
Friday, January 29, 2010

Climate Change and more information in 2010

Some extreme scientists want to simulate Volcanoes to block the sun. Global warming extremists want to target the very source of all life on Earth as a deadly enemy to the environment. The global warming hysteria is being exposed as a fraud with scandal after scandal. There is no link between CO2 emissions and temperature increases at all. Many scientists are allyign with the White House want to simulate volcanoes in order to block the sun. There is Climategate, Glaciergate, Amazongate, and other examples of global warming alarmists using fraud in order to manufacture a link between CO2 emissions and climate change. Now, geoengineering propoents want to carrying their own man-made cliamge change by loading the atmosphere up with sulphuric particles in an effort to block the sun, which is the source of all life on Earth. The Telegraph reported that this geoengineering project wants to form volcanic eruptions as a means to try to cut greenhouse gas emission (these eruption could be 100 times cheaper). They want research to these things like environmental scientists, David Keith of the University of Calgary in Canada, Edward Parson of the University of Michigan and Granger Morgan of Carnegie Mellon University, were writing an editorial in the journal, Nature. Blocking out the sun can kill life. There are health risk of sulphur as well like brain problems, blood circulation disturbance, heart damage, reproductive failure, damage to immune system, hearing defects, etc. John P. Holdren was co authored a book calling for a a “planetary regime” to enforce draconian population control measures such as forced abortion, infanticide and mandatory sterilization, as well as poisoning the water supply. He is the Science czar that once called for geoengineering proposals as well (using pollution particles in the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays). “It’s got to be looked at,” Holdren was quoted as saying, “We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table.” The AP also reported that Holdren said he had raised the concept in administration discussions. NASA's James Hansen's new book even called for cities to be razed to the ground, the industrial civilization to be destroyed, eco-terrorism, and other acts to support the environment which it doesn't. “The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes author Keith Farnish, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses." Some extremists want to bash individuality as well. Early Socialist August Comte had written in System of Positive Polity (vols. I to IV, 1851-1854) and The Catechism of Positive Religion (translated in 1858) about “the class whose special function it is to systematize man’s peaceful activity” and “a systematic domestic organization of public opinion, as they will stamp an unconstrained uniformity on all the salons of the globe, a process facilitated by the progressive acceleration of all means of communication…. Ultimately, political power will fall into the hands of the great leaders of industry…. The industrial chiefs are the representatives of Humanity…. The principle of all regular concentration of duty is this: A single manager for the whole field of industry which one man can personally direct. Thus temporal authority will be centered in a certain number of Families, scarcely one-thirtieth part of the entire population…. Man indeed, as an individual, cannot properly be said to exist…. Existence in the true sense can only be predicated of Humanity…. Now that Sociology is once for all substituted for Theology as the basis for the religious government of mankind…. Everywhere the relative definitively takes the place of the absolute.” These facts refute the man-made climate change lie. You don't use dangerous chemicals in the atmosphere to try to help the enviornment. We should have a wholesale rejection and noncompliance with any policy, regulation, or mandate instituted in the name of stopping the manufactured fraud that is man-made global warming.

Economy and Populism are common in history. Even Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) said that someone should do something when the economy is in trouble. People voted for Barack Obama, because they viewed him as representing change from President George W. Bush. Yet, Obama still supports the agenda proceeding out of the Federal Reserve and the banking industry. The Federal Reserve now are sending huge bailouts for the largest banks have been apart of serious issues in America. There were upset defeats of Democrats John Corzine in New Jersey and Martha Coakley of Massachussetts. A Republican govenor won the election in the state of Virginia as well. This has been given by the management of the economy. The 2010 election soon will be contentiuous like the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 (he dealt with the Second Bank of the United States). Jackson was the first American leader to be chosen by popular vote and not by the nation's founders. Jackson was against the central bank policies of the 1800's. There is the relection of Ben Barnanke. The White House believes that Ben Bernanke will not be a political liability. More, Chairman Bernanke was a Bush appointee, and then reappointed by Obama, so he is associated with two unpopular political figures. His confirmation is being managed by Linda Robertson, the former chief lobbyist of Enron. Chairman Bernanke is toxic measured in any political terms and is perceived as more friendly to Wall Street than Main Street by a 2 to 1 margin. A vote for Bernanke supports the financial policies from 2007 to 2009. Bernanke is responisible for the economy and the bailouts. He saw the economy reach 10% unemployment and no credit. There were big bonuses for bankers who were rescused at public expense. Regardless of what one believes about Bernanke’s involvement in covering up undue manipulation of Bank of America (BAC) CEO Ken Lewis, excess payments to American International Group’s (AIG) bank counterparties or attempts to stymie the investigation of abuses committed during the bailout by SIGTARP, the reality is the Fed has a dual mandate – price stability and full employment. One either measure of his job, Chairman Bernanke has not been a success. There has been FED deception of Congress involving AIG. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) wanted the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to subpoena AIG-related documents from the FED. The IRA had a letter that Issa claimed that Bernanke overruled a recommendation by Fed Staff that AIG be allowed to delcare bankruptcy (like Lehman Brothers and authorized the bailout of the crippled insurance giant over the objections of FED staff in Washington). The FED didn't want these documents shown until after the Senate votes on the Bernanke nomination. Issa is the ranking member of the Committee. Bernanke didn't want to combe clean on AIG when Senator Jim Bunning's staff (R-KY) examined these same documents under strict rules of confidentiality. Are there further revelations about the central bank, AIG, and the bailout of the large New York banks. Bailouts are an important issue now in 2010. A vote for Bernanke is a vote for the bailouts. There are politicals changes as well in the world because of these issues.

A Middle Tennesse State University stops discriminating against pro-life group. Officials at the Middle Tennesse State University have agreed to stop discriminating against a campus pro-life group now that a legal group has stepping into the fray. This occured after they recieved a letter from the Alliance Defense Fund attorneys. MTSU had required that a pro-life student group pay a security fee for a campus display. ADF attorneys representing the student group Pro-Life Collegians have argued that the fee was unconstitutional. They believe that other student groups are not required to pay for campus security during their events. “Pro-life student groups shouldn't be penalized and discriminated against for expressing their beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Joe Martins.“We are pleased that the officials at Middle Tennessee State University have changed their minds and refrained from singling out the Pro-Life Collegians for this type of fee. The courts have repeatedly ruled that as unconstitutional. The university has certainly done the right thing here in respecting the First Amendment rights of its students," he added. The officials at MTSU approved the Pro-Life Collegians' application to deliver its message via Justice for all pro-life exhibits on campus. There was a precondition that it must pay for security for this year's event. Even though no written policy validates such charges, which aren't required for other student group events, the University insisted that Pro-Life Collegians pay for security for its events. In the letter given to MTSU officials, ADF attorney argue that such a vague and unwritten standard empowers the university to enforce or waive the fee requirement based upon their approval or disapproval of a student group's message. The letter mentions that allowing the uncapped fee gives MTSU officials unlimited authority to silence and charge any disfavored group as they see fit. This was in violation of free speech of students, which are protected by the First Amendment. “The precondition that PLC pay for security due to the nature of its [exhibit’s] message and the effect it may have on an audience is an unconstitutional burden on PLC’s First Amendment rights,” the letter stated. “Requiring a student group to pay government officials in order to gain access to a public forum clearly has an impermissible chilling effect on free speech.” The ADF attorneys have successfully defended legal situations involving pro-life displays from Justice for All on other university campuses like Arizona State University, the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Houston.

History is vital to study. It's not a secret that the elite want regional economic arrangments into a global economic system, which is managed by a world government system. On January 27, 2010, the Union for the Meditteranean is formed. It was once called the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. It will include Israel Jordan, etc. It will have economic, financial, social, cultural, and human partnerships. The elite are in these groups to promote the new world order agenda. Some of them used Revolutions to try to eliminate their adversaries. Bertram Gross had explained in Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America (1980) how computerized information could be used for “direct character assassination and defamation…. The creative assembly of unrelated sounds is now possible through electronic means…. Through ‘tape-recording,’ a person’s own voice may be used to say anything that the tape recorders want him to say.” Gross also had described how this might be done in the editing of film and videotapes by “the use of new RAVE methods (Random Access Video Editing).” Patriot and militia groups have exposed this new world order agenda in the late 20th cand early 21st century. That is why some in the DHS and the government use documents to demonize people who are pro-2nd Amendment pro-life, etc. Some even try to promote socialism, which doesn't work since we live in a very complex society. Also, people have a right to have private enterprise if they desire. Soem have used the psychological propaganda of control and manipulation in society as well (using the works of Wundtian psychologist Kurt Lewin and Soviet psychologist Alexander Luria concerning the artificial disorganization of behavior to control human behavior via the creation of social chaos including Pavlov's protective inhibition response). The elite may promote subjects on the new world order in books, movies, etc. and then use their spin on it in order to control people. Terrorism is promoted as an excuse to promtoe the violation of personal liberties even with the recent Christmas bomber scandal. The corproate elite promote moral relativism orver Biblical moral absolutes.

Secret Societies are still real. Al Gore believes in pantheism or that God exists in all life and all things. President Barack Obama claims to be a Christian, but believes that other religions are in the same path into the same God. The United Religions worship service include praising Krishna and Buddha. The UR was created by an Anglican bishop. Dan Brown's book called "The Lost Symbol" promotes human godhood as well. These people are others try to confuse society to accept compromise and a globalist religious system. Some want to promote evil as good and vice versa. Thsi is apart of global spirituality. There is the Mikhail Gorbachev State of the World Conference that came in September 17, 1995. It was a global event with 500 senior states people, political leaders, spiritual leaders, scientists, intellectuals, business executives, artists, and youth from 50 nations to try to question values. He promotes global citizens and a Brain Trust that's global to handle the future of civilization. The elite speakers and partners in this venture included the elder president George Bush, Carnegie Chairman David Hamburg, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong ( the New Age head of the UN's 1992 environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro), and Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. Thirteen years later he became a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama. There was a Baha'i singer talking about the source of all being, which is the New Age tenet of Hindusim, Buddhism, Christianity, and other religions believe in the same god. Gorbachev believed in the new form of democracy where capitalism and socialism are sythesized into new values. This sythesis ends Biblical absolutes. Notice that Gorbachev was a Communist leader, so his global brain trust is to fight against Judeo-Christian values and that worldwiew. Like many other speakers, New Age author Dr. Deepak Chopra repeated the call for synthesis in his evening plenary speech (in forming a new paradigm and the new world). Dan Brown promoting Freemasonry and the occult sciences is one example of this new paradigm being expressed. Soem New Agers go to the extreme in desiring to kill populations as an excuse to promote environmental extremism. New Agers obsess with experiences and mysticism when we shouldn't. The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's latest book includes a dialogue between Robert Langdon (the friendly protagonist) and Peter Solomon (his older friend and mentor, a respected professor, a 33rd degree Mason and the Supreme Worshipful Master). The two men are exploring the Masonic signs, symbols, and secrets hidden in the Washington Monument, an Egyptian obelisk. Notice how God's Word is twisted into a mystical icon of all religions. The Book lies and says that the Bible and the ancient Mysteries are the same thing according to Peter. Solomon says in the book that the Bible and the Mysteries are opposites in that the Mysteries teach that man is God and the Bible teach that God is above man. Freemasonry teach that the Word was lost and various religious texts talk about it from the Bible to the Bhagavad-Gita. The book pretty much promotes the idea that man is God. This is similar to Satan's lie form Genesis 3 saying to Eve that ye shall be as gods after eating the fruit from the tree. One of the first public celebrities to proclaim this arrogant lie was New Age movie star Shirley MacLaine. "I am God," she shouted to the world back in the 1980s. Shirley believes that her deeds are raising consciousness. The Lost Symbol book omitted the swastikas from the House of the Temple buidling in Washington, D.C. Why did the book mention Masonic philosopher Manly P. Hall who wrote that: the seething energies of Lucifer are in his [the Mason’s] hands.” Hall’s books can be found in Masonic libraries around the world, as can Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike who revised the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Pike in this book also praised Lucifer, as he likewise did in his Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship (remember there’s a connection between the Aryans and swastikas). In addition, Freemasons often say they seek “more light,” and Pike said Lucifer is the “Light-Bearer.” Most Masons are unaware of its true intentions or meanings of its terms, as Pike in Morals and Dogma revealed that those in the blue (lower) degrees are “intentionally misled.”]. Some of these New Agers are hypocrites. Shirley claims to love the poor, yet some of the spakers in the meeting eat gourmet meats and elegant desserts (while denying the Third World these items by the elite). With collectivism, communism, and socialism, it builds up entitlement that forced by the government (in exchanged for centralized control by the elite). We should help others without forgetting that we should thank God for our life and his undeserved grace he sents unto his children.

By Timothy

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