
Monday, October 04, 2010

Abortion Practitioner Pulls Gun at Praying Pro-Life Advocates in South Carolina


Abortion Practitioner Pulls Gun at Praying Pro-Life Advocates in South Carolina
by Steven Ertelt Editor
October 4
, 2010

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Charleston, SC ( -- An abortion practitioner reportedly brandished a gun when heading to do abortions at the Charleston Women's Medical Center abortion facility in West Ashley, South Carolina on Saturday morning. Gary Boyle, 62, lives in Tennessee, but does abortions at the facility near Charleston.
Apparently upset at the fact that local pro-life advocates have been participating in the national 40 Days for Life campaign, Boyle met their peaceful presence by pulling a gun.
According to the Post and Courier newspaper, Boyle drove his silver Lexus vehicle into the parking lot and he allegedly approached the pro-life advocates, including a 17-year-old boy, and produced a black handgun loaded with 15 rounds.
As Boyle, who runs the Bristol Regional Women’s Center abortion facility in Tennessee, made his way to the abortion business, 50-year-old pro-life resident John Karafa called 911.
“We were like, ‘Well, that was a gun,’” Karafa told the newspaper. “You can't do that.”
The Post and Courier indicates Boyle was arrested and appeared before Charleston County Magistrate Priscilla Baldwin on Saturday afternoon via video conference and Baldwin set his bail at $25,000 on the charges.
Several of the local pro-life prayer event participants, who had signed pledges stating they would act in a peaceful, nonviolent manner during the 40 Days for Life event, appeared outside the courthouse while the proceedings took place.
Local resident Sandra Rochester said Boyle must have been wanting to intimidate the pro-life people who have been handling out literature for women showing abortion alternatives.
“We've saved four babies so far,” Rochester told the newspaper.
Boyle has had legal problems before as he and his business partner ran in trouble in Tennessee because they did not have the proper papers from the state to run their abortion business. The health department tried to close the abortion center, but a state judge eventually ruled the paperwork requirement was unconstitutional.
Boyle's arrest comes two months after a man was arrested outside a late-term abortion facility in New Mexico after he threatened to shoot two pro-life women providing alternatives to women going to the Southwestern Women's Options abortion center.

The abortion center is operated by late-term abortion practitioner Curtis Boyd.
The man reportedly became angry and ushered his family towards the abortion clinic.
"When we come out, I'm going to put a bullet in your head if you talk to her," the man told the pro-life women, whose identities pro-life advocates are withholding to protect their security.
Former Operation Rescue intern Bud Shaver said the man then lifted his shirt to reveal a dark object to the two pro-life women that they described as looking like a gun. The women called police who, Shaver said, "responded appropriately and took him away in handcuffs."
Shaver said the man's threat had the opposite effect of allowing abortions as a police SWAT team arrived and shut down the abortion center for two hours, preventing abortions from taking place.

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