
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Conflicts, Hope, and a New time

There has been a conflict between North and South Korea. The U.S. government has been instrumental in giving North Korea nuclear technology. Kim Jong-IL has put North Korean troops on combat alert. He has also threaten military action is the South trespasses in its waters as global stock markets freak out at the prospect of a war. If it occurred, the U.S. government ought to be shown of arming the Stalinist dictator with nuclear weapons. Korean markets went down 3.3 percent as investors were scared at the escalating tensions between the 2 nations. This is after South Korea's allegation that the North was responsible for the March 26 torpedoing of one of its warships. Kim Jong-Il responded to the charge by putting his military on combat alert. He told them to prepare for war and threatening action if South Korea trespasses in its waters off the peninsula's west coat. On Monday, President Obama told the U.S. military to prepare for conflict as it plans to carry out anti-submarine and other naval exercises with South Korea.
There was an arms dealer named Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan gave nuclear secrets to North Korea. American called an axis of evil by Bush, but the U.S. government funded its nuclear development at every stage. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong Il to develop North Korea's nuclear prowess from the mid 1990's onward. Donald Rumsfeld funded Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological weapons program. Also, Rumsfeld played a key role in arming Kim Jong Il. Rumsfeld was the man who headed over a $200 million dollar contract to send equipment and services to build 2 light water reactor stations in North Korea back in January of 2000. This was when he was the executive director of ABB or Asea Brown Boveri. Wolfram Eberhardt is the spokesman for ABB. He confirmed that Rumsfeld was at nearly all of the board meetings during his involvement with the company. The Clinton administration back in 1994 agreed to replace North Korea's domestically built nuclear reactors with light water nuclear reactors. The so-called government funded experts believed that light water reactors can't be used to create bombs. Henry Sokolski disagreed with this assumption. He's the head of the head of the Non-proliferation Policy Education Center in Washington, who stated, “LWRs could be used to produce dozens of bombs’ worth of weapons-grade plutonium in both North Korea and Iran. This is true of all LWRs — a depressing fact U.S. policymakers have managed to block out.” “These reactors are like all reactors, they have the potential to make weapons. So you might end up supplying the worst nuclear violator with the means to acquire the very weapons we’re trying to prevent it acquiring,” said Sokolski. The U.S. State Department said that the light water reactor couldn't be used to produce bomb grade material. Although, in 2002, it urged Russia to end its nuclear co-operation with Iran for the reason that it didn't want Iran to be armed with weapons of mass destruction. Russia in that time was building light water reactors in Iran. The State Department mentions that light water reactors in Iran could produce nuclear material, but somehow this same rule don't apply in North Korea. Back in April of 2002, the Bush administration announced that it would release $95 million of American taxpayer's dollars to begin construction of the "harmless" light water reactors in North Korea. Bush argued that arming the megalomaniac dictator Kim Jong-Il with the potential to produce a hundred nukes a year was, “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” Bush released even more money in January 2003, as was reported by Bloomberg News. Bush released the funds. This comes despite the revelation that a North Korean missile warhead had been found in Alaska (as reported by South Korean newspapers). The construction of the reactors in North Korea was eventually suspended. North Korea had an alternative source through which they could obtain the nuclear secrets vital to building an atom bomb arsenal (via the CIA asset and international arms smuggler AQ Khan). Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is the father of Pakistan's atom bomb program. In 2004, he admitted to sharing nuclear technology via a worldwide smuggling network that included facilities in Malaysia that manufactured key part s for centrifuges. Khan's collaborator was B.S.A. Tahir. He ran a front company out of Dubai that shipped centrifuge components to North Korea. The CIA prevented AQ Khan from being arrested even though Dutch authorities were very suspicious of Khan's activities back in 1975. “The man was followed for almost ten years and obviously he was a serious problem. But again I was told that the secret services could handle it more effectively,” former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers said. “The Hague did not have the final say in the matter. Washington did.” Lubbers commented that Khan was able to slip in and out of the Netherlands with the blessings of the CIA. He sold nuclear secrets to North Korea to build nuclear bombs. He sold secrets worldwide too. Lubbers suspects that Khan was not pursued by the U.S. since Pakistan was a key ally in the fight against the Soviets. The CFP reported that: "...At the time, the US government funded and armed mujaheddin such as Osama bin Laden. They were trained by Pakistani intelligence to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Anwar Iqbal, Washington correspondent for the Pakistani newspaper Dawn, told ISN Security Watch that Lubbers’ assertions may be correct...This was part of a long-term foolish strategy. The US knew Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons but couldn’t care less because it was not going to be used against them. It was a deterrent against India and possibly the Soviets.” In September of 2005, it was found by the Amsterdam court that sentenced to 4 years imprisonment in 1983, that it lost the legal filed pertaining to the case. Judge Anita Leeser (or the court's vice-President) accused the CIA of stealing the files. She thinks that the theft was a product of a political goal. Even in 2005, Pakistani President Pervez Musharaf acknowledged that Khan had provided centrifuges and their designs to North Korea. AQ Khan has been protected even when North Korea gained light water reactors. The U.S. government is complicit in providing the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-IL with nuclear weapons. Now, Kim is threatening violence against the U.S. ally South Korea. North Korea has allowed 2 million of its own citizens to starve to death. Some view the death numbers as high as 4 million people, which is 1/4 of population. There are forced labor gulags against people who dissent with the government. People and entire families have been tortured, raped, and executed. Horrific bio-chemical experiments are performed on mass numbers of people. Babies are delivered and then stamped to death by the camp guards. If the mother screams while the guards are stamping on the baby’s neck, she is immediately assassinated by a firing squad. These guards are rewarded with bonuses and promotions for ripping out prisoners’ eyeballs. North Korea use food as a weapon to harm their own people as well. The EU, the US, and the UN World Food Program sent thousands of tons of food aid in the end of February 2003. Food aid sent to North Korea is fine, but Kim Jong Il is a manipulator too. Some of the money goes into the North Korean leadership (to make them live in westernized luxury with casinos and lavish new cars) not the people in that country. Bush and Clinton allowed North Korea to gain nuclear expertise. The U.S. intelligence network protected AQ Khan and allowed him to provide the means with which North Korea acquired the nuclear capability. Hopefully, these tensions between North and South Korea will not escalate into an all out war. The corporate press won't report that the U.S. government and various corporate interests gave Kim Jong Il nuclear technology.

CBS and other factions of mainstream media are demonizing anyone discussing a conspiracy as anti-American and comparing people who embrace them as domestic terrorists. There is a prime time CBS show. It aired an example of propaganda placement. Propaganda placement is when a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to shape public perception at the behest of the government. There was the CSI NY's episode entitled "Point of View." It featured a character who researches conspiracy information like the deliberate dispersal of potentially dangerous chem trails into the atmosphere. The character is a professor being labeled odd and then anti-American. He is shown to be a domestic terrorist that is hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New York. The show demonizes anyone exposing fluoridation, chemtrails, etc. Fluoridation isn't a conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy fact, because fluoride can cause brain damage, immune system harm, etc. as exposed by numerous mainstream scientists. A State Department guide that dismisses a range of “conspiracy theories”, including the use of depleted uranium by U.S. forces in Iraq as existing only “in the realm of myth." They are liars since depleted uranium is a reality in Iraq. The service and volunteerism agenda of the Barack Obama administration is no excuse to demonize people that disagree with the establishment. There has been subliminal messages in the media too. Neither was this the first time the corporate networks prostituted their integrity and handed over control of their content to the Obama administration. Back in June 2009, ABC News mimicked the likes of Communist China and North Korea by completely turning its news coverage over to the government and excluding any dissenting opinions to promote President Obama’s health care agenda. The usage of chemtrails in CSI:NY is interesting since in real life the dispersal of sulphur containing aerosols in the atmosphere has been going on for years. This has been apart of geo-engineering discussions that some want to use these dangerous chemicals in the air to handle climate change. If you believe that some people want a new world order, that fluoridation is wrong, or that putting poisons in the atmosphere is evil, some in the government consider you to be an extremist or a potential terrorist. I don't agree with that slander at all. Even Obama's information czar Cass Sunstein hates the First Amendment and wants the government to fight against conspiracy facts spreading in the Internet. This isn't a conspiracy theory. This is real life here.

Radical gun control and racism being tied is easily proven. More and more folks are waking up that early gun control laws tried to disarm immigrants, black people, Native Americans, and other minorities in America. Even Ronald Reagan passed the Mulford Act in trying to disarm the Black Panthers, but it affected all citizens of California. Even the liberal San Francisco civil liberties attorney Don B. Kates Jr. exposed how the post-Civil War South banned the sale of cheap handguns in order to restrict the right to bear arms among blacks and poor whites (some poor whites united with blacks back then to develop the economic and political system of the South). The Southern elite back then wanted to maintain the traditional structure. Consequently, Kates notes, in 1870 Tennessee banned "selling all but 'the Army and Navy model' handgun, i.e., the most expensive one, which was beyond the means of most blacks and laboring people." In 1881, Arkansas enacted an almost identical ban on the sale of cheap revolvers, while in 1902, South Carolina banned the sale of handguns to all but "sheriffs and their special deputies--i.e., company goons and the KKK." Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America is a title of a study made by sociologists James D. Wright, Peter H. Rossi, and Kathleen Daly. They found that there is no proof that cheap handguns are used more in crime than expensive handguns. This proves that some racists used draconian anti-gun laws in order to control people in a society. To restrict innocent people of any color from owning a gun is certainly a violation of fundamental human civil liberties.

Ben Nelson is a neo-liberal as some have exposed him as. He wants Guantanamo Bay to still exist, he oppposed a public option in health care (while claiming to be a liberal), and he supports the corporate empire. He is pro-life and there is nothing wrong with that. Nelson wanted a provision in a financial bill removed. This provision dealt with exempted any existing derivatives contracts from being subjected to new capital requirements. That provision had been pushed by Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which has $63 billion in existing derivatives contracts and would have to set aside $8 billion to cover potential losses on those contracts if the legislation were to pass. He didn't want existing derivatives to be regulated greatly. The financial bill now has many provisions that have loopholes, don't do enough to regulate derivatives, and doesn't effective get a hold on the corruption of Wall Street (to benefit Main Street). Ben Nelson is financied tied to Berkshire Hathaway. This company is ruled by Warren Buffett. Warrent Buffett is a proponent of abortion & population control, which are key pro-new world order, corporate agendas. Buffett is a supporter of Barack Obama. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the top givers to Nelson’s campaigns are the political action committee and employees of the highly profitable Berkshire Hathaway, who have given Nelson $75,550 throughout his Senate career. Nelson and his wife, the Omaha World-Herald reports, also own between $1.5 and $6 million in Berkshire stock, financial disclosure forms show. Only five members of Congress have more than $100,000 in Berkshire stock. Berkshire Hathaway shareholders voted against a resolution to reverse the actions of PacifiCorp or a Berkshire subsidiary (their actions endanger the salmon population and lowering the water quality in the Northwest). Buffett’s acolytes also shot down a call to sell Berkshire’s $3.3 billion stake in PetroChina (based in Beijing). According to Weidner, the PC(U) subsidiary in the Sudan pays the government for the right to produce oil there, and those payments “support the Sudanese government and its military efforts.” Buffett though sold the Berkshire stake when Sudan is doing genocide (with China aiding Sudan). Later, Warren Buffett has once again scaled back Berkshire Hathaway’s stake in PetroChina. Ben Nelson calls himself a Blue Dog Democrat, but he has links to Big Pharma. Nelson has taken more than $2.2-million in campaign contributions from the medical-insurance complex.

James Jesus Angleton is one of the most famous men in Western intelligence history. He has been called a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta promoted sending members of the SS to escape to North America via the Ratlines. These Nazi war criminals escaped justice. He was definitely the CIA Chief of Counterintelligence and the head of the Vatican Desk plus the Israeli Desk (James Jesus Angleton would in 1951 work with the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet. He directed the CIA to work with Israel's nuclear program). He was born in Boise, Idaho back in December of 1917. His father was the OSS Colonel James Hugh Angleton. James Hugh Angleton was called a sympathizer of fascists according to top OSS officer in Italy Max Corvo. His mother was the Mexican born woman Carmen Mercedes Moreno. James graduated from Yale in 1941. He went into Harvard Law School. In that place, he met his wife named Cicely d'Autremont of Duluth, Minnesota. Inducted into the Army on 19 March, 1943, Angleton was recruited into the OSS in August through the efforts of Angleton's father and Norman Pearson, his old English professor from Yale who was, at that time, head of the OSS Counter Intelligence division in London. Angleton did OSS X-2 operations during WWII. He used disinformation and propaganda to fight his enemies. He gotten over 1,000 enemy agents during WWII. He received the Crown of Italy, the Order of Malta Cross of Malta, and the Italian War cross of Merit. He worked for the CIA and had ties to the Mossad. He promoted the Cold War hoax as well. Angleton used a spy network to allow the CIA to sent reports to the Vatican about the Cold War, etc. According to previously classified State Department memoranda, Angleton recommended that the CIA fund Catholic Action, an Italian lay organization headed by Luigi Gedda. Gedda was honored by the Knights. Gedda was a key operative in an effort undertaken by the CIA and the Vatican to "barricade the Reds" in the 1948 Italian elections. Only weeks before the election, it appeared the Italian Communist party would prevail. The CIA and the Vatican both feared the Communists might win unless drastic measures were taken. So, Angleton gave aide to Vatican agent Mons Giovanni Montini. Montini would later be Pope Paul VI in 1963. He worked in the Kennedy years as well. Angleton headed the CIA's counterintelligence unit for 25 years. Angleton had a file on Lee Harvey Oswald according to history professor & former intelligence analyst John Newman. Angleton according to Gordon NOvel had blackmail photos of J. Edgar Hoover and Tolson shown to him in 1967. Novel said that the CIA had enough power to make J. Edgar Hoover be fearful of them. David Wise said that James bugged people's rooms, etc. (Angelton and Dulles talked to each other on the tapes and bugs). So, James Jesus Angleton was one of the most powerful American intelligence agents in that time. He worked alone. Richard Helms was an ally of Angleton and his nemesis was Knight of Malta William Colby. Now, James Jesus Angleton's counterintelligence staff held a file on Oswald that predated the assassination. Oswald worked with the White Russia and CI-connected George DeMorenschildt. James' closest associate was Ray Rocca. Rocca acted as a gateway between the Warren Commission and the CIA. So, Angleon's agents controlled the Warren Commission's relationship with the CIA. Some speculate that Oswald was directly involved with Angleton’s counterintelligence unit in the CIA. Angleton headed via his staff to do Operation Choas to infiltrate colleges (to see if foreign influence were in the anti-war movement. It was supported by LBJ in 1967). Golitsyn was a trusted source of Angleton though he wanted to defect instead of being a double agent. The collusion between the two is frighteningly detailed by Anthony Cave Brown in his Treason in the Blood. Golitsyn falsely claimed that the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was a KGB agent. Gotlisyn was an agent that tried to continue the Cold War agitation. According to Eric Jon Phelps: "...Knights Golitsyn and Angleton worked together to betray America's CIA agents in Russia, thus strengthening the KGB and weakening the CIA at its lower levels...These moves comprised a mere change of posts within the Order's International Intelligence Community as the Cold War was indeed a Hoax. Angleton, Golitsyn and Philby arranged for Oswald to return from the USSR with his wife, this being an absolute impossiblity apart from CIA/KGB/SIS collusion....BND Chief Reinhard Gehlen's right hand man was Hans Felfe---later conviced of being a double agent for the SSD and KGB. Thus the Order's post war stay behind operation was merely to further unite the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community. GRU ajax SMOM Prince Anton Turkel was also a part of this as he worked directly with the two Dulles Brothers---both also being SMOMs..." The collusion of intelligence agencies on supposed opposite ends of the spectrum is nothing new. Some former Nazi SS and SD men worked with the CIA to create the Western German BND. Some of the former SD men went into the East German Stasi or the SSD. Golitzyn defects to America in 1961 and Philby "defects" to the USSR in early 1963. Angleton was so paranoid about the Soviets that he accused foreign leaders of being Soviet spies even if they weren't. He died in 1987. Angleton omitted that the West (in the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, high level Masonry, the Bilderbergers, etc.) aided the plans of the Socialist/Communist governments in the world (including the Eastern bloc Nations in the then Warsaw Pact) and the cartel capitalism system. Of course, Angleton would promote the establishment view of the JFK assassination when credible witnesses rebut his claims.

By Timothy

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