
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Secrets of the Past being revealed

Pre Crime technology is to be used in Washington D.C. Law enforcement agencies in D.C. have started to use this technology. It is claim that it can predict when crimes will be committed and who will commit them (before they actually happen). The Minority Report is a movie and some of it is occuring now in 2010. Pre-crime software is being developed by Richard Berk, who is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. There has been similar technology being developed as software being used in Baltimore and Philadelphia. Yet, they were limited to predictions of murders by and among parolees and offenders on probation. According to a report by ABC News, the latest version is to be implemented in Washington, D.C. It can predict other future crimes according to them as well. “When a person goes on probation or parole they are supervised by an officer. The question that officer has to answer is ‘what level of supervision do you provide?’” Berk told ABC News, intimating that the program could have a bearing on the length of sentences and/or bail amounts. The program deals with sifting in a database. It has thousands of crimes and uses algorithms and different variables (like geographical location, criminal records, and ages of previous offenders) to come up with predictions of where, when, and how a crime could possibly be committed and by who. The program operates witout any direct evidence that a crime will be done. It simply takes detasets and computes possibilities. Beck wanted to see if precrime technology can predict a person doing a murder in the future if they done an armed robberty at age 14. Critics said that the program promtoed categorizing individuals on a risk scale via computer mathematics, rather than on real life, etc. Monitoring people based on a premise is against the justice system. The justice system is meant to be founded on the premise of the presumption of innocence. Other police departments and law agencies across the country have begun to look into and use similar predictive technologies. TheMemphis Police Department for example uses a program called Operation Blue CRUSH. It uses predictive analystics and it was developed by IBM. Other forms of pre-crime technology in use or under development include surveillance cameras that can predict when a crime is about to occur and alert police, and even neurological brain scanners that can read people’s intentions before they act, thus detecting whether or not a person has “hostile intent”. It is not too far fetched to imagine all these forms of the technology being used together in the future by law enforcement bodies. The British government has once debated introducing pre-crime laws in the name of fighting terrorism. The idea was that suspects would be put on trila using MI5 or MI6 intelligence of an expected terror attack. This would be enough to convict if ofund to be true "on the balance of probabilities" rather than beyond the reasonable doubt. The governmetn in the UK want to collect lifelong records on all residents starting at the age of 5. They want to screen for those who might be more likely commit crimes in the future. Another disturbing possibility for such technology comes in the form of a financial alliance of sorts between Internet search engine giant Google and the investment arm of the CIA and the wider U.S. intelligence network. Googel and In-Q-Tel have injected recently a sum of up to 10 million dollars into a company called Recorded Future. This includes " to scour Twitter accounts, blogs and websites for all sorts of information, which is used to “assemble actual real-time dossiers on people.” The company describes its analytics as “the ultimate tool for open-source intelligence” and says it can also “predict the future." Recorded Future takes in vast amounts of personal information such as employment changes, personal education, and family relations. Promotioanl materials have categories covering pretty much everything else (like entertainment, music, and movie releases like innocuous things like patient filings and product recalls). Those detached from any kind of moral reality will say “If you’ve got nothing to hide then what is the problem with being scanned for pre-crime? If it keeps us all safe from murderers, rapists and terrorists I’m all for it." The technological Big Brother police state system is still real with precrime technology that can violate individual liberties of citizens.

I-Dosing is another excuse for government control in our lives. I-Dosing is people trying to get a high or euphoria from engineered sounds and music. This has been reported by Psychology Today. It isn't really a drug. Yet, the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drug wants to say that i-dosing has the same kind of mind altering effects as marijuana, cocaine, peyote, and opium. Mark Woodward is the spokesman for the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. He said that kids are going into i-dose websites. Mark claim to want to save kids and they want parents to take action against this situation. The Oklahoma Mustang High School recently sent home letters to parents warning them of the dangers of i-dosing. Some state lawmakers and Congress have yet to catch on. They haven't proposed draconian laws to prevent it from spreading. This is hypocritical on the part of the government. In 2001, there was a between heavy television watching and Alzheimer’s disease was discovered, but the government is not clamoring to outlaw the idiot box or pass laws limiting the number of hours spent before it. Real honest pharmaceutical drugs (like antibiotics, anticonvulsants, mood stabilizers, and sex hormones) are in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans. Illegal drugs like cocaine and LSD end up in water as studies in Eurpe show. Public officials aren't doing anthing about this involuntary form of drug dosing. They are refusing to disclose the results of pharmaecutical screenings. This involuntary dosing is evil. Now, so-called researchers want to advocate the government to put lithium in the water under the guise of trying to prevent suicide. We already know that lithium can act as a powerful mood stabilizer for people with bipolar disorder, and treating people with lithium is also associated with lower suicide rates,” said one researcher, who added that this outrageous prospect “certainly merits more investigation.” So, the corporate media is hyping the exaggerated threat of i-dosing to possibly create more unnecessary laws. These laws in similar cases have been used by SWAT-Teams to send numerous individuals into the state's prison industrial complex.

Some in CNN view opposition to the policies of the government and bankers as criminal. CNN's Rick Sanchez and the SPLC propagandist Mark Potok teamed up to demonize the Sovereign Citizen Movement. Sanchez show hatred of this movement. The FBI and Ministry of Homeland Security consider the movement a form of domestic terrorism. “The agency has already outlined two separate domestic terror threats — eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists and lone offenders — and its latest addition is a discussion of the Sovereign Citizen Movement,” the Homeland Security Newswire reported in April. “Members of the Sovereign Citizen Movement are anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or ‘sovereign’ from the United States. As a result, they believe they do not have to answer to any government authority, including courts, taxing entities, motor vehicle departments, or law enforcement.” Some people refuse to obey the government since corporate terrorists have hijacked the government. The FBI want people to tell them about these group as an informant. The FBI says that the sovereign citizens promote scams. Ironically, Joseph Kane and his 16 year old were gunned down by cops. They accepted the sovereign citizen philosophy. According to police, Kane handed sovereign citizens paperwork to Arkansas police after he was pulled over. It is said Kane’s son then pulled out an AK 47 and killed two police officers. “West Memphis police recently finished training on how to identify the groups by peculiar license plates or bumper stickers. They were also taught how to best approach them during a traffic stop,” Fox News reported. The MIAC document compared even Chuck Baldwin supports and Ron Paul advocates as equivalent to dangerous terrorists. The DHS had its own document that compared pro-life people, constitutionalists, advocates of the 2nd Amdnement, some veterans, etc. as equal to domestic terrorist. Potok believes that the sovereign citizen movement is the progeny of white supremacists. The “FBI lists this extremist movement as a domestic terrorist threat, saying some ‘sovereign citizens’ murder, threaten judges, use fake currency and engineer various mortgage fraud scams. Many don’t pay taxes,” reports the Memphis Fox affiliate. Sovereign citizens haven't done an epidemic of murdering judges at all. Some of them reject federal and state paperwork, some don't pay taxes, and some ignore laws plus they oppose banksters in foreclosure cases. This isn't equivalent to terrorism even if you disagree with some of these policies. Even Timothy Geithner once didn't pay his taxes, but he doesn't want to kill judges though. The government consider the sovereign citizen movement terrorists since they reject their authority.

Some good news occur in the Pro-Life movement. President Barack Obama wanted to force taxpayers to fund the destructive embryonic stem cell research. Another side disagreed with this policy. Now a judge made a decision on Monday to temporarily halt the funding while the lawsuit is going on. The U.S. district Judge Royce Lamberth gave a preliminary injunction against the funding authorized by Obama's executive order. There is the Christian Medical Association. It was one of the parties that brought the lawsuit. It said that the Obama executive order and subsequent funding from the National Institutes of Health violated the Dickey Amendment, a federal law prohibiting taxpayer funding of research that destroys human embryos. David, MD, the head of the CMA responded that: "...This case highlights the harm that diverting federal funds away from proven effective research poses to those patients who are waiting for cures. We are grateful that the Court also recognizes the clarity of the law and the harm that funding illegal and unethical embryo-destroying research poses to ethical researchers." "The bottom line is that ethical stem cell research that does not destroy a living human embryo is the fastest, most efficient and effective means to obtaining real cures for real patients," he told "Already providing hope and help for patients with over 70 diseases, ethical stem cell research that does not destroy living human embryos holds proven promise for even more amazing breakthroughs in the future." The Alliance Defense Fund is a pro-life legal group. It served as co-counsel in the case. It respected the order that prevented the administration from carrying out its embryonic stem cell research policy while the court considers the lawsuit. “The American people should not be forced to pay for experiments--prohibited by federal law--that destroy human life," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Steven Aden. "The court is simply enforcing an existing law passed by Congress that prevents Americans from paying another penny for needless research on human embryos," he continued. “No one should be allowed to decide that an innocent life is worthless." Aden said, "Experimentation on embryonic stem cells isn't even necessary because adult stem cell research has been enormously successful. In economic times like we are in now, it doesn't make sense for the federal government to use precious taxpayer dollars for this illegal and unethical purpose.” The district court's preliminary injunction order says that: "...If one step…of an ESC [embryo steam cell] research project results in the destruction of an embryo, the entire project is precluded from receiving federal funding by the Dickey-Wicker Amendment.
“Because ESC research requires the derivation of ESCs, ESC research is research in which an embryo is destroyed. Accordingly, the Court concludes that, by allowing federal funding of ESC research, the Guidelines are in violation of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment," the court added. The Barack Obama administration can try to appeal the decision granting the preliminary injunction or could try to rewrite the guidelines to comply with the law. Dr. Theresa Deisher (of AVM Biotechnology and Dr. James L. Sherley, who was a former MIT professor and scientist) are parties to the lawsuit. They believed that adult stem cell research was positive and embryonic stem cell research was ineffective. Embryonic stem cell research could be funded by private funds. Sam Casey, General Counsel of Advocates International's Law of Life Project, a public interest legal project also involved in the case, pointed out that NIH officials have admitted they violated the public comment process by ignoring the majority of comments coming from pro-life advocates opposed to destroying unborn children for their stem cells.
"The majority of the almost 50,000 comments that the NIH received were opposed to funding this research, and by its own admission, NIH totally ignored these comments," he said. "The so-called spare human embryos being stored in IVF clinics around the United States are not 'in excess of need,' as the NIH in its guidelines callously assert. They are human beings in need of biological or adoptive parents."
Embryonic stem cell research has yet to help a single patient, unlike adult stem cell research -- which has helped patients with more than 100 diseases and medical conditions and which President Bush supported with hundreds of millions in federal funding.

Yuri Kochiyama is one of the unsung heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. The person who influenced her a lot was Malcolm X ironically. She knew and respected Malcolm X before she met him. When they have both met, they became very close friends. She back then agreed with the view that black people who have self-determination, self reliance, self defense, and a sovereign sense of total liberation (as Malcolm X believed). Yuri Kochiyama shook Malcolm X's hand in a courthouse in Brookyln, NY. Ms. Kochiyama talked wanting to shake his hand in these words: “Malcolm, can I shake your hands, too?” Later, Malcolm X said: “What for?” Later, Yuri said: “What for?...Because what you’re doing for your people.” And he said, “And what am I doing for my people?” Now, she thought, “What would I say to that?” So, she said that: “You are giving directions.” Malcolm strode out of the crowd with a smile, and shook Ms. Kochiyama’s hand. This event occured in October 16, 1963, which was before JFK's assassination. Yuri wanted Malcolm X to speak at a Hiroshima/Nagasaki Wrld Peace Study in a meeting. Malcolm X came in the door of the meeting in 1964 to make comments at the small convention. Malcolm X thanked the Japanese for ocming into Harlem. Later, Malcolm X gave the Japanese people a tour of neighborhoods and living conditions in Harlem that was in contrast to Harlem's "The World's Worst Fair." Yuri even worked in the OAAU or the Organization for Afro-American Unity. She joined Malcolm X's Liberation School to understand information on Black history and politics. She says in --- “…we didn't know anything about black history, black thinking, or black culture, and in order to understand the black community and and its people, we thought we'd better sign up. So we enrolled, along with our three eldest children, Billy, Audee, and Aichi. The education we received was priceless." Malcolm X and Yuri agreed with the view that if a person doesn't know their history and the essence of their culture, you can't have real interactions between different cultures. Malcolm X believed in black nationalism in that black people should operate, own, and control their own businesses and communities. He also said that: "...We will work with anyone, with any group, no matter what their color is, as long as they are genuinely interested in [ending black injustice]." Kochiyama was of course a Japanese human rights activist. She and her family went into the concentration camps of WWII. This was when about 120,000 Japanese Americans were unjustly interned during WWII. She saw segregration in the camp near Arkansas via Jim Crow. By 1960, she and her husband Bill moved to Harlem, NY to fight for human rights. She was present at his assassination on February 21, 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, and held him in her arms as he lay dying. In 1977, she tried to promoted Puerto Rican independence via joining a group of Puerto Ricans (that took over the Statue Liberty). She wanted to promote the rights of political prisoners and called for nuclear disarmament. She was nominated for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.

By Timothy

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