
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kedux on Cagliastro

Hey you guys, i continue what we started befor, i kept the research, and first of all would like to thank you for the information about the jesuits overseeing the masonic faternity.

anyway i came across a dude called Cagliastro, he is the one who formed The rites of memphis and mizraim, which is the highest degerees of masonry, 90 etc.

anyway it is a contreversial subject about his membership in SMOM, because of that i suspect some disinformation about his membership in the order has being spreading around ever since.

from wiki:
Cagliostro himself stated during the trial following the Affair of the Diamond Necklace to have been born of Christians of noble birth, but abandoned as an orphan upon the island of Malta. He claimed to have travelled as a child to Medina, Mecca, and Cairo, and upon return to Malta to have been initiated into the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, with whom he studied alchemy, the Kabbalah and magic, much of the typical mystical background asserted by many impostors and charlatans of those times. Goethe classifies this as "silly fairy-tales."

now we know goethe was a member of the bavarian illuminati, which was blamed for being too jesuitical at one point by one of its own members! (cant remember who he was but this is true100%). anyway Goethe might have been frightened about this fact to have been discovered.

more from wiki:

Invented biography
Cagliostro claimed to be the son of the Prince and Princess of the Anatolian Christian Kingdom of Trebizond, orphaned and reared by the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta and, for several years, in the household of the Sheriff of Medina (who brought him up as a Christian.)[6]

now there is no reason to call this invented biography, at least they dont give a reason.

anyway, there is alot of information alluding to his deep involvment in SMOM, but i would like to put a nail in this coffin, since this will prove 100% the vatican is controlling the elite of freemasonry.

thank you very much.



"The practices of yoga, you know, you breathe, take various postures and all that, was invented about the 18th or the 17th century by a man, or a group of people who wanted occult powers. Which is through control, through forcing - you follow - through direction, they said this we might awaken extra sensory perception - I am putting it into modern words! And they have been practising it."

---jiddu krishnamurti

"now how is that to send you off to sleep with!"---william cooper

anyway, check this out:

Jesuit Teaches Class on Patanjali’s Sutras
By Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Several months ago I mentioned that I was teaching a seminar on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This fundamental yoga text, from nearly 2000 years ago, is brief — 195 very succinct verses — but it is the reference point for all the later yoga systems. I promised to report on the results of the seminar (with ten fine students) at its conclusion (this week), and so here (and hereafter) I offer some reflections.

In the 1960, Fr. Gaspar Koelman, a Jesuit working in India, did a meticulous study of Patanjali, The Patanjala Yoga, that is invaluable even today....

So the fruits of my seminar — this latest “Jesuit Yoga” — need to be carefully assessed, for the sake of the general question, How can we benefit from the ancient and wise tradition of yoga, as Christians? .

i wanted to know if u got more information about Fr. Gaspar Koelman and his influence on modern yoga? what do u say? i think this might open up a can of warms....

good week to yall

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