
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The liar MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Says Pro-Life Advocates Use "Terrorist" Methods


MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Says Pro-Life Advocates Use "Terrorist" Methods

by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 3, 2009
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New York, NY ( -- Chris Matthews has been on the pro-abortion side of the debate since before his time as a top Congressional aide for abortion advocates. Now the MSNBC host has gone overboard by referring to pro-life advocates who oppose pro-abortion Health Secretary nominee Kathleen Sebelius as terrorists.
During his program "Hardball" on Monday night, Matthews worried that Sebelius would become the target of "the terrorism of the, of the anti-abortion people."
Immediately after making the remark, Matthews appeared to realize his mistake and corrected himself to say, "I mean verbal terrorism."
"Is she gonna get through the, the terrorism of the, of the anti-abortion people," Matthews said during a question to Lois Romano of the Washington Post. "I mean verbal terrorism."
"Yeah I think she's gonna do that and I think they've got a clear shot," Romano responded. "Yeah they're, she'll get through that."
Matthews followed up his verbal miscue with another concern that pro-life advocates in the Senate would bring up her pro-abortion record and relationship with late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller.
"But are we gonna have days and days of hearings about what she did about this guy who was a late-term abortion doctor?" Matthews complained.
Geoffrey Dickens, the senior news analyst at the Media Research Center, noted Matthews' comments and called his attempt to correct what he had said about pro-life advocates using terrorist tactics "feeble."

This isn't the first time pro-life advocates have been referred to as terrorists.
During the presidential election, Barack Obama was criticized for comparing a pro-life senator to a domestic terrorist responsible for setting off bombs and never apologizing.In August, CNN's miniseries "God's Warriors," featured file footage of the bombing at a Birmingham, Alabama abortion clinic in 1998 by someone unaffiliated with the pro-life movement but who claimed to be against abortion.
Christiane Amanpour said the attack was conducted by "radical opponents [who] had long waged their holy war against abortion clinics," which also "terrified many women."
In July 2006, Planned Parenthood's web site labeled pro-life groups "terrorists and extremists."
The group included a heading, "Terrorists and Extremist Organizations" that included Christian Coalition, Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, Feminists for Life of America and Focus on the Family.

Abortion activist Gloria Steinem came under fire in October 2004 when she called President Bush, because of his pro-life record on abortion, "more dangerous to this country's citizens than terrorists" at a New Mexico NARAL fundraising breakfast.
Asked to comment on Steinem's remark, Chris Lalley, director of media relations for Planned Parenthood of New Mexico, used terrorism comparisons to describe the president.
"We think President Bush is terrorizing women's rights," Lalley told
Steinem's offhanded remark was too much for Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, who told, "Gloria Steinem demeans the victims of terrorism by equating opposition to her political agenda to acts of violence."

Buzz up!


  1. Anonymous06:30

    After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, CWA accused same-sex partners of those killed of "trying to hijack the moral capital of marriage." Last year, CWA raised a ruckus over a gay Canadian couple that wanted to visit the U.S. together, calling the men "a new threat to border security" and "the latest pair of 'domestic terrorists.'"

    "The (Supreme Court) has become increasingly hostile to Christianity, and it poses a greater threat to representative government -- more than anything, more than budget deficits, more than terrorist groups." - Tony Perkins, head of FRC

    So, it's OK for these right wingers to call people terrorists, but not the other way around?

  2. This liar Chris Matthew collectively called pro-lifers who opposed Sabellius as using terrorist tactics. This has nothing to do with the crimes you cited at all. Not to mentioned that people who sincere disagree with same sex marriage and have nothing to do with the FRC at all. Also, Supreme Court has made bad policies. The Supreme Court isn't equated to terrorists, but they wanted terrorist-like laws from the decisions supporting slavery to the decision once supporting the internment of Japanese Americans.

    By timothy

  3. That is what I'm talking about. This proves that we should never have unconditional support of the government. You seem to omit how criminals assaulted innocent pro-lifers in the street. You omitted how preachers in Canada and Europe have been fine, and jailed for just preaching on controversial issues. You have omitted how criminals beat up and harmed people who are conservative. Many conservatives are tolerant and respect liberty.

    Therefore, they tired characture of "rightwingers" is tired. Not to mention that more liberal radicals have demonized people that they disagreed with with lie of terrorists for decades. Planned Parenthood have equated even peaceful pro-lifers as terrorists also.

  4. So, Chris Matthews is a liar and you can't show a single word to refute that at all. He's a liar about pro-life issues and on the Second Amendment. He's an MSNBC puppet and a shill. Then, he has the nerve to write about glorifying using deceptive tactics in politics then lecture us on terrorists.
