
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Recap of life in 2009

The Swine flu virus is spreading. It is also called H1N1. It gained coverage from Mexico. There are still a limited number of people who died from it, but that doesn't diminish the value of the lives lost. The WHO or the World Health Organization denies that this swine flu is a biological weapon, but we don't know all of what this virus is all about. The swine flu virus is a completely new strain. It's an intercontinetial mixture of human, avian, and swine viruses. There has been no reported A-H1N1 infections of pigs. Former NSA official Wayne Madsen believes that this strain was a product of a genetically manufactured military biological weapon. It's too early to make that view though. Although, it is true that the Fort Detrick , the U.S. Army Medical Command installation (that was the source of the 2001 anthrax attacks), is again attracting suspicion in light of the swine flu panic after it was revealed that criminal investigators are probing whether virus samples recently went missing from its biolabs. A spokesman for Fort Meade named Chad Jones said that the CID is investigating how missing virus samples came about from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Baxter wants to develop the swine flu vaccine when they have a bird flu scandal in their own organization. Baxter spread vaccine tainted with the deadly avian flu virus that spread globally. As reported by multiple sources last month, including the Times of India, vaccines contaminated with deadly live H5N1 avian flu virus were distributed to 18 countries last December by a lab at an Austrian branch of Baxter. Baxter claimed that the infected vaccines were done by accident, but it's difficult to merge a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident. Luckily, it wasn't injected into humans, but ferrets died from experiments using the vaccines. Baxter confirmed over the weekend that it is working with the World Health Organization on a potential vaccine to curb the deadly swine flu virus that is blamed for scores of deaths in Mexico and has emerged as a threat in the U.S., reports the Chicago Tribune. This new virus is a merging virus. Pigs, birds, and humans are dying from it. This swine flu is limited though. Also, millions of Mexicans die each year from TB, tythoid, and malaria. The media rarely reports this. We should take the swine flu virus serious. Yet, we ought not to be paranoid about it. We do know that this crisis is being exploited by the government to promote mass mandatory vaccination of citizens. DHS and FEMA have plans in place to accomplish this (or force a population to be vaccinated which is called ring or traced vaccination), as D. H. Williams wrote for the Daily Newscaster in February. An Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago revealed a plan to “vaccinate the entire population within 48 hours” as part of a Hazard Mitigation Plan. That is why there is a nationwide FEMA program that wants religious leaders to make people to have forced vaccinations, martial law, steal property, steal firearms, etc. in the case of a national emergency. The SNS is the United States’ national repository of antibiotics, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, and who knows what else. It is jointly run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano mentioned the SNS stockpile when she declared the so-called Mexican swine flu outbreak a public health emergency. Also, this event could be one layer of the depopulation agenda. An exploited virus can kill many people. Globalists like Prince Philip and others express their sick intention of wanting 80% of the world population to die in the near future.

Police brutality is going on again. ABC 13 from YouTube on April 27, 2009 described how a Iraq war veteran was beaten and tasered by cops. This occured at Las Vegas airport. An Iraqi War veteran says that Metro officers beat him at McCarran International Airport. Action News has video of the alleged beating two months ago. National guard Sergeant Mark England said that the officers beat him with a nightstick and shot him with a taser. This happened after an argument with TSA agents at the airport. The Metro officers involved are still working and Metro says based on the video Action News showed them they believe the officer didn’t do anything wrong. It's obvious that the officers did something wrong, because you don't use multiple people to beat on a man like that. This proves that we have a long way to go to get police brutality under control. The famous Gospel singer Tonex is well known now. People know about him. Tonex once went into a profane rant against those that disagree with him. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean you do out and have a profanity rant about your life. Tonex grew up in the Pentecostal church that embraced the heresy of the Oneness doctrine. Tonex claims to embrace the Trinity today, but he believes that you must speak in tongues in order to be saved. He suffered throughout his life from deaths in his family to other issues. No one should gloat in his suffering, his divorce, etc. Today, he is joined with the New Age/pro-5 Percenter singer Erykah Badu. Badu said that Jesus was a cool rebel. Tonex worked with pro-World Faith movement teacher TD Jakes. TD Jakes is correct to point out that there is nothing wrong with improving our financial affairs. He's totally wrong in believing that financial security is a sign of how well our spiritual relationship with God is. The apostles and other were dirt poor, yet they have a great relationship with God. Therefore, a rich saved person is equal to a poor saved person. Money doesn't define salvation, God does. Also, the love of money is the root of all evil. Many of these artists follow the world's formula for popularity and profit. With all of these issues, there are good news. People can wake up, leave the worldly stuff behind, and make Yeshaua HaMaschiach their Lord and Savior. Even people like Tonex and their ilk can wake up. Even the Bible says that we have every right to have legitimate judgment in numerous areas. We can't judge a person's soul and salvation, but we can judge false doctrines as wrong. Sometimes, legitimate criticism in the right way can lead a person to improve their own lives. The "Judge not at any circumstance" crowd have apparently forgotten about John 7:24 exhorting believers to judge rightful judgment.

Generation Rx is a new film that is created by Kevin B. Miller. Miller exposes a real issue that is going on in the world. For decades, some doctors, government officials, journalists, and others have praised psychiatric medicines for children. This film exposes our culture having been a radical antidepressant culture in the Western world. Kevin P. Miller is an international award-winning filmmaker. This film has experts, doctors, etc. proving that drug companies and the FDA work together to promote dangerous antidepressants on the American people. This documentary has families displaying their testimonies of following the advice of their doctors. They faced devastating consequences for doing so. Their children have suffered from these types of drugs as well. The film exposes the risk factors of many drugs that relate to antidepressants. The film lasts for about 81 minutes. The irony is that there are gun free zones near schools, yet drugs are being spread unto children like candy. Some children abuse these drugs. The abuse of antidepressants have been a consistent factor in why children massive school shootings occur in the first place. That is why some of these drugs can cause suicidal thoughts. The film say that some in Big Pharma would hide the effects of these drugs. It's been known for a while now that we should be careful about what drugs we take into our bodies. There was a testimony of people exposing Prozac back in 1991 to the FDA. He also expose Codex Alimentarius and "free trade." Codex Alimentarius is an agenda supported by Big Pharma (and the United Nations) that seeks to regulate how vitamins are sold in the world. Some proponents of Codex want most vitamins to be banned from consumers to recieve. This is inspite of the facts that vitamins are crucial to the improvement and efficiency of the human immune system. There should be health freedom. The government, Big Pharma, the FDA, etc. have no right to control the health of our nation at all.

Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. Joel Turtel from April 25, 2009 on had a story about homeschooling experiences. He believes in homeschooling, because he feels that is an efficient way to do well in mathematics and help children achieve a great career in the future. Joel writes about Caitlin Gurthrie Freeman (a female)'s homeschooled experiences. She wrote a letter to the College Admission boards. Caitlin wrote about attending the private alternative school of Antioch School. She later felt that Ridgewood didn't create her independence in terms of her educational future. She didn't want her brain to be the property of the state. She left Ridgewood in June of 1993. Caitlin loved her time in homeschool. She concieved of the time of having freedom to learn with limitless time and a great sense of accomphlishment. She felt that knowledge was rapidly accessible to improve her thinking on various subject matters. Caitlin had an interest in archaeology and paleontology. She experienced reading literature from William Shakespear to Isaac Asimov's "The Realm of Algebra." I heard of Isaac Asimov's works as a child. She worked online on the Internet to perform her homeschool actions as well. She feels that homeschooling can develop a more hands on approach in solving problems like cooking foods and solving math equations. Homeschooling to many people can allow more time to accomplish duties and organize a schedule better. Caitlin had free time on her hands. Her self learning help her a lot. Homeschooling has a right to exist and it has benefits among numerous students. It's fact that homeschoolers have been excellent in handling college courses and developing significant careers in a lot of fields. Many of the homeschooling, general information, and parent-organization websites listed in the Resource section of my book, “Public Schools, Public Menace,” can also give you an idea of what homeschooling can be like. These websites have many true stories by parents who describe their homeschooling experiences, and offer homeschooling tips. Some folks are choosing homeschooling, because of the problems that relate to public schools. Public schools have had issues with radical secular humanism, the bashing of religious values, and other scandals. Yet, I believe in true educational freedom. A parent has the right to choose public schools, private schools, and even homschooling for the children if they desire to.

Elizabeth Allen from San Antonio Express-News on April 27, 2009 wrote about suspected or confirmed cases of the swine flu climbing to 12. The Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District said Sunday that it will close all its schools for at least one week. The district also canceled today’s planned public meeting at Steele High School in Cibolo, where the two Texas cases of swine flu were confirmed last week. There are 10 suspected cases being tests. These people are all from the school district or household contacts of the infected student. They range from a 6 year old to people in their 40s. Dr. Sandra Guerra is the regional medical director the Texas Department of State Health Services. She admitted to these circumstances on Sunday. There might be more cases of people affected out there. Linda Moses of Cibolo is sick. She has symptoms of vomiting, diahrrea, and a cough. Both of her son have shown flu symptoms as well. One attends Clemens High School. “I allowed him to go over and spend time with his grandparents, which I’m a little worried about now, because that’s the last thing they need,” Moses said. Linda is planning to see a doctor as soon as possible, because of the news of the district wide closure of schools. Linda Moses commented that these troubling events are beginning to hit home now. Schertz closed its public library and Cibolo closed its parks. Cibolo is asking churches and gathering places to postpone activities. Rebecca Villarreal, spokeswoman for the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City district, said the situation is changing every day. The school district has set up an information hotline at 210-619-4700 for parents and school employees to call for updates, Villarreal said. “We recorded the message for the week, and if there's a change we'll update it,” she said, adding that the district is working on adding a Spanish version of the message. “We know we're going to have questions, especially come Friday, (when) the big question will be, ‘Is there going to be school on Monday?'”Some fear that this flu will be a pandemic. Hopefully, this won't happen. The future is uncertain when dealing with this virus though. The virus spreading across the world in America, Europe, and even in Israel.

Steven Ertelt from on April 27, 2009 described aobut the possible Judicial pick by the name of David Hamiliton. The Senate held a Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday on President Barack Obama's first pro-abortion judicial nomination. David was a former Clinton federal district court nominee to serve on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Hamiliton was initially appointed by President Bill Clinton to a district judgeship in Indiana at 1994 even though the ABA gave him a "not qualified" rating. In that position, Hamilition made rulings. These rulings prevented Indiana to implement its informed consent law (this law gave women information about abortion's risks and alternatives. "For seven years Indiana has been prevented from enforcing a statute materially identical to a law held valid by the Supreme Court in Casey, by this court in Karlin, and by the fifth circuit in Barnes," the appeals judges wrote in their decision. Yet, I don't agree with laws that say give informed consent and then you can kill the baby though). Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont is the chairman of the Senate panel. He scheduled a hearing on Wednesday for Hamilton's nomination after Republicans boycotted an earlier hearing saying they were not given enough time to prepare for it. Hamilton has the backing of that Indiana’s Republican senator, Dick Lugar, but pro-life Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, has already pledged to filibuster Hamilton's nomination. Pro-Life Senator Jeff Sesson of Alabama (who is another Republican) have indicated that he might vote against Hamiliton and even support a filibuster of his nomination. Session accuses the administration of promoting far left nominees. Hamilton found his decision against the Indiana informed consent law overturned by the appeals court where he may serve. In fact, the 7th Circuit Court issued a statement chiding him for holding up the law. Hamiliton was the vice president for litigation and a board member of the Indiana branch of the ACLU, a top pro-abortion law firm. David Hamiliton hasn't been willing to even want to reduce abortions in his decisions. Therefore, David Hamiliton should be criticized legitimate for his pro-abortion actions. The pro-life truth will always remain forever.

Christians and Conspiracies have been a touchy subject for sometime now. People now know about the new world order agenda in a very high level. There are books, the Internet, videos, newsletters, etc. exposing this subject in a concrete level. So, there is no excuse to not now about world leaders calling for the new world order (especially if you're an extremely intelligent human being). We do know that Bible prophecy predicted such times like the rise of Ecumenicalism, the teachings of false doctrines, immorality, the new world order, etc. Some people who are supposedly exposing the new world order sprew disinformation and speculation. Others exposing the new world order have presented noteworthy facts. It's fine to discuss about the New Age, Communism, the heresy of Romanism, etc. It's even more important to educate and help our fellow human beings about these issues as well. Conspiracies are apart of human existence. The reason is that a conspiracy deals with 2 or more people planning an act in secret and then carrying it out. So, human history is awash with conspiracies. Even the Bible exposes conspiracies from Isaiah 8:11-14. So, we should expose conspiracies, yet this ought not to escape the commandment from Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel. In other words, we should teach on issues pertaining to the new world order and never submit to evil, but we should help people via spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well. Even the Biblical prophecies about the Antichrist have the saints of God rejecting the Mark of the Beast. They resisted an evil governmental decree and are going to be murdered for it. So, we have every right to resist evil and follow the good aspects of life. So, we should present accurate information about the new world order. Yet, we shouldn't forgot our duty to help people in the world around us. Throughout history, human beings with confidence and a God-given drive have improve areas of their fellow men. We should carry that torch.

By Timothy

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