
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jacob Hornberger exposed for supporting Ayn Rand

rexmundi Reply:June 23rd, 2010 at 5:21 am
This is an old Rush Limbaugh trick, straw man if you will. You take a piece of truth, add it to your point, and formulate an equation that equals acceptance amongst people.This is how Rush has been successful at getting middle class, working men and women, to hate high wages, quality standard of living, and National loyalty of companies.Heavy brain washing has made the average UPS worker, who got his benefits of his unskilled labor by the blood sweat and tears of the labor movement, to think he is a Country Club Republican, who plays golf and hates Unions. This is how we have been engineered to accept NAFTA, and GATT.You cannot compare seatbelt laws, helmet laws, grass length regulation, and curfews, toan out of kontrol, reckless, Global Conglomerate, who blew a hole in our f---ing ocean.
The Atlas Shrugged quote is 100% the modus operendi of today’s, dictatorial elite, but itdoes not apply to the situation at hand.

STARMAN Reply:June 23rd, 2010 at 6:02 am
Ayn Randsaw selfishness and greed as virtues; and, to their later disgrace, so, too,did many others.
Ayn Rand’s writings are nonetheless responsible for giving greed and selfishness the sheen of respectability they previously lacked, especially among the bespoke jackals that serve our currencies back to us in the form of loans.
Rand was alleged to be a mistress to Philippe Rothschild, who instructed her to write the book in order to show that through the raising of oil prices, then destroying the oil fields and shutting down the coal mines, the Illuminati would take over the world

rexmundi Reply:June 23rd, 2010 at 6:18 am
Well, the only reason they won’t be successful, is that greed and corruption haveclouded their reason.It damn sure won’t be because the masses became moral , and demanded justice andrighteousness.The elite are a symptom of our disease. We have bread and fed them, as much as theyhave para-sited us.

rexmundi Reply:June 23rd, 2010 at 5:08 am
Dude, with all the wire tapping, free speech zones, illegal wars, and total obliteration ofcivil rights, and you pick this to call the Obama puppet a Dictator?
Any Commander in Chief could legally, and rightfully so, shut BP out of the clean up, indict their chain of command in this incident, freeze their assets, and seize their bank accounts.
We’re talking about a Biblical proportion, national disaster. and this idiot is trying espousethe evils of regulation.
Only asking them to set up a fund, is more proof of collusion, and the very real possibility that this was sold to the administration as a false flag for Cap and Trade.But apparently this is a false flag out of kontrol, and maybe the true rulers meant for that to be the case.
The gloves are off, and the Elite ain’t pulling any punches. No more wimpy 911’s, to facilitate legislation, it’s Helter Skelter, hard core, depopulation time. And they ain’t screwing around. They’re unleashing the Crack-en.

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