
Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday Updates in early June of 2010

The United States have many issues as people realize. Unlike Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who is always persimistic, we should have hope that things should get better. In the end, the world will be better like always. After WWII, America took the major role of supplying most of the world's international markets. This allowed the neo conservative movement to rise up and promote the falsity that military might preemptive can make a difference in establishing a more tranquil foreign policy. The West is battling in the Middle East east in other to have Western hegemony. This is causing crimes in Pakistan, Gaza, Afghanistan, etc. There drones in this attack, but Craig Roberts omits Muslim radicals committing crimes in Sudan, Maurantania, and Saudi Arabia. The Bill of Rights have been harmed with the assassination of JFK. It reached into a new level after the Bush/Cheney regime came into power. Nowadays, people are people are called a domestic terrorist if they disagree with the policies of the government. The corporate power structure has controlled the leadership of the republicans and the Democratics. Globalism has destroyed much of labor union. US GDP and millions of wellpaid American jobs are shipped into coutnries like China and India (where cheap labor reigns). This has been going on since about 1990. Trade imbalance continues and foreigners buy US assets constantly. The Israel/gaza controversy is still going on.

There is a Neo Nazi connection to the immoral Arizona immigration. This is something that some in the alternative media refuse to expose. To some of them, the promotion of rights stops in America, but true civil liberties ought to exist among all people. Now, the new anti-immigration law was introduced by Pro- Neo nazis. The Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce submitted the bill. For years, he has been associated with local Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. In 2006, he supported Operation W_____ that send people into Mexico. In this email he included an attachment from a white supremacy group and made the conspiratorial claim that journalists pushed the view of: “a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish ‘Holocaust’ tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders…” In 2007, Pierce was pictured with J.T. Ready. Ready is the spokesman for the National Socialist Movement or the Nazi Party. Ready said that he doesn't want non-white immigration in America. Pierce is known for speaking at neo-Nazi rallies and conferences. Pierce clapped for the neo-Nazis before. In 2008, Pierce sponsored Senate Bill 1108, which would make it impossible for students at Universities to join groups based in whole or part because of their ethnicity, claiming it would indoctrinate people with anti-American mentality. This is a lie since learning about different ethnicity is a expression about learning about American history in general since America by definition is made up of different cultures. Critics have stated that the bill would ban groups that serve minority interests such as the Mexican American study program and the Black Business Students Association. Arizona Jan Brewer follows this tripe by passing a law making it illegal to teach classes on ethnic studies, which violates the First Amendment. Kris Kobach, who is currently running for Secretary of State of Kansas, authored the anti immigrant law, SB 1070. Kobach is an attorney for Immigration Reform Law Institute, the legal arm of the chameleon organization named Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR. Kobach has been accused of taking money from white supremacist groups. As Rachel Maddow revealed in a recent program, the founder of FAIR is a well-known racist. The seed money he used to start FAIR came from an infamous Eugenics (the same thing the Nazi’s did) outfit. FAIR is known to have extremists and racists in their clique. Tanton believes that little to no immigration should exist in America. Even ALIPAC, is distancing his group from event organizer Daniel Smeriglio of Hazleton, Pa., over Facebook connections to White supremacists and a European neo-Nazi musical act (or ALIPAC won't practipate in a June 5th rally in support of the immigration law). This bigoted policy is a negation of individual liberty and freedom. It views immigration as a curse not a blessing. This immigration law scapegoats immigrants and violates the rights of citizens (while ignoring corporate exploitation of workers). This law forces people in Arizona to carry their papers everywhere they go or they become in risk of being jailed. I don't care if most of the country supports this immoral law since one time most of this country supported the Iraq War. The majority isn't always right. A lawyer for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, who helped write the law, pushed for changes like these in order to allow police to cast a wide net to target Latinos and the poor. Securing the borders is fine, but real immigration ought to compassionate and comprehensive.

President Barack Obama praises Kenya's draft Constitution allowing unlimited abortions. Pro-Life members of Congress are criticizing Barack Obama for spending as much as $10 million promoting the new pro-abortion constitution in Kenya. In an interivew, Obama himself carefully urged Kenyan residents to support the constitution. Obama officials were thought to have spent 2 million dollars, but Chris Smith said that the figure could be greater than 10 million dollars. Barack Obama had a new interview conducted on Tuesday with the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation or the KBC where he promotes the Constitution. This constitution would have the effect of overturning the nation's pro-life laws that prohibit most abortions. The KBC showed that Obama said that Kenyans should take advantage of the chance to vote on a new constitution this August and that supporting it would allow Kenya to be an African powerhouse. He called voting for the document a "singular opportunity to put the government of Kenya on solid footing" and urged Kenyans to"take advantage of the moment." Obama also talked about plans to visit Kenya and said he was dispatching pro-abortion Vice-President Joe Biden to Kenya to grow support for the pro-abortion constitution. Barack Obama tried to use neutral and impartial lnaguage in the following quotation: "...Regardless of whether they vote Yes or No I just want to make sure that they participate,' but he extolled the virtues of the document to the KBC saying it will promote human rights. "People are frustrated" about problems such as violence and governmental corruption -- reasons backers of the constitution are promoting it -- and "This is an opportunity to fix many of these things..." Biden is scheduled to vist Kenya next week according to the KBC to support the constitutional process. Smith is the leading Republican on the House Africa and Global Health Subcommittee and 2 other members of Congress have called for a probe into the Obama administration's spending in support of a campaign to get the pro-abortion constitution approved. The Siljander Amendment makes it illegaly for a government official to lobby via funds for or against abortion (and it's annually included in the State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act). The amendment reads, “None of the funds made available under this Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion,” and violations are subject to civil and criminal penalties under the Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. § 1341." “This week I learned that U.S. taxpayer expenditures in support of the proposed constitution may exceed $10 million—five times the level we originally suspected," Smith said last week. There shouldn't be massive spending to support the ratifiction of the proposed constitution. U.S. taxpayer dollars ought not to fund abortions internationally. Smith wants objective investigations into all State Department and USAID funded activities related to Kenya's proposed Constitution. The US Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger called last month for the African nation's political leaders to rally the people to pass the referndum. Smith authored the May 6 letter with Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee. Ranneberger issued a statement to praise the Kenya Parliament for passing the proposed constitution. He urged President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to rally to supporti t. He suggested that the Obama adminsiration would fund a national campaign to persuade the people to adopt the document. Smith said that Kenya's current constitution doesn't mention abortion and calls abortion illegal unless to save the life of the mother. They added that “any expression of support for or opposition to the proposed new constitution (including by drafting, offering technical advice or providing foreign assistance of any kind that is designed to influence public approval in the upcoming plebiscite) unavoidably involves lobbying for or against abortion."
The letter went to Gene L. Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability Office; Harold W. Geisel, Acting Inspector General, U.S. Department of State, Office of Inspector General, and to; Donald A. Gambatesa, Inspector General of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Abortion is evil of course.

Bill Gates willbe in the Bilderberg 2010 conference. Microsoft founder Gates funds bankrolls sterilization vaccine programs to give speech on global warming agenda and "the needs of the poorest." He was forced to admit to journalists that he will give a speech at the globalist confab. He admitted this inforamtion to journalists from 20 Minutos, which is a free Spanish newspaper. This newspaper is published only in numerous Spanish cities plus others globally. According to the report, Gates told reporters, “I’m one of those who will be present,” adding that he will take part in a debate with fellow globalists on the subjects of “energy and the needs of the poorest,” as well as climate change, renewable energy and the economic crisis. Gates claimed that he was in Barcelona to attend a Global Health Institute conference, which was then mysteriously cancelled. The German news agency DPA admitted to Gates' presence in the elite confab. The report confirms that Spain’s Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will attend the conference this afternoon, where he will be joined by Queen Beatrix of Holland, ECB Chairman Jean Claude Trichet as well as former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld went to other meetings in the past. Gates' wife Melinda is a regular attendee, but Bill goign there is his first time. There are very developments coming up in the bilderberg group. Iran is an issue in the world and the global warming agenda (That has been in the ropes since the Climategate scandal and the failed Copenhagen summit in December of 2009). Bill Gates promotes eugenics like programs. Gates to the TED conference that he wanted vaccines to be used to reduce the world's population (for the sake of global warming issues and lower CO2 emissions to almost zero). The TED organization is one of the largest toxic waste polluters in the Earth. Even John P. Holdren's 1977 Ecoscience advocated using sterilization against people to form a dictatorial planetary regime. Other Bilderbergers supported similar population control efforts that were draconian. David Rockefeller attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and is now the head of the Bilderberg's "sterring committee." His family of the Rockefellers funded eugenics research in Germany via the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich. The Rockfeller Foundation praised Hitler's sterilization program in Nazi Germany. A joint World Health Organization-Rockefeller inoculation program against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines in the early 1990’s was in fact a covert trial on using vaccines to medically abort women’s babies. “Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG,” writes historian F. William Engdahl in his article, Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population. Other reports show that the vaccines were laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua. This can cause pregnancy problems when the natural hormone hCG merges with a tetanus toxoid carrier. He wants to use sterilization against men to make him infertile for six months. This is wild stuff. “The foundation has funded a new “sweat-triggered vaccine delivery” program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is described as a way to “…develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines,” writes health researcher Mike Adams. Gates might support a carbon tax. The carbon tax agenda is wrong since it won't radically stop pollution. Also, it will enforce a consumption tax that can reduce the standard of living of people (especially in a globall depression). The Bilderberg act undemocartic in their hierarchy when they propose these policies. Some Bilderbergers view people with income as a threat to the plans of globalism or world government. Charlie Skelton is a journalist who wrote about this issue from his Bilderberg blog for the Guardian website. He was the last journalist to leave the Hotel Dolce Sitges. Skelton wrote that the Bilderbergers in conversation said those bullhorning them was scary and a threat since people are allowed to have income in the welfare state (and the general welfare in the Constitution I might add). Independent activists are exposing the cover of the Bilderbergers. That is why protestors are coming into Spain to legitimately expose the nefarious, secretive nature of the Bilderberg Group. Austerity measure, consumption taxes, and other tactics are promoted by the elite in order to try to harm our standard of living. A big middle class increases the chances of real societal form among all classes and that is why the post-industrial revolutionaries want the economy to be more centralized.

Secret Societies are real. There is the Boule leadership meeting with President Barack Obama. People know about the Boule much more now than even 5 years ago. The Boule is a congomolerate of African American fraternities and sororities who was created in the mode of the Skulls and Bones. The Skulls and Bones is a pro-Papal, pro-Anglophile clique that performed immoral war, economic exploitation, and inordinate influence in the world. These people were form the Sigma Pi Phi delegation. They meet in the White House on September 10, 2009. They include people like Khephra Burns, Huel D. Perkins, Robert L. Harris, Charles C. Teamer and Peyton Williams, and others. They desired to talk about African American issues in the USA with President Barack Obama. 20 Archons wanted to support health care for all Americans as a civil right. These archons include the names of Grand Sire Archon Harris, Grand Sire Archon-Elect Rodney J. Reed, Grand Grammateus Peyton Williams, Grand Grapter Khephra Burns and Past Grand Sire Archons Huel D. Perkins and Charles C. Teamer. Also presented to the White House officials was the Fraternity’s public policy position on Young Black Males, which is the foundation of the social action programs of many of the boulés throughout the Fraternity. The legitimate need for improvement is a tactic the Boule use in order to control as much of the black community as possible (especially in the upper class). Boule is a Greek word meaning advisors to the King. In 1918, the Boule meet in the White House too. Some want society to be more humanist. In Five Lectures…on Moral Education (1970), leading educator Ted Sizer proclaimed: "Moral autonomy—this is the 'new morality' toward which we are to guide ourselves and other people…. Strict adherence to a 'code' is out of date." And co-founder of the 4-million member International Humanist and Ethical Union, H.J. Blackham, in The Humanist (September/October 1981) revealed that if schools teach (moral) dependence on one's self, "they are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government."

By Timothy

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