
Monday, December 28, 2009

More Terrorism Paranoia

Paranoia is common in this contrived war on terror. Some believed that the foiled terrorist bombing in Detriot is used as an excuse to expand the war on terror. Witnesses view the explosion as similarr to a firecracker on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas. The alleged perpetrator is named Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab (like the shoe bomber Richard Reid before him) like the typical patsy. Mutallab told investigators that he was on a mission from al-Qaeda and he got the explosive materials for the botched attack in Yemen. The media is blaming al-Qaeda for the event like the Associated Press. Yemen is another front in the al-Qaeda agitation. America is funded or giving assistance to the Yemeni government in order to stop al-Qaeda bases in the southern part of the country. Saudi Arabia created airstrikes against targets in the North.Mohamaed al-Anisi, who is the Yemeni national security chif, told the Saudi Arabian newspaper Okaz that his forces were cooperating with Washington on attacks. He accused Iran of aiding the Houthi Shiite rebels. A Saudi Ministry of Defense offical said that 73 Saudis were killed fighting the Houthi revels according to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. Al-Qeada exploited an anti-government rally in Sanna, Yemen. They told the anti-government rally that the group's war was with the USA and not the Yemeni army. Reuters reported on December 23 that: “The West and Saudi Arabia fear al Qaeda will take advantage of the Yemeni government’s focus on a Shi’ite rebellion in the north and rising secessionist sentiment in the south to spread its operations to the kingdom, the world’s top oil exporter.” An explosion in Yemen killed 3 people. The failed bombing of Flight 253 can increase the war on terror agitation into Africa. The accused man if form Nigeria. Nigeria has oil resources in huge numbers. Nigeria has organized crime and infrastructure problems. There is Islamic tensions there as well. Yet, al-Qaeda don't have big roots over there. It's common knowledge that the Ethiopian and U.S. intervention in Somalia (as an excuse to attack al-Qaeda). “Ethiopia has become a regional surrogate or proxy for the United States and Britain. This is evident from the coordination of the U.S. military and Ethiopian troops in Somalia,” Global Research noted in January, 2007. The U.S. even had a military joint taskforce in Dijbouti (on the Horn of Africa) in November 2002. America fears that al-Qaeda will have strong hold in Somalia since Somalia is very decentralized. Ethiopia invaded Somalia with U.S. support and military backup. after the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), an Islamist militant group that ruled much of the country, made military advances. al-Qaeda then 2nd in command Ayman al-Zawahiri wanted the Somalis to fight the Ethopians (Yet, he is a CIA operative in Afghanistan, which was protected by the Western intelligence asset of the Muslim Brotherhood). The ICU was armed by Victor Bout. Bout is an illegal arms dealer workin with CIA front companies in Afghanistan, he worked with the U.N, and African warlords according to Wayne Madsen (being an investigative journalist). Africa is being influenced by Africom, which is a military entity supported by NATO and America. The May 2008 United States Army War College war game included representatives from several NATO countries, Australia, and Israel, along with the private military contractors the Rand Corporation and Booz-Allen. Among scenarios examined during the game were the possibility of direct American military intervention involving some 20,000 U.S. troops in order to “secure the oil,” and the question of how to handle possible splits between factions within the Nigerian government. The game ended without military intervention because one of the rival factions executed a successful coup and formed a new government that sought stability, reported the Stop NATO newsgroup. Barack Obama wants the Africa Command to protect Africa, stop genocide in Darfur, and end conflict in Somalia. Africa Command works with over 40 African nations. Yet, Africa Command (which was created in October 1, 2007 as a temporary sub-unified command under the U.S. European Command) seems to promote the Pentagon's agenda than the interests of the African people. This event have lead to more security in airports worldwide. Homeland Security have used this event to promote more anti-liberty measures that already exist in airports in the USA now.

Steven Ertelt from on December 24, 2009 wrote how the Senate passes the health care bill and it funds abortion and mandates insurance coverage. Steven believes that the bill opens the door for the Obama administration to force insurance companies to pay for abortion and for rationing. Now, the 2 chambers of Congress have approved very different legislation. The conference committee is coming up to work out the differences on a host of political issues relating to the bill including abortion. Charmaine Yoest is the President of Americans United for Life. She said that she is disappointed about these events to "...Americans don't want taxpayer funding for abortions and are opposed to a first-ever, mandatory abortion tax. Knowing this, the bill’s proponents have rushed it through the Senate at a time when Americans are focused on celebrating Christmas with their families," she said. She said that Americans don't want taxpayer funding for abortions including a mandatory abortion tax (she said that the Senate rushed passage of the bill in the early Winter season). The Senate approved the bill in the vote of 60 to 39 among mostly Democratic support. President Barack Obama supported the Senate vote and once said that he would not have abortion funding in the health care legislation. Republicans want to still fight the bill as the process moves forward. "This fight isn't over. My colleagues and I will work to stop this bill from becoming law. That’s the clear will of the American people — and we're going to continue to fight on their behalf,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said. Also, Sens. Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson -- two of the final lawmakers to support the bill -- said after the vote that their vote on the conference committee measure is not guaranteed. There are other issues in the bill from abortion, the public option, and illegal immigration. There are Democratic who want the Stupak amendment, some that want the House bill remain, those Democrats who hate the pro-abortion compromise language in the Seante, and the House advocates who want the Stupak amendment removed (they want even killing the Senate bill since it's not pro-abortion enough in their minds). Senator Ben Nelson supported the Senate version of the bill. Some support the House bill that blocks some taxpayer funding of abortions (not it completely). The group said the abortion language in the bill -- added in the manager's amendment -- "is light years removed from the Stupak-Pitts Amendment that was approved by the House of Representatives on November 7 by a bipartisan vote of 240-194." The new abortion language don't solve the abortion issue. The federal government in the Senate can fund abortions in private health plans and otherv means. This even violates the Hyde Amendment, which the Senate bill require the federal government to pay premiums for private health plans that will cover any or all abortions. Abortion advocates and Nelson claim the language in the manager's amendment erects a so-called "firewall" between federal funds and private funds, but NRLC explains that this is "merely a bookkeeping gimmick "inconsistent with the long-established principles that govern existing federal health programs, such as the Hyde Amendment." The firewall also exists only so long as the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services continues to contain the Hyde Amendment -- thus, if Congress or the president blocks renewal of it then "the Reid bookkeeping requirements would automatically evaporate, and insurers could pay for elective abortions with the federal subsidies without even bookkeeping requirements." The Stupak-Pitts Amendment according to Steven would ban federal subsidies from paying any part of the premium of a plan that covers elective abortions. The main section of the amendment that Nelson touted as the reason for his support for the manager's amendment is the opt-out clause that allows states to opt out of funding abortions under the health care bill. NRLC is also disappointed that the conscience protections for pro-life medical workers found in the House-passed bill under the Stupak amendment are not found in the Senate bill or the manager's amendment. Finally, the manager's amendment does not contain any provisions to fix the rationing and assisted suicide promotion issues in the bill.

Pollution is a real problem in the world. It's been found that 16 ships expel as much pollution as all of the cars in the world. Large shipping vessels have become commonplace in today's global marketplace as goods are imported and exported across the world. Whilte the high levels of pollution they create are something that most people don't think too much about, some scientists are beginning to evaluate their environmental effect. One of the wild facts is that giants ships in 16 in number emit as much sulfur as do all the cars in the world combined. Fred Pearce is a science writer and an environmental consultant for New Scientist. Fred has been studying the shipping industry for quite some time. He has foucsed on on the ship's use of the toxic fuel polluting the air in a staggering pace. According to Pearce, thousands of people die every year from the toxic fumes that are emitted from their smokestacks. They linger in the air as brown haze for many days. If current practices continue, he estimates that upwards of a million people will die in the next decade due to ship pollution. This fuel is found in large ocean craft. It's composed of dirty leftovers from refined fuel that is used in cars, trucks, and other land vehicles. IT is thicker than land fuel and high in sulftur. This cheap, filtry fuel is never utilized in the mainland, but it's more tolerated on international waters. The chemicals found in smoke trials of this "bunker fuel" are known to cause severe inflammation, cancer, breathing problems, and heart disease. The sheer size of these ships is astounding, measuring a quarter of a mile long on average. Each one holds approximately 14,000 full size shipping containers, typically carrying goods from Asia to Europe and North America. There are over 100,000 ships and counting on the seas today. The reason why reckless ship pollution is allowed to continue to due to the IMO (International Maritime Organization)'s policy that permits bunker fuel containing up to 4.5 percent sulfur to be used in international waters. That number is 4,500 times higher than the sulfur amount permitted in vehicle fuel in the European Union. The IMO has reluctantly agreed wot reduce the sulfur limit to 3.5 percent by 2012 and by 0.5 eventually. The largest barrier to have stricter pollution guideline is the increased cost of cleaner fuel. Bunker fuel is inepxensive and plentiful, which allows shippers to make use of the leftover byproducts of clean fuel production. So, pollution is wrong and should be opposed.

Religious History is something to learn. Christianity in Britain existed for a long time. Christians spread as far as Britain as early as the 2nd century A.D. It was about A.D. 200 that Tertullian wrote thus: "Parts of Britain were inaccessible to the Romans but have yielded to Christ." Christianity spread fast from Israel into Alexandria, Greece, Asi, North Africa, Gaul, and England. Christians in the UK converted the Druids. The Druids were pagans worshipping idols and Nature with human sacrifices even. Diocletian had his savage Christian persecution in the 3rd century A.D. Some martyrs under the region of Emperor Diocletian include At. Albans, Aaron, and Julius of Caerloen. Later, apostate Christianity from Rome came into the UK by the 500's A.D. in a serious level. In the Middle Ages, Christians believed in God and faced persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church. The UK was the base of the Textus Receptus English translation of the Holy Bible from the Tyndale Bible to the King James Version of the Bible in 1611. Even bloody Mary murdered numerous Christians because they rejected transubtantiaton and other false doctrine. The Protestant Reformation certainly made great contributions in our society, yet even all of the Protestants weren't perfect. I don't believe in one extreme saying that all of the Protestants were influenced by the Rosicurians (having little benefit for the human race) or the other extreme saying that the Protestants were all loving and all tolerant of differing religious points of view. The truth is in between those 2 extremes. You have to acknowledge much of the political and religious liberty we enjoy in America proceeded in great measure from the Reformation.

Canada and China have developments going on. The Canadian pastor named Stephen Boissoin has been cleared of hate crimes against homosexuals. He experienced 7 years of harassment, because of his views. He was harassed by the Human Rights Commission of Alberta when he threaten and assault no one. He wrote literature disagreeing with the lifestyle of homosexuality, which is part of the freedom of speech. This appeared in a letter to the editor that was published in the Red Deer Advocate on June 17, 2002. Boissoin rightly lamented that “children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.” Darren Lund filed a civil rights complaint against Stephen. Boissoin was threaten with a large fine, but he fought it in risk of prison time given unto him. The Alberta Human Rights Tribunal found Boissoin guilty of hate crimes. It banned him from expressing his views on homosexuality “in newspapers, by e-mail, on the radio, in public speeches, or on the Internet,” ordered him to pay $7,000 for “damages for pain and suffering,” and demanded that he apologize to Lund. We are pleased that Justice Earl Wilson has overturned this totalitarian-style ruling, having determined that Boissoin’s letter does not constitute a hate crime. He also said that Lori Andreachuk, the civil rights lawyer that issued the ruling under the auspices of the Human Rights Tribunal, made many errors in her decision and had no power to impose a speech ban on Mr. Boissoin. China is still crushing large independent house churches. The Golden Lamp Church of Linfen in China was assaulted by Chinese police and hired thugs. This church serve almost 50,000 worshippers, but the police seized Bibles, smashed windows, and send many worshippers into the hospitals. Some of them has serious injuries according to members and activists. The church's co-pastors are in jail. The church is located in the province of Shanxi. This crackdown of Christianity in China is according to church leaders the harshest in years. Christianity in China growing in my opinion is one of the signs of the last days. House churches have grown in decades, yet China bans religious expressed except if it's approved by the state government. 2 other large churches have faced crackdowns too. In Beijing in October, authorities locked parishioners of Shouwang house church out of the space they had rented to worship in. In Shanghai, the Wangbang congregation faced a similar lockout. Both congregations had grown to more than 1,000 members. So, religious liberty should exist in China. We in the West should have real religious liberty too since our religious liberty rights have been violated for years as well.

By Timothy

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