
Monday, February 22, 2010

Latest 40 Days for Life Campaign Spares 45 Unborn Children From Abortions


Latest 40 Days for Life Campaign Spares 45 Unborn Children From Abortions

by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 22, 2010
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Washington, DC ( -- The latest 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign is only six days along, but organizers say reports from local pro-life advocates show it has already saved the lives of 45 unborn children from abortions. The campaign has thousands of pro-life advocates helping women at abortion centers nationwide.
"Thus far during this 40 Days for life campaign, 45 lives have already been saved from abortion," national coordinator David Bereit told
He said the news was an excellent way for pro-life advocates to start their week.
Bereit pointed to examples of lives saved locally and noted that pro-life advocates in Louisville, Kentucky helped three women change their minds about abortion.

"One woman had been given a coupon for a free ultrasound at the pro-life pregnancy center across the street. She went inside the abortion facility -- but only stayed five minutes before leaving and going to the pro-life center, where she used that coupon," he said.
A pro-life advocate named Tammy indicated abortion center staffers "were so mad they came out and started yelling at us."
In Reno, Nevada, Bereit says a young woman had scheduled an abortion appointment, fully intending to go through with it.
Local pro-life advocate Carol Marie said, "when she heard there were other options available, she took the time to investigate for herself and realized we were correct."
Bereit continued, "The woman left the facility and returned later -- not for an abortion, but for a refund. The staff saw her hugging prayer volunteers as she was approaching the door, so they refused to let her in. They made her wait in her car while they processed her refund."
In the Bronx in New York City, pro-life advocate Brian relates the good results form the 40 Days for Life event there.
"We had our first confirmed turnaround" of someone who changed their mind about having an abortion, he says.

"The ability to actually see these first results of the effort to save babies is an amazing experience. The real impact, however, is impossible to know," he said. It is a bit overwhelming to think that just one little word or one action, like handing out a flier with information on abortion can have an impact that not only touches the lives of that mother and child, but makes a change that reverberates down the generations."
The 40 Days for Life campaign has also seen positive results in other nations, including Melbourne, Australia.
A pro-life advocate named David spoke to a couple who had arrived for an abortion appointment, asking the young woman to think about what abortion will do to her. They took a pamphlet with phone numbers of various support agencies and local pro-life advocates are hopeful the couple will choose life.
"I can't wait to learn how many more lives God will spare,' Bereit says.
Related web sites:40 Days for Life -

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