
Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Still here having Hope

Some people want to audit the FED. Bernanke and the bankers are disagreeing with this policy. Ben Bernanke head the FED now. Bernanke wrote to the pro-CIA Washington Post, that: "...These measures are very much out of step with the global consensus on the appropriate role of central banks, and they would seriously impair the prospects for economic and financial stability in the United States..." Bernanke supported the central banking system and globalism when he had a testimoney to the Senate panel on his renomination. He wants to serve a 2nd four year term as a FED leader. Barney Frank is the chariman of the House Financial Services Committee. He is a banskter, who tried to derail efforts to audit the FED. He failed. The proposal to audit the Fed's monetary policy deliberations won a committee vote recently over Frank's objections. Of course Bernanke claimed that the FED misked risky behavior, but the FED helped to enact instruments to prevent the economic meltdown from being much worse than it is presently. The FED in fact influenced greatly financial crises. The FED was created in the Jekyll Island meeting off the coast of Georgia in 1910 (with planners like J.P. Morgan, the Rothschild agents, John D. Rockefeler, the Warburgs, etc.). The 1913 U.S. Federal Reserve bank was created as a result of that secret meeting. Even Freemason Charles Lindbergh on the midnight passage of the Federal Reserve Act admitted that: "From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." The FED used irresponsible speculation by expanding money supply by 625 between 1923 and 1929. The Great Depression came about later after those disastrous policies. The depression wasn't accidential, but a contrived occurence according to Congressman Louis McFadden. McFadden was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee. He said that the international banks wanted to have a condition of panic, so they can rule society more. In March of 1929, Paul Warburg issued a tip that the scientifically created crash was coming. Before it did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other banksters got out of the market. Later, these same bankers meet in Bretton Woods, New Hamsphire. This was when they help to plot the formation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These 2 organization have corruption and force debt on billions of people worldwide. President Nixon in 1971 signed an executive order to stop the U.S. from redeeming its paper dollars for gold. The gold standard was ended. Now, Bernanke is trying to support the FED when it has been involved in manipulating credit from the Great Depression, etc. The FED is trying to support itself when it has been involved in stealing public assets, resources, and creating a feudalism economic system. Communist China's totalitarianism is similar to a feudal system as well. Some elites want a world government and if the dollar is destroyed, a world reserve currency could be in its place. As for Congress, Bernanke needs to read Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall have exclusive power to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof,” not a criminal cartel of monopoly men who dream of a prison planet.

The Italian government of Prime Silvio Berlusconi blocks a deady abortion drug since he wants to seek a safety review. The drug was approved by the AIFA or the Italian pharmaceutical authority, which is similar to the FDA in America. This drug is an abortion drug. The drug killed at least 13 women worldwide and injured more than 1,100 women in the United States alone as of 2006. This drug called mifepristone kills unborn children and kills or injures women as well. The RU 486 abortion drugs has been approved for use up to 7 weeks into pregnancy and only in hospitals. Yet, today, the London Times show that the Senate health commission suspended its used and asked the government's health ministry for a review of its safey. The commission said that the drug could harm women and may violate the nation's abortion laws. Italy legalized abortion in 1978. When that was done, its decision only included surgical abortion, not the one that can be done with the mifepristone pill. The decision came under fire from Anna Finocchiaro. She is the leader in the Senate of the opposition liberal Democratic Party, who claimed the government wants to ban the abortion drug entirely. "Instead of admitting what they really want, they're hiding behind a lot of chatter," she said. The previous Italian government in uly made Italy the latest to sell the abortion drug. The AIFA or the Italian Pharmaceuticals Agency announced the decision that, after a 2 year review process, the abortion drug can be sold under the name Mifegyne. The French drug company called Exelgyn had sought permission to sell the abortion drug in Italy. Livia Turco is the former Health minister who pushed the drug in Italy after she replaced Health Minister Francesco Storace, who was able to halt the RU 486 abortion drug trials temporality. He was able to do so, citing the law and the fact that some of the women using the abortion drugs (in trials) were having abortions at home rather than in hospitals. Abortions in Italy have been declining, dropping from 234,801 abortions in 1982 to 136,715 in 2004 but pro-life advocates would like to drive that number down even further. Like always, abortion is evil and murder.

The Jesus Seminar is getting more New Age. The Jesus Seminar is about liberal theological leaders denying much if not most of what the New Testament says about Jesus Christ. So, they have councils and meetings to find new ways to not only question the Bible, but question or deny many of the core tenets of Christianity (from the virgin birth, the resurrection, Jesus' existence even, etc. The Bible is clear is that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a core tenet of Christianity. If you deny the resurrection, you can't be a Christian period). They promote apostasy. Lloyd Geering written a new book that wants people to depart from the faith, which was once delivered unto the saints according to Jude 1:3. The Jesus Seminar supports Geerings book. The endorsement of Geering’s book on the Jesus Seminar website says, ‘The mainline churches in the Western world are declining ... because they are all out of step with the modern secular world. ... the churches reveal a lack of faith by insisting on an infallible Bible and a set of unchangeable doctrines tailored to an obsolete worldview” (, November 6, 2009). This is disrespect by that Seminar of course. Geering's book is called "Coming Back to Earth." Geering wants people to complete the work of the Second Axial Age. This nothing wrong than promoting a new age to achieve "a global consciousness." He believes that God is present in us and life itself. This is false since God created the Universe, but God isn't all in us or in all creation. God is seperate from his creation. Brethren, apostasy and unbelief is widespread and it seems the world is rushing recklessly toward its demise, so ‘... abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming’ (1 John 2:28).” The Bible is clear that God is personal towards us humans, but man can't be God or evolve into a god. The Second Axial age is nothing more than a veiled promotion of the new world order or the new age.

Jesuits have a huge role in world history. One famous Jesuit agent was David Ferrie. He was educated at St. Mary's Seminary. He was preparing for the priesthood and was educated by the Jesuits. He was trained by Jesuits at St. Ignatius High School and was the Bishop of the Old Orthodox Catholic Church. He had connections to Loyola University. He is pictured with military intelligence agent Lee Harvey Oswald. He has been connected to the New Orleans Mafia don Carlos Marcello. Some researchers accuse him of having a role in the Kennedy assassination, because Ferrie thought that JFK was to lax on Communism. Ferrie didn't realize that Communism is a front of the corporate bankers utilized in order to control much of of the Third World (and centralize wealth more since communism isn't about helping the people. It's about deprive individual liberty while centralizing wealth into a collective, government run institution). Ferrie was an anti-Castro militant. He was a member of the CIA-backed Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front. Ferrie was an ally of W. Guy Bannister, who was a JBS member, a Minuteman, and a Scottish Rite Freemason according to some people. Bannister was apart of the Chicago FBI and was a former agent of the ONI or the Office of Naval Intelligence. H. L. Hunt was apart of the CNP and was a Knight of Malta according to Josh Reeves. Ferrie was in the Civil Air Patrol (Ferrie was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation and was involved in Bannister's anti-Castro training of people with the CIA), which he used to acquaint himself with young boys and recruit them. Oswald was in his Civil Air Patrol unit. The Civil Air Patrol was founded by D.H. Byrd, who also, coincidence I'm sure, owned the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the assassination. Richard Bartholomew suggested that Byrd knew Ferrie. His Jesuit links are easy to prove. JFK oppose the Vatican/Jesuit crusade in Vietnam and wanted canon law to not superior to the U.S. Constitution in America. A "former" Jesuit Ottmar Edenhofer is involved in promoting the climate change hysteria movement.

Climategate has been exposed by many quarters, but not that much by the mainstream media. Lord Christopher Monckton want the United Nations to be shut down and Al Gore to be arrested. The cliamge change scam has been exposed in 2009 like in no other time in history. He said that these eco-extremists who are threatening to shut down economies, bankrupt nations, and deepen the problems of the third world by implementing draconian policies in the name of global warming should be indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned “for a very long time." “The fraudsters and racketeers from Al Gore to the people at the University of East Anglia who have been making their fortune at the expense of taxpayers and the little guy,” should be criminally charged, said Monckton, in response to the climategate scandal. “We the people have got to rise up worldwide, found a party in every country which stands for freedom and make sure we fight this bureaucratic communistic world government monster to a standstill – they shall not pass,” he added. Monckton said that the U.N. should be closed. He talked to a senior UN ambassador in Canada who told him the the UN has no purpose anymore and it exists to enrich itself at the expense of the nation it serves (He wants the U.N. to end). Monckton believes that billions of dollars would be saved if the United Nations was shut down ending this controversial bureaucracy. The emails involved in climategate prove that global warming alarmism was publicly shown, but behind closed doors, these scientists admitted that their information was suspect (plus they level people like Monckton as correct). So, the science isn't settled, natural climate change is bigger than man's intervention, and eras in world history have been warmer than today. Monckton criticized the science czar John P. Holdren as promoting a planetary regime, and other drocanian population measures as found in his 1997 book of Ecoscience. Monckton exposed how Holdren promoted global cooling alarmism in the 70s and how he believes in man-made global warming. The elite use global warming as an excuse to promote population control without care to how many folks die. It's about controlling governments instead of solving real environmental issues. Monckton was the former advisor to Margaret Thatcher. He wants a worldwide freedom party to promote national sovereignity, promote freedom, have democracy, and oppose communism. He said that said that the warmists were sounding more and more desperate and knew that they had been rumbled as a result of climategate, which would only make it more urgent for them to try and force through a binding treaty in Copenhagen. “Every time these people try to take it away, we in the freedom party will stop them, and I think now is the time,” said Monckton. So, people like Monckton are once again vindicated about global warming hysteria.

Regardless of life problems and circumstances, I still have hope in God and the improvements people can bring in our environment.

By Timothy

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