
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Geolibertarian on the Gold Standard

Geolibertarian Says:

May 26th, 2010 at 1:43 pm
The problem with our money system is *not* that our paper currency isn’t “backed” by a commodity or precious metal, but that it’s ISSUED as an evidence of interest-bearing DEBT expansion instead of as an evidence of interest-free WEALTH expansion; that it vanishes from the money supply whenever bank loans are repaid; and that the money needed to pay the usurious interest on these inherently fraudulent loans is never created in the first place (the consequence of which is that there’s always a built-in SHORTAGE of money).

This is why brainwashed Austrian School cultists continually obsess over the “fiat” and “paper” aspects of the current system, because deep down they know that if they openly acknowledged the fact that it’s actually the *debt* aspect that’s doing all the damage, then people would naturally gravitate towards the debt-free “Greenback” alternative advocated by monetary reformers such as Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Stephen Zarlenga, and the makers of both “The Money Masters” documentary and the recently-released sequel, “The Secret of Oz.”

So, in effect, what Austrian Schoolers are essentially exclaiming to anyone foolish enough to listen is:

“Pay no attention to that USURY behind the curtain! PAPER is the source of all monetary evils!”

William Jennings Bryan said it best:

“Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

Those who value humanity more than a piece of metal must stop letting monetary flat-earthers and economic snake-oil salesmen from the Austrian School fool people into believing that the only “alternative” to enslaving mankind within a prison of debt is to *crucify* mankind upon a cross of gold. It is a lie and a fraud, and must be exposed as such.

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