
Friday, March 06, 2009



  1. Hey Master! ;-)

    Need a little help on this, bit of wisdom.

    The excerpts from this article by former Pres. Somoza, shares his views of how communist Jesuits were part of what I imagine was the eventual overthrow of his goverment; and these Jesuits focus on communism, to do so.

    What I am bit confused by is the last bit:

    [picture caption]- "General Anastasio Somoza and brother Luis flank Cardinal Spellman. This photograph was given to Somoza by Cardinal Spellman who had inscribed upon it the following message:

    'General and Mrs. Anastasio Somoza, with a blessing for their families and themselves. Respectfully, F. Cardinal Spellman.'"

    Isn't Cardinal Spellman one of the big honcho's in the whole Jesuit Black Pope hierarchy?

    Or where did I get myself little confused.... please help with your views. Thanks


  2. Cardinal Spellman is since what you are describing is just a letter. Also, you shouldn't call me a Master. Only God is the true Master of the Universe.

  3. I don't understand what you are saying about Cardinal Spellman. He is since what?

    As for Master, you be my 'King James' (well not quite yet, but that is my ultimate goal -- and after 7 years I don't appear to be making much headway, little now and then, like sailing upwind in a typhoon with a hanky as a sail); I be your Queen..... ;-) So yes there is a Universe God Master, and all that, perhaps he has a few helpers, I dont know... but here on ol planet earth, you be my KJ Master!

    Anyway.... perhaps one day that may interest you -- huh? ;-)


  4. I mean Cardinal Spellman was a big player in the Vatican. He's dead now. That letter signifies his religious influence in the 20th century.
