
Friday, September 25, 2009

Mindless Neo-Cons Claim G20 Abduction Video Is “Fake”


Mindless Neo-Cons Claim G20 Abduction Video Is “Fake”

Deluded morons resort to infantile denial to hide from the fact that America is a military police state
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Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 25, 2009
After the Drudge Report linked to the shocking You Tube video of a G20 protester being abducted by military police in Pittsburgh, hoards of mindless Neo-Cons flooded comment boards claiming the event was “fake” or “staged,” citing all manner of ludicrous and unfounded reasons in a desperate effort to deny the fact that America is now a military police state.
As we reported earlier, the video shows an unmarked gold Sedan pulling up to a side street as men in military fatigues wrestle a protester towards the car. The protester is forced into the car and kidnapped as the Sedan speeds off into a cloud of tear gas.
Debunkers attempted to attack the chilling gravity of the video by firstly claiming the men were not from the “military,” as if it even matters whether they are police, national guard, or marines. We know for a fact that the Pittsburgh National Guard were training with the Army and the Air Force in anticipation of the G20, namely on how to conduct crowd control, and that active duty military personnel are on the ground in Pittsburgh.

However, scores of commenters on You Tube merely dismissed the chilling video with throwaway lines like “FAKE…move on,” as if their childlike response of denying reality could make the monsters go away.
Here’s a selection of the comments currently appearing underneath the video on You Tube.
“Fake. Staged. Next…”
“it’s staged. Marines don’t roll up their sleeves.”
“No arms or insignia, and they drove off in what looked like somebody’s grandmother’s car — this looks like a false flag op to me, staged by a bunch of radicals to make the government look bad.”
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Proof that the incident was by no means staged comes in the form of a photograph taken of the same man under arrest laying on the ground in plastic handcuffs. The men in military uniforms are accompanied by uniformed riot police, proving that this was a genuine and coordinated arrest and abduction. The men in military uniforms are not protesters dressed up as Marines, as the Neo-Cons are bizarrely claiming.
Claims that the men are wearing fake uniforms are also completely debunked by the fact that official Associated Press photos of “military checkpoints” in Pittsburgh show the same uniforms being worn. See the images below.
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Other respondents on You Tube express suspicion at the alarming amount of comments claiming the video is “fake”.
“The behavior on this board is very suspicious. I see way too many comments that this video is fake–these “skeptics” are all over this hammering the point that this video is fake,” remarks one.
“One might expect a few “it’s fake” claims, but so many? Are there that many supporters of the good work of the G20 leaders who? have the time to make “retarded anarchists” on youtube videos. Or could it be that the military goons have been directed to swarm this video to attempt to discredit it?”
The authenticity of the video is proven by another You Tube clip that shows footage from immediately after the kidnapping. A man wearing a red bandana who was protesting the abduction is arrested and dragged away by riot police as other demonstrators express their sock at the events that are unfolding.
This proves that both men were targeted by the authorities, and that the abduction of the first protester was by no means “staged” in any way. In fact, it’s par for the course in a city that is under martial law lockdown where the First Amendment is a criminal offense. The first video also clearly shows uniformed riot police telling the man in the red bandana not to interfere with the abduction of the protester, proving that this is a coordinated kidnapping and not “staged” by protesters as Neo-Cons are claiming.

Instead of displaying a knee-jerk infantile reaction, spitting their dummies out and crying “fake,” these mindless Neo-Cons who deny reality need to look themselves in the mirror, become real men again and realize that the LRAD sound weapons and the ceaseless gutting of the First Amendment is not just aimed at “pinko commie” anarchists – the sound cannons and the police state is also focused firmly on conservative activists and Tea Party protests.
It’s time to grow up, grow a pair, and face the truth that America is now a militarized police state

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