
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Real African History


  1. FROM: J-MC Patriot Alert Task Force (
    DATE: Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 7:31 PM
    SUBJECT: Ending Stereotypes for America

    Mr. Six,

    CC: Timothy Truthseeker

    Hi, had a look at your website. Think you are doing a good job. Just one little thing, when you intentionally or not, exclude certain factors which contribute to perceptions and behaviour as a direct causal factor, ignoring it, then it's in my view a form of intellectual hypocrisy.

    To be blunt, perhaps you may wish to think about including population policy, and high hateful procreaiton policies into your perspectives as to how the consequences of facsism and racism occur, as a result of exponential population increases colliding with scarce or depleting resources.


    Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs under Kissinger, was speaking bluntly yet honestly when he said: “Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it.”

    When 'whites' whether liberals or conservatives, pretend to care about racial equality issues, but refrain from honestly confronting blacks with certain behaviours of theirs -- we rob them of the opportunity of honest feedback to help those who do care about their fellow brothers, to do anything about the issues.

    As Martin Luther King said:

    “Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases which we do not yet understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution, but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and the education of the billions who are it’s victims”
    Anyway, not sure if that feedback was welcome or not.
    Lara Johnstone
    Exponential Fx of Sex & War:
    'HUMINT' or 'Crimen Inuria'

  2. I knew you would respond in that fashion. Many people are hypocrites and that is an accurate statement. Yet, this link is primarily about history not paranoia about hypocrispy at all. Thomas wasn't speaking honestly. He promotes the lie of overpopulation and works for a criminal like Henry Kissinger. Also, no one denies honest feedback on racial matters. Yet, silly stereotypes and lies about people of color isn't part of a true feedback. It's apart of deception and shill tactics. If Dr. King really believed in overpopulation then he is wrong on that issue. Many whites (blacks and others) do care about racial equality and have frank discussions about racial topics for decades (before you were ever born).

    No, I will never deny real African History at all. I don't care if you constantly respond to issues like this. Real history will be shown in this blog.

  3. These are views indeed.

  4. Overpopulation lies are tactics done by the new world order crowd to deny real solutions in helping the Third World. The Third World needs modernization and other solutions not the Nazi tactic of depopulation at all.

  5. Links refuting the overpopulation lie:

  6. My darling Timothy,

    If you attempting to insult me, you gonna have to try harder than that! ;-)

    Seriously; I know we disagree on the issue of 'over'population; or at least if we don't agree; you do one hell of an exceptional job of pretending you disagree with me on overpopulation.

    But I shall give you the benefit of the doubt that you are sincere.

    And I can give you a very simple perhaps stupid example for why it is that those who say there is no overpopulation problem, got to provide me with some really good evidence therefore, before I belive them.

    In early '90's I travelled to China, I spent a couple of days on a third class train from Shanghai to Ghuanghdou. The train car was packed like sardines. If I had been the only person in the traincar, Id have been able to lie down, walk around, talk to myself; I wasn't able to hardly move. When I went to the toilet, I had to stand in a long line, and then the toilet was a hole in the ground, that unfortunately got full, so the shit became a small little mountain (you culdn't really 'bend down' you'd stick your ass in shit!).

    I have yet to meet any PhD population 'guru' liberal or conservative, 'over'population ain't a problem' 'population growth is beautiful' who has lived in a black ghetto; spent some time in a highly populated prison cell; or a couple of days in a third class Chinese train.

    So, one day when I meet such an indivdual who has experienced the consequences of overpopulation -- IN THEIR FACE -- and had the brains to recognize it as such; then perhaps we can have an EXPERIENTIAL CONVERSATION; as opposed to all the INTELLECTUAL BULLSHIT, THAT PASSES FOR 'CONVERSATION' ABOUT 'POPULATION'.

    But too many sitting in their fancy low populated ivory towers, benefitting from masses of slaves and cannon fodder bred to massive population capacity; who got a vested interest in keeping a large amount of proles ignorant slaves and cannon fodder.

    Anyway, those were my thoughts.

    PS: Don't mean I love you any less, but can you tell me you'd be able to spend the same amount of time with me, if you had 20 wives, or I had 20 husbands? What if when we go on our honeymoon, I want to take 19 husbands along, for our wedding night? Would that qualify as a bit of 'overpopulation honeymoon voyeurism'? ;-)

  7. I'm not trying to insult you.

    Really, I'm just showing my views and the truth about this issue.

    I don't pretend to disagree with on the overpopulation myth. I do actually disagree you on the overpopulation myth completely. We will have to agree to disagree on that subject as human beings. Also, these links provide all the evidence you need to refute the overpopulation myth. I don't know why you keep on denying that evidence from those links.

    So, you don't need to be repetitive with you claim that you haven't seen evidence to the contrary (when you can use those links as having plenty of evidence). Also, your experiences in CHina have nothing do with overpopulation. It has to do with crowding issues in China. NOt to mention that the fact remains that all humans can fit in the state of Texas given 1,000 sq. ft. each. China and other places need modernization and high technology not Malthusian propaganda to solve much of their problems.

    Also, Phds disagree with your fantasies of overpopulation. Many places have sanitary issues and overcrowding issues. That doesn't mean that the Earth is overpopulation since most of the Earth is still rural whether you agree with that or not. Not to mention that the UN even admits that population growth will level and decline by 2050.

  8. Instead of utilizing quaint, tired profanity, you should look at many points of view of the population issues. Underpopulation is an epidemic in SOuth Korea, W. Europe, Russia, Japan, and other nations globally. Also, you deny the possibility of improvement for all humans.

    Just because someone lives in a poor condition, doesn't means that they should remain there. There is always that possibility to improve the world. That is why organizations exist to help those suffering. Not to mention that most people of the world don't have over 19 spouses. You use exaggeration to try to validate your argument. Yet, exaggeration is never a true key to deciphering what really going on.

  9. These are my thoughts indeed.

  10. YOu know I can respond swiftly when I want to. That's just me.

  11. Sorry, thought at some point you were being stubborn, to tease me by irritating me. But if I was wrong about that; sorry.

    Okay... I am okay with agreeing to disagree; until if either one of us finds the others information or evidence compelling enough to change our mind.

    Perhaps if I had spent my entire prison experience in a single cell at Terre Haute, et al; instead of overcrowded dormitory African prison cells; I may be more inclined to change my mind, just based on intellectual information. My experience however shows me that the greater number of people you place in a smaller confined aread, with limited resources, the number of people in the area, and their cultural paradigm have a direct expoential correlation to the level of violence.

    But very few people, if any have the slightest interest in listening to what I have to say on the issue; and that's okay. I just ain't about to change my view, because of some intellectual theory from someone who ain't experienced IN YOUR FACE OVERPOPULATION like I have.

    Those poeple who want to listen to Ph.D's who believe the crap they are taught at universities about falling demographics, are welcome to do so; until they choose not to.

    So anyway, that appears to be where we stand on the issue and that's okay; don't love you any less.


  12. YOu know I can respond swiftly when I want to. That's just me.

    Yes I know when you want to! ;-) Love you 'just like you wanna be'.

  13. Your deception has been refuted before.

  14. When have I ever deceived you?

    If provided such evidence; I have no problem apologizing. As far as I am aware in ten years I have NEVER LIED TO YOU. NOT ONCE. EVEN WHEN I KNEW IT MAY HURT LIKE SHIT; I NEVER LIED.

    So, tell me when you say I lied to you.
