
Friday, March 27, 2009

More Truths Exposed



Newspapers are going down in popularity and their monetary profits are suffering as most people realize. Thomas Ferraro from Reuters on March 24, 2009 described about how the Democrats are proposing a bill to save some newspapers. One Democratic Senator supporting this plan is Benjamin Cardin. The bill have yet to have any co-sponsors, but it has caused tons of interest. That interest is found within the media, which have seen plunging revenues and many journalist layoffs. The mainstream media of course promotes lies and deception day by day. Cardin’s Newspaper Revitalization Act would allow newspapers to operate as nonprofits for educational purposes under the U.S. tax code. This will give these newspapers a similar status to public broadcasting companies. Under this arrangement, newspapers would still be free to report on all issues, including political campaigns. But they would be prohibited from making political endorsements. Advertising and subscription revenue would be tax exempt, and contributions to support news coverage or operations could be tax deductible. This is controversial since it allows the government to control numerous newspapers in a huge way. Cardin's office believes that this is aimed to preserve lcoal and community newspapers (not conglomerates which may also own radio and TV stations). Newspapers have losed their power since people are looking at the Internet and television more to see the news. Some newspapers are legitimate and others spew propaganda. The Internet now is the only medium where you can find the real truth. Also, blogs are great. Many people lie and disrespect blogs, but blogs are an outlay where people can write what they want. It allows many different perspectives to be heard succintly. So, I do respect numerous blogs. I have my own blog myself.

Steven Ertelt from on March 25, 2009 wrote about how the Indiana Committee is approving of the unborn victims bill. That can mean justice for women and babies. The Indiana State House committee approved the bill today. It would make stiffer penalities in place for criminals who kill or injure a pregnant woman or her unborn children. Current state law allows two charges for the death of or injury to mother and child, but little justice for the baby if she is pre-viability. The law allows two charges after the point of viability, but beforehand relies on a feticide law (that only charges criminals with two to six years in prison for taking the unborn child's life). Only then is the attack considered a murder, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter, and only then can prosecutors get involved. The bill would help Indiana join 36 other states that already provide adequate protection and justice for both victims. The House Public Policy Committee unanimously approved the measure, which ups the penalties under the state's feticide law to six to 20 years. The Senate approved the bill on a 40 to 9 vote. It allows the prosecution for the death of any baby "in utero." In Utero is a term that covers all stages of the unborn child's development. This would hold criminals accountable for killing an unborn baby at any point during the pregnancy. The bill now goes into the full House for consideration and a vote The measure was introdcued after a local Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi complained he was unable to fully prosecute a case from 2008 involving a pregnant woman who was in her fifth month of pregnancy. The robber shot Katherin Shuffield and the twin babies she was carrying died after the incident. Mike Fichter,who is the executive director of the pro-life group Indiana Right to Life, told previously that the law needed to be changed. "Prosecutor Brizzi is to be applauded for his immediate call to correct a serious flaw in Indiana’s feticide law that requires unborn children to be viable in order to trigger fetal homicide charges," he said. "The viability requirement was originally put into the law through the pressure of abortion rights lobbyists who placed the protection of abortionists over common sense justice," he explained. "Sadly, it appears that it took a tragedy of this magnitude to finally close a glaring loophole that treats unborn children such as the Shuffield twins as if their lives have no real value." It's common sense to make laws that protect the lives of women and their unborn children. It represents the respect for unborn human life completely.

Some in the British police force are characterizing Muslim protestors as al-Qaeda IED terrorists. Some accuse Home Secretary Jacqui Smith of using authoritarian tactics as well. “Miss Smith spoke of the need to confront extremists, even if they stop short of breaking the law - such as the protesters who jeered at British troops at a parade in Luton,” reports the Daily Mail. Therefore, protestors who exercise their free speech rights toward British troops are near terrorists in Smith's mind. Of course, I don't agree with that assumption at all. The officials fear that terrorists could use Iraq-style roadside bombs to target VIPs in the Britian. The paranoia about terrorism is further expressed in a report saying that an attack by a nuclear ‘dirty bomb’, which spreads radioactive material, is also becoming more likely. The British government is using this paranoid, fictional scenario in order to clamp down on folks who disagree with the government. Muslims are just the precedent in this event of liberty suppression. Unfair demonization could occur against anybody that wants to pick a bone with the government, which can result in more rights being suppressed in Great Britian. Britian is definitely a police state-like nation right now with forced DNA records, suppression of habeas corpus, and cameras everywhere in London as I type these words. In America, the MIAC report says that the Missouri government calls patriots, conservatives, pro-lifers, etc. as equated to racist Neo-Nazi terrorists. Recently, some in the Missouri government have called for the rejection of that report. So, I will be careful of fallacious lie that simple protestors are a threat in a nation.

The economy is in a crossroads. Barack Obama gave a recent press conference to support his policies including his controversial stimulus law. Barack Obama, Geitner, and Bernake days ago defended the dollar and denounced proposals by China and Russia to supplant the greenback with a new global currency. Yet, the policies of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the Obama administration are creating the perfect storm for the dollar's death (and its replacement with a new international reverse currency). “… The dollar is extraordinarily strong right now,” said Obama during his prime-time press conference. “The reason the dollar is strong right now is because investors consider the United States the strongest economy in the world, with the most stable political system in the world. So, you don’t have to take my word for it.” When asked if he supported the introduction of a new global currency, Obama flatly stated, “No, I don’t support a global currency.” Now, China supports Russia's proposal to hand the IMF to create a new supra-national currency in response to the call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. Last week the Kremlin called for the “creation of a supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system.” A global currency would collapse the greenback, of which trillions are held in foreign exchange reserves by foreign countries like China and Japan. Bernake says that he doesn't support a global currency, but he does support efforts to create a global regulatory framework that would act as the vehicle for the introduction of a new global currency to replace the dollar. That's similar to Orwellian Doublespeak. He has echoed the sentiments of Blair, Brown, Merkel, Sarkozy and others in calling for a new world economic order. The big picture is how trillions of federal reserve notes are being used to throw good money after bad, the continued paying of corrupter banker's bonuses, and continuation of the bailout in America that can harm Americans. Too much of a bailout can cause a hyperinflantionary crisis that can lower the value of the dollar even further. Treasury Secretary Geithner has played a leading role in the wholesale looting of the greenback, announcing this week that the printing presses will be cranked to the tune of at least another $1 trillion to buy more “toxic assets” from the sagging balance sheets of failing institutions. Not to mention that tax hikes are proposed all over the board in America when you exist in an economic recession. Barack Obama wants government intervention, but too much government intervention have in the past have contributed to the economic crisis in the first place (when taxpayer wealth is being stolen to be sent to the same Wall Street oligarchs that fund his campaign). Obama has conversely announced that he will pursue a new world economic order, a “new global deal” in alliance with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This new global deal is the centralization of wealth into fewer hands and creating a single authority to handle the world economy. The only solutions to these complications are to end the war on terror, end the Federal Reserve, decentralize economic power, cut unnecessary spending, and build the economy from the ground up.

There has been more good news with real stem cell research (not the evil embryonic stem cells research). Now scientists have made another advance in the ethical embryonic stem cell research alternative. This alternative doesn't kill innocent human life at all. One scientist named James Thomason and his team were able to take direct regraming, which is used to create iPS stem cells, to the next level. Thomas was at first able to use the reprogamming method to turn back adult stem cells to an embryonic-liek state. This old method left behind viruses and outside genes that can cause problems if the iPS cells were ever used in a treatment or cure (or to help patients with various diseases or conditions). Now, Thomson and his team formed a safer way of creating iPS cells without the viruses and mutations. His team did this by delivering the special genes with a plasmid, a small, very stable circle of DNA. The problematic genes were eventually diluted and what remained were cells that are like embryonic stem cells but that don't require the destruction of human embryos to obtain. Stephen Duncan, a stem cell researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin, who was not involved in the research, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that this is a major advance. "You don't need to make viruses. You don't need to have special precautions. This is a technique any basic molecular biology lab can use," he said. "I think we're getting to a position where we can start to think about using these cells therapeutically." The famous bioethics author and attorney Wesley J. Smith hailed the advance. He said that President Barack Obama is stading in the way of progress, because these new development make embryonic stem cells oboselete. Although human iPS cells were only announced in November 2007, Smith says the "advances made since then have been breathtaking." "Let's hope they and/or other alternatives someday render embryonic stem cell research superfluous," he concludes. Therefore, iPS cells are really can make true help to those with ailments instead of the fraudulent embryonic stem cell research.

The GIVE bill threatens to enact a possible mandatory draft for Americans. On March 18, Rep. George Miller, a Democrat from California, tacked an amendment on H.R. 1388, entitled “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,” or GIVE (to government), which some believe is apart of Obama’s plan to require mandatory service for all able young people. Miller's amendment will “prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing,” (within the organizations) according to, a site that tracks Congress. That proposal is a violation of the First Amendment of course. So, the "volunteer corps" act was passed by the House with a 321-105 margin. This bill will require the government to create a plan for indentured servitude (it would also have those in the program to deny millions of people their right to oppose and organize against the government). “This is as close to a sedition act, a violation of 1st Amendment rights, as has been proposed in recent history. A basic right as a part of our natural, inalienable rights, is to resist government. Our founders not only knew it was a right but it was a responsibility. This legislation begins to break that down significantly,” writes Gary Wood for the Examiner. GIVE can make conscription a reality for millions of young people, put them in unifrorms, and send them into 4 year (public service) acadamies where they are brainwashed to become "public sector leaders." Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,” in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.” Barack Obama have called for a civilian national security force that is just as strong as the military is. Section 120 of the bill addresses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program” and states that “service learning” will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.” H.R. 1388 not only reauthorizes programs under the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, but also includes “new programs and studies” and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, explains Bob Unruh for WND. Other concerns with the program is that it could be used to create an ca. 250,000 volunteers in a national civilian security force. It appears that Miller’s amendment is designed to strip members of this emerging “National Civilian Security Force” of their constitutional rights under the First Amendment (including to strips funds possibly from existing private volunteer organizations).The First Amendment reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” On March 23, a similar bill was passed by the Senate on a 74 to 14 vote. “From President Kennedy’s days to the creation of Americorps by then President Bill Clinton, the notion of public service has become a rallying cry. Tonight’s vote, propelled by President Obama’s urging of an expansion, would mean a growth in such work from 75,000 community service jobs to 250,000,” reported the New York Times. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see if we don't fight against this measure, mandatory drafts will occur in the next few years.

The Birth certificate about Barack Obama has been written about by Bob Unruh from Now, the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Justice Department recently confirmed that the documentation challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be President has arrived (and it will soon be evaluated). Orly Taitz is a person worked for the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation. She has been working on a number of cases that raise questions over Obama's qualifications to be President. The Constitution says that the White House is to be occupied by only a natural born citizen. The Constitution on Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President." Now, some of Barack Obama's critics want to find conclusive evidence that he was born in Hawaii. If Obama was born out of the country, then his critics maintain that Barack Obama's mother was too young at the time of Barack Obama's birth to confer American citizenship to her son (under the law at the time). Taitz was informed by Karen Thornton of the Department of Justice that all of the case documents and filings have arrived and have been forwarded to the Office of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, including three dossiers and the Quo Warranto case. "Coincidently, after Dr. Taitz called me with that update, she received another call from Officer Giaccino at the Supreme Court," the website posting said. "Officer Giaccino stated both pleadings have been received and [are] being analyzed now." The report from the Supreme Court said the documents that Taitz hand-delivered to Chief Justice John Roberts at his appearance at the University of Idaho a little over a week ago also were at the Supreme Court. Another challenge to Obama's citizenship deals with his father. His father was a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born. Furthermore, others question his citizenship by virtue of his attendance in Indonesian schools during his childhood and question on what passport did he travel to Pakistan three decades ago. Some want to figure out if he had American or Indoenisan citizenship while he was in Indoensian schools. Adding fuel to the fire is Obama's persistent refusal to release documents that could provide answers. While his supporters cite an online version of a "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii, critics point out such documents actually were issued for children not born in the state. Hawaiian officials have confirmed they have a birth certificate on file for Obama, but it cannot be released without his permission, and they have not revealed the information it contains. John Eidsmoe, an expert on the U.S. Constitution working with the Foundation on Moral Law, told WND a demand for verification of Obama's eligibility appears to be legitimate. Eidsmoe said it's clear that Obama has something in the documentation of his history, including his birth certificate, college records and other documents that "he does not want the public to know." Leo Donofrio of New Jersey filed a lawsuit claiming Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. His case was considered in conference by the U.S. Supreme Court but denied a full hearing. Many other cases by people wanting to know the truth have been dismissed by law authorities. This isn't the only issue we should talk about, but this issue is important to discuss about. It's apart of the First Amendment.

Secret Societies still exist in 2009. The National Security Advisor named Jones said that he gives his orders from from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger. He said these words at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 8, 2009. If he's telling the truth, Henry Kissinger is very influential in the Barack Obama administration. Henry Kissinger is under David Rockefeller in political power, but he has a key role in supporting the new world order. Kissinger is an adviser to Pope Benedict XVI. It's a known fact that internationalists influence the decisions of Presidents spanning decades. Scowcroft is a Bilderberger, a CFR member, and a Trilateral Commission member. Sandy Berger is also a Bilderberger and a CFR member. Henry Kissinger is apart of the openly occultic Bohemian Grove group. He siad that Barack Obama could be the one to implement the new world order. One plan of secret societies is to restore lost Atlantis in the form of the new world order. That's all the reason to witness that there is nothing new under the sun. Nimrod with his Tower of Babel plans back then is replicated today with the Bilderbergers and others wanting the new world order established.

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. I have detailed evidence, in court style, for forgeries of Barack Obama's SSS registration form and supporting document as well as forgery of his certification of live birth. These were sent to Mr. Obama, US Attorney Fitzgerald and others. No one has contacted me about them. They can be seen at At you will find the evidences and solutions to world problems we created.
