
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Men in California, Australia Attempt to Force Girlfriends to Have Abortions


Men in California, Australia Attempt to Force Girlfriends to Have Abortions

by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 21, 2010

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Ventura, CA ( -- Abortion advocates tell the public legalizing abortion is important to promote women's rights and that women should have control over their own bodies, and those of their unborn children. Two incidents in California and Australia show legal abortions frequently empower men to pressure their partners to have one.

In Ventura, California, a 22-year-old man is facing 25 years to life in prison for paying two men $500 to fake a robbery attempt and punch his pregnant girlfriend to cause a miscarriage and end the life of her baby in an abortion.

Olmos did not want to become a father and his girlfriend rejected his pressured attempt to get her to have an abortion against her will.

KABC indicates a Ventura County Superior Court Judge found Jaime Solis Olmos guilty on Monday on one county of conspiracy to commit murder and a second count of attempted murder.

In January 2008, while the couple was in their car at a Newbury Park overlook, the two men Olmos paid attacked the woman and punched her in the face and stomach. However, she and her baby survived the attack and the woman eventually gave birth to a boy, who is not a healthy 2-year-old child.

KABC reports Olmos' defense attorney, Jay J. Tanenbaum of Encino, tried to get his client off of the charges by saying that, because the age of the unborn baby was unknown at the time, his client should not be charged. He pointed to a California Supreme Court decision saying an unborn child at 7 or 8 weeks along can be considered a potential murder victim.

But Judge Patricia Murphy told the court that a radiologist measured the unborn child and indicated the baby had visible organs and a beating heart.

Olmos will be sentenced on October 21 and the two attackers are still under investigation and charges are pending.

Meanwhile, in Australia, Tyrone Phillip Strong, 30, reportedly said "I'm going to kill this baby" as he attacked Kylie Long's stomach two days after he learned she was pregnant with her fourth child, who is his.

The Brisbane Times indicates Strong attacked Long after learning of her pregnancy and her decision not to have an abortion at his request.

Strong, from Kallangur north of Brisbane, pleaded not guilty of common assault and attempting to cause an abortion, the newspaper said.

The couple had an infant daughter together and Long had two children from a previous relationship. On April 3 last year, Long called Strong at work to inform him of her pregnancy and Strong raised concerned about the cost of rearing another child.

"I'll hit her in the stomach, that will get rid of the problem," Strong said later that day.

Two days later, the Times indicates Strong allegedly attacked Long, ripped off her clothes and locked her outside the house. He then allowed her back in the home, where he suffocated her and threw her phone at her and told Long to call the police.

Hours later, he asked her if their relationship was over and Long told her partner she had "had enough."

"Well, you're not going to have this baby. I'm going to kill this baby," he responded.

Two days later, Long experienced cramps and bleeding and Strong replied with a text that the newspaper said read, "If you lose the baby it's because of your drinking and smoking. I didn't push your tummy hard."

Long delivered a baby girl eight moths later and now Strong is in the middle of a three day trial before Judge Gregory Koppenol.

Buzz up!

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