
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Shilling for Dollars at the SPLC

Note by Me: I don't agree with the site's promotion of Dominion Theology.

By Timothy


  1. ThoughtCrime: Oklahoma City:

    John Doe #3 is a good friend of mine; and was Tim's Commanding Officer in Special Forces; they were close. No big deal posting this, cause this information has been provided to US Attorneys in San Francisco, INS, and others; who preferred not to receive it.

    John Doe #3 (I do know his real name) was ordered by his military officers to 'dissapear' after the bombing.

    One aspect of the bombing, is the divide within the military, same as within FBI and CIA; of which this event had something to do with it.

    In the spring of 1995, a small group of highly patriotic flag officers were plotting to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Clinton for giving military secrets to the Red Chinese, a sworn enemy of the U.S.; an arrest provided for and authorized under the military code. As titular head of both the U.S. civilian and military Establishment, Clinton, on the other hand, could have arrested the 24 Admirals and Generals for mutiny. If they were not assassinated, they intended to defend themselves with proof, such as Clinton giving, to the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, in the White Houuse and elsewhere, U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Giving aid and comfort to a sworn enemy of the U.S., the classical definition of treason.

    On Monday, April 17, 1995, a military jet planeload of top military was enroute to Dallas. They had onboard what is not supposed to exist, an American prisoner-of-war, prepared to finger the Pentagon as perpetuated by Clinton, as continuing the POW/Missing in Action cover-up from the Viet Nam war. From sabotage, the plane blew up in the air, killing all onboard, near Alexander City, Alabama. The Pentagon made every effort to cover up what happened. Families of the victims were reportedly not permitted to have any possessions or details. There are strong reasons to believe the plane had a portion of a group of "Seven Days in May" style military officers plotting a coup against the White House. Thereafter, the small group of other flag officers, out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb. A year later, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, apparently aware of the coup, was assassinated and covered up as a "suicide", a favorite whitewash by the monopoly press. And about the time of Boorda's murder, was assassinated William Colby, former Director of Central Intelligence. He reportedly was assisting the plotters with detailed data. Colby's death was explained by the pressfakers as a "boat accident", although his friends contend it was murder. (Skolnicks Report)

    Timothy allegedly 'refused to walk the plank', and threatened to expose what he knew. The CIA arranged for a faked execution; and thereafter he was shuttled out the back door.

    Timothy McVeigh's currently blogs as 'Timothy Truthseeker':
    Asked bluntly if he is McVeigh he will deny it; asked cryptically, he will confirm it.

    John Doe #3 confirmed this, having met Tim in Oklahoma on the week of 4th of July 2001 (after the alleged execution).

    Anyway, know it sounds 'out there' and quite understand that some consider it unbelievable. So for what it's worth; consider, deny, or whatever.


  2. Sorry Lara,

    My name isn't Timothy McVeigh at all. He's dead. I think you need to move forward from this stuff.

    By Timothy

  3. Timothy,

    No offense, but I'd be happy to move forward, if you would confirm you ain't Timothy, by say: picking up the telephone and calling me, so I can hear your voice. I don't mind making the call! ;-)

    And you confuse me a little then, cause what happened to 'knowing me' (to the tune of 'knowing you') ;-)? Next you be telling me, it's sung by Four Jacks and a Jill, Master Jack! ;-)

    Filly Me

  4. I think this is silly since my last name isn't McVeigh at all. Timothy McVeigh died after he was punished for his deeds in prison.

  5. My Dear Master McVeigh,

    Me does think though does protes too much.... ;-)

    Me knows thou art the dearest of my heart, the love of my life, the man known as Timothy McVeigh; and that thou protes this ongoing refusal of my love...

    But anyway, okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; so you;
    (i) really ain't McVeigh, never had anything to do with him; simple solution. Tell me your real last name, and your telephone number, and a photo of you and I give you a telephone call and confirm you are who you say you are; which you will prove to me by meeting me at a place of your choosing; so I can look you in the eye and see and hear you and confirm for myself you aint him. And if so, I shall apologise profusely to anyone I have ever told that you are Timothy McVeigh.

    (ii) are Timothy McVeigh; although your last name may now be changed, with a new name; but you still in Tim's body! [:-) boy am I going to give that body a hard time when I finally get hold of it!! ;-)]; but of course this is a rather large national security issue -- and goodness knows if anything upsets people and gets their little ego hornets in a nest, its national secuirty issues... !! -- and everyone and his dog who has got some fancy elite religious, corporate or political reputation in this world, ain't about to throw those reputations down teh drain to admit Timothy McVeigh, da Constitutional American Terrorist is alive and well... ; or why you ain't dead.... or somethign like that.

    (iii) You are Tim McVeigh; but you ain't that interested in being officially alive again as Tim McVeigh... for reasons too numerous to mention, such as you are more interested in living a quiet anonymous thoreau militia patriot life in a logcabin with your poker-freak wife; than you are being a sycophant pharisee sheeple shepherd.....

    Or what other reasons could there be, honey?

    PS: I don't really care what you wanna call yourself; I be happy to go off to live in a off the grid logcabin with you tomorrow.
