
Monday, September 28, 2009

G20 and other News

G20 meetings have existing in 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA. Protesters came to oppose policies in the G20 from the war on terror to globalization. It's been easily discovered that G20 police and the military savagely attacked peaceful protesters in Pittsburgh Park. This has been confirmed by many sources like the reporter Rob Dew. According to Jason Bermas, the police and the military attacked peaceful protesters in a Pittsburg park. The police and the military cracked heads with billy clubs, deployed LRAD sound cannons, and shoot rubber bullets in close range. Rob Dew was arrested in the choas. The deal was that about 200 to 300 peaceful protesters came at Schenley Park for a demonstration. Yet, they were assaulted by a busloads of riot cops and military units that came upon the scene. Bermas stated that the police were aggressively charging the protesters and cracking them in the head with billy clubs. THey shot rubber bullets at them in close range, which can kill people like it did in the past. The police used LRAD sound cannaon to dispere the protesters, but these weapons were used against insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the first time in Pittsburgh that such weapons have been used against American citizens in public. Bermas said that the scene was like a movie when police tried to block the whole park and catch every protester. They wanted violence to do so. “Everyone was just sort of standing around spectating. No one was really having an adamant protest. It was just a bunch of college kids,” witness Ben Balik told The Pittsburgh Channel. At the end of the police brutality, half of the protesters were arrested like Rob Dew and probably We are Change leader Luke Rudkowski. “Varun Viswanathan, a Pitt sophomore, said he saw a police officer hitting one individual, reports Pitt News. “I think they completely use unnecessary force on us,” he said. “They have no right to do that.” Egler exposed the police as trying to scare people. The barbaric act of the police in Pittsburgh proves that police brutality is an epidemic in America. Pitt Senior said that the police action was crazy. This evil police behavior at the G20 meeting have been widely condemned as unwarranted. Some of the police wanted to provoke the demonstrators. “The deployment of police seems to be more geared toward suppressing lawful demonstrations than actually preventing crime,” Witold Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, told the Associated Press. Paige Cram who is a spokeswoman for the liberal legal aid group of the National Lawyers Guild said that the legal observers saw police chasing, arresting, etc. students who weren't involved in the protest. A Youtube video pvoed that Pitt students briefly trapped on outdoor stairwell of a campus building. They were exposed to gaseous pepper spray and they were allowed to move, because riot police were blocking the bottom and the top of the stairs.

The Real ID Act has been exposed by many quarters indeed. Now, there is the DHS extending the deadline for states to ask for an extrension in order to comply with the Real ID Act of 2005. Before today, the states had until October 11, 2009 to ask for an extension. Now, states have until December 1, 2009 to ask for it. The DHS is using this strategy to try to pass the PASS Act or SB261. DHS wants Congress to force states to comply with the Real ID Act by December 31, 2009. Secretary of DHS Napolitano drew an image of long lines at airports and entrances to federal facilities before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee on July 15, 2009. The Secretary said that everyone will be subject to secondary screening procedures because not one state would be Real ID compliant by December 31, 2009. Some want the PASS ID Act to pass as a replacement to the REAL ID Act. Senator Lieberman did not allow any opposing testimony to the PASS Act when the legislation was in the committee he chairs. Some citizens oppose the Real ID Act for the same reason that they oppose the PASS Act. Some don't want any discussion over the PASS Act since the Act will allow the federal government to violate the civil liberties of people. The truth is that we should have open discussion before Congress passes any bill. We should protect our rights and civil liberties in the process of our lives.

In Great Britain, the assisted suicide proponents are still there. Some want the UK government to kill the elderly, handicapped, and the terminally ill. Dr. Philip Nitschke is 61 and the founder and director of the pro-euthanasia group called Exit International. He said that the demand of killing people is growing. He is nicknamed Dr. Death for his work on assisted sucide. He even promotes a drug kit of how to kill oneself. Nazism promoted euthanasia and euthanasia is a threat today. Hitler's holocaust utilized euthanasia against the young and the elderly. This pro-assisted sucide culture is a revived Nazism hiding under the guise of compassion, love, and mercy. So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that the new world order has components of Nazism (like abortion, euthanasia, eco-extremism, gun bans from innocent people, globalism, etc.). Nazism love some New Age tenets as well. These spiritual doctrines are shared by many leaders in the new world order movement. Nazis lied and claimed that they killed people by claimed that they were "unworthy of life." No, all humans are equal and are worthy of living in this Earth. Those who promote adult euthanasia are similar to embracing Nazi doctrines. Even Dr. Wolfensberger's book entitled, "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People" exposed how handicapped people were murdered for satanic reasons in Syracuse University. So, I oppose euthanasia 100%.

Life news are here. There is a report that details 40 years of pregnancy center helping women to aviod abortion. Millions of women have avioided the medical and mental health heartache the accompanies an abortion and chosen life for their unborn children. This is done via the yeoman's work of staff and volunteers at pregnancy centers all over America and arounnd the Earth. There is a new report called "A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life." It prove the efforts of abortion option counseling for years that prevent women from having abortion. In a luncheon (on Wednesday), the leaders of Heartbeat International, Care Net, NIFLA, the Family Research Council, and others will talk about the ways women have recieved tangible pregnancy help and abortion options counseling. The panel of speakers deal with physicians, client served by the centers, and Presidents of 3 national pregnancy center network.s (which represent more than 2,300 cross-affiliates in all 50 tates). Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn will be among those talking about those in the meeting will talk about pregnancy centers have impacted women positively including maternity homes, adoption agencies, and pregnancy medical clinics. Peggy said that: These faith-based community organizations, 40,000 volunteers strong, brighten a woman’s future with the support and help she needs to bring new life into the world." FRC President Tony Perkins respect the report because compassionate service are given to at least 1.9 million people each year at littl to not cost to the clients. This was achieved via private charity and a high proportion of volunteers who work at the centers. There is a national debate on health. More than 2,300 nonprofits pregnancy resource centers are in support of maternal and child health and well being deserves to be affirmed and supported according to Perkins. Joel Garcia, M.D. is the former Assistant Secretary of Health at the Department of Health and Human Services. He will join the pregnancy center leaders. Melinda Delahoyde of Care Net, Tom Glessner from NIFLA, McKissic Bush, M.D., a former member of the Presidential Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS and Dr. Sandy Christiansen of the Christian Medical Association will attend as well along with former pregnancy center clients. Pregnancy centers have done a lot prove the pro-life truth indeed.

I've visited Richmond, Virginia for another time. I traveled there from Norfolk, Virginia in a Greyhound bus with some of my family. It lasted just under 2 hours. When I came there, a relative picked up us to visit to eat at a MacDonalds in Richmond. Richmond looked better than 2 years ago when I came there before. There are a lot of modernization going in Richmond. Richmond have many hills and it's much more elevated in their land than I'm from. I'm from a sea level city. Now, I've saw a baseball stadium, Museums, old building, and other places in the capital of Virginia. I came to Richmond to go into a wedding. It was the first wedding that I was involved in. The wedding wa held in a church near Richmond. The church wa medium sized in their composition. The weding was great with teh children walking around plus other occurences. Prayers were said and the bride and groom were married then they kissed each other. I probably won't become married until my early 30's when I'm more situated in my life. The reception was held in the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Downtown. I ate a sufficient amount of food. There were a moderate amount of people at that reception in the number of about 60 people. Some people danced. I had a good thing. Sometimes in life, you need to re connect bonds among your family to value your life and respect the people that influence your life daily. I've enjoy myself and laughed. As a man, you learn about life and these experiences give you inspiration to try to improve your life better than what occured in the past. I'm certainly dedicated to reject stereotypes about people, to reject bigotry, and to move forward in living my life. I've returned back to Hampton Roads in the late night. The thing with me is that I'm used to living in early morning and the late night.

By Timothy

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