mormon Church. Jewish Freemason Katz indicates Solomon Meir Rothschild, a third member of the five brothers, was initiated into Freemasonry on June 14, 1809. The Rothschilds would work with the Rhodes Scholar groups filled with 33rd Degree Freemason Alfred Milner, Lord Esher, Stead, and others. Cecil Rhodes wanted his Rhodes Scholar to use their influence to created an Anglophile style world government. The Rothschilds are very powerful today, but even they are overshadowed by the Pilgrims, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and other Black Nobility bloodlines.

By Timothy

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