
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Facebook CEO's MAJOR Donation: Mark Zuckerberg To Give $100 Million To Newark Schools

HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATORPupadup4oBama 1 hour ago (7:18 AM)
487 Fans
Maybe it IS a PR stunt, but I'd rather have a PR stunt like this than some 20something socialite getting arrested for coke just to get her picture in the papers.


wiseoldgranny 8 hours ago (12:46 AM)
31 Fans
Hank,When will you stop selling America off to the highest bidder? We the people invest our tax payer $$$ to build an infrastructure, i.e. bridges and highways now we are privatizing them, sewer systems now privatized, drugs and cures now privatized, our public park lands now privatized, our public airwaves privatized and so it goes.Too bad so many hated history in school, this is exactly how they have taken over so many other countries.Abolish unions, privatize all government enities, get in a dictator that is corrupt and will borrow money from the world bank to give corportations huge overblown contracts that only a few people need and when the country cannot pay back the world bank, the world bank makes them comply to sell their natural resources to the corporations cheap. The people pay. Thus unemployment goes u40-70%, wages drop to nearly nothing and the small land owners and businesses lose everything.

wiseoldgranny: Hank, When will you stop selling America off to the


HUFFPOST SUPER USERlfluty2 3 hours ago (5:35 AM)
32 Fans

really?im one of those evil republicans but if you really think that there should be no public education, then you need to travel to a country that doesnt have one and see how they live.Americas greatest gift to itself was the community college system built after the war for all the vets. Imagine what diseases would not be cured without the UC system in California...not all gov spending is evil


Pharoah Narim 10 hours ago (12:19 AM)
13 Fans
It hard to stay at home when you're shut out of legal economy due to a the p__ poor education from the substandard neighborhood school. People then do whatever it takes to survive which means the illegal economy. Of course the court/prison industry needs a market to justify it's enormous size and there you have a recipe for absenteeism in the home. The perfect storm. But let me ask you...did you ask to be born in the location you were and to the family you were born into? Didn't think stop with the simple generalization about a problem anyone could have been born into and fall right in line with the people that were. A lot of black young men DO take care of their children....economic struggle just make it hard for any color couple to stay together.

HUFFPOST SUPER USERa space alien 11 hours ago (11:59 PM)
121 Fans

Agreed. Building a strong and stable, yet dynamic community is also key. A community with shared values and goals AND a desire to expand intellectually and culturally for the sake of betterment can only grow and become truly enriched.

317 Fans
Tea partiers and libertarians complain about government spending and insist the community should step in when people are in need. Here we have exactly such a case, and what do they do? Complain that this is socialist! Unbelievable!

ron071 11 hours ago (11:52 PM)
230 Fans
Perhaps if we stopped invading the Middle East and guarding the rest of the world we'd accomplish a great deal more here at home. Stop the outsourcing, and put the people to work, and then communities like Newark will have the chance for success that they so desperately need.

olivia 11 hours ago (11:39 PM)
698 Fans
All of you who claim that money isn't the problem with schools must not have visited any schools outside your own pristine neighborhoods recently. There are two school public school systems in America - one for the poor, and one for everyone else. You won't see the other one if you don't get out of your nice neighborhoods.

Bostontru2u 11 hours ago (11:48 PM)
37 Fans
Imagine., Senator Scott Brown, the Tea-b__ from Massachusetts voted NO to $450 million in education grants. One of his first votes. Zuckerberg is by far a real shining light, compared to Brown-out.

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