
Monday, October 04, 2010

Abortionist Pulls Gun on Pro-Lifers

Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 00:28:56 -0400
From: Columbia Christians for Life <>
Subject: Abortionist Pulls Gun on Pro-Lifers

Dear Allyson Bird,

This is a more accurate account of what happened.

Your article does not convey the truth when you inform readers
that the three protesters approached Boyle in a parking lot.  That is FALSE.

Steve Lefemine

Abortionist Pulls Gun on Pro-Lifers

BY Matthew Archbold

An abortionist at a clinic in Charleston South Carolina allegedly brandished a loaded weapon at a group of pro-life protestors
early Saturday morning and was arrested shortly after. Gary Boyle, 62, of Blountville Tennessee, drove into the driveway behind
the Charleston Women’s Medical Center near where three pro-lifers stood and reportedly waved a handgun and pointed it at them.
The pro-lifers decided to call police who arrived at the scene shortly after, went into the clinic, confiscated the weapon and arrested
the doctor on charges related to pointing a weapon. News reports indicate that Boyle was released on a $25,000 bail shortly after.
Some of the protesters were there as part of the 40 Days for Life organization while others regularly stand outside the clinic every Saturday.
One protester who asked not to be named said, “the protesters don’t ever threaten anybody, they never cross onto the property of the clinic,
and don’t impede access to the clinic.” He said he and two others went behind the clinic and stood in the parking lot in expectation of the
arrival of the abortionist. He said they never know which abortionist will come to the clinic as there are three or four abortionists who alternate
duties each week and Boyle had come in from out of state on other occasions but the pro-lifers never had any interaction with him.
“As he pulled into the clinic yesterday he had a gun pointed at us. He had his gun at the window,” he said. “I think he showed the gun
to intimidate us. But the guy has no respect for life. He’s been killing babies for 25-30 years. Who’s to know he wouldn’t have pulled the trigger
and said we provoked it?” The pro-lifer said that he was most pleased that the clinic “essentially had to shut down” after Boyle, the abortionist,
was arrested. He said he hoped that maybe some women who were considering abortion and couldn’t get one would perhaps reconsider. 
He said that would be one good thing to come out of this situation.

Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 00:01:19 -0400
From: Columbia Christians for Life
Subject: false information in news story

Dear Allyson Bird,

This news report is publishing false information.

I was not present, but it is my understanding that the gun was pointed at the three protesters BEFORE he even entered the parking lot,
AS HE WAS DRIVING IN.  It is my understanding that the protesters were on the sidewalk as usual, and that as Boyle and his female
passenger turned in off Ashley River Rd., he pointed the gun at the three pro-life men.   It is my understanding that the three men did NOT
approach him in the parking lot as your article implies:

"Boyle drove into the parking lot of the clinic on Ashley River Road near Fuseler Road at around 8:30 a.m.
When three protesters, including a 17-year-old boy, approached him, Boyle brandished a black handgun
loaded with 15 rounds, according to a police report."

It appears to me that your article is creating a false picture of what happened to the reading public.

Steve Lefemine


Tennessee Abortionist points gun at pro-lifers outside "abortion" center
in Charleston, SC; arrested; $25,000 bond set
The Charleston Women's Medical Center [sic] has been South Carolina's largest child-murder-by-"abortion"
center of the
three remaining in the state, killing a reported 2,550 children in 2008 alone (Source:  SC DHEC). 
From 1988-2008, the CWMC "abortion" center has killed a reported 54,921 human beings (approx. 2,100 - 3,000/year).
The CWMC has "
an affiliation with the [ CCL: SC-Republican-majority-Legislature-funded ] Medical University of South Carolina".
On Saturday, October 2, as Tennessee abortionist Dr. [sic] Gary Boyle drove into a parking lot near the CWMC "abortion" center,
he pointed a gun at three pro-life men, one Christian and two Roman Catholics.  The Christian man states he was offering literature,
and contrary to news reports, did not move toward the abortionist's vehicle.  The parking lot is behind the "abortion" center, directly off
Ashley River Road (Rte 61), not far from downtown Charleston, SC (" The (so-called) Holy [sic] City").
  Most of the pro-life people normally stand along a side street (Fuseler Road) because both driveways into the CWMC "abortion" center
parking lot enter in from Fuseler Road, not Ashley River Road.  The picture of the CWMC "abortion" center on their
website, shows the
side of the building that faces Fuseler Road.  The three pro-life men were around the corner from Fuseler Road, on Ashley River Road,
when abortionist Gary Boyle pointed his gun at them as he drove into another parking lot directly off Ashley River Road.

The Christian man offering the literature has been going to the CWMC center for several years.  The Catholic adult man has reportedly
been going out to the CWMC for about one year, and the 17-year-old Catholic young man has been reportedly going out to the CWMC
for about two to three months.  All three men saw the abortionist's gun pointed at them as the abortionist drove into the parking lot.  The
bond hearing was to have been held at 4 PM.  Bond for abortionist Gary Boyle was set at $25,000.  The court date is set for December 17.

The CWMC "abortion" center is located off Ashley River Road (Rte 61), not far from the historic Charles Town Landing,
and not far from the
home of pro-abortion Republican Senate President Pro-Tem Glenn McConnell, the most powerful
state legislator in SC, who this past
April 13 at the podium of the SC Senate, argued vehemently against an attempt to
Recall the SC Personhood Bill (
S.450) from the Judiciary Subcommittee where it was blocked from even being allowed
a public hearing by pro-abortion Republican Senator Jake Knotts (Lexington), who was appointed to that position by the
pro-abortion Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: also, yes, Republican Senator Glenn McConnell (Charleston) !
Proverb 29:2, KJB"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
October 2, 2010

CCL NoteFor the record, CCL does not endorse ecumenical pro-life activism involving born-again Christians yoking with Roman Catholics.
                     Such unbiblical activity is disobedient to the LORD's commandments in the Bible, for example,
2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJB.
Biblical Separation - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible and Christianity - Bible separation is the practice of separating from sin and error unto truth and righteousness.    
     In the N.T. we find three basic areas of separation. The Christian is to practice Moral Separation -- separation from sin and
worldliness; Doctrinal Separation -- separation from those whose teaching and practice is contrary to that of the apostles;
and Practical Separation -- separation from brethren who are committed to disobedient paths.
_______ Oct 02, 2010 4:05 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 02, 2010 7:44 PM EDT
WEST ASHLEY, SC (WCSC) – Charleston police arrested a West Ashley doctor
after he pointed his gun at protesters Saturday morning on Ashley River Road.

Police say 62-year-old Dr. Gary Boyle drove into the parking lot of the Charleston Women's Medical Clinic
on Ashley River Road when three protesters approached his vehicle. According to police, he then pointed
a handgun at them.

[ CCL: The abortionist pointed the gun at three men, one Christian pro-lifer and two Roman Catholic pro-lifers.
           The Christian was offering literature to the abortionist, but states that he did not move. ]

Boyle was arrested and charged with one count of pointing a firearm. Boyle was released on a $25,000 bond


Copyright 2010 WCSC. All rights reserved.


The Post and Courier
Charleston, SC

"Of the three alleged victims, only Karafa represented the “40 Days” movement."    CCL NoteFor the record, the
40 Days for Life” project is ecumenical, and significantly Roman CatholicCCL does not endorse
                     ecumenical pro-life activism involving born-again Christians yoking with Roman Catholics.  Such unbiblical activity
                     is disobedient to the LORD's commandments in the Bible, for example,
2 Corinthians 6:14-18, KJB.
Police say doctor pointed gun at abortion Originally published 03:20 p.m., October 2, 2010
Updated 07:24 p.m., October 2, 2010

[ excerpts, emphasis added ]

Police arrested Gary Boyle, a 62-year-old Blountville, Tenn. physician, on charges of pointing a firearm.

Boyle drove a silver Lexus SUV into the parking lot of the clinic on Ashley River Road near Fuseler Road at around 8:30 a.m.
When three protesters, including a 17-year-old boy, approached him, Boyle brandished a black handgun loaded with 15 rounds,
according to a police report.

[ CCL: The abortionist pointed the gun at three men, one Christian pro-lifer and two Roman Catholic pro-lifers.
            The Christian was offering literature to the abortionist, but states that he did not move. ]

Boyle then stepped out of the truck and walked into the clinic without further incident, the report says. One of the alleged victims,
50-year-old John Karafa, called 911.

“We were like, ‘Well, that was a gun,’” Karafa said. “You can’t do that.”

Boyle appeared by video conference at a bond hearing Saturday afternoon dressed in a light yellow button down shirt.
Charleston County Magistrate Priscilla Baldwin set his bail at $25,000.

Whether Boyle performed abortions locally remains unclear. He and another physician operate the Bristol Regional Women’s Center
near his Tennessee home.


More than a half-dozen pro-life demonstrators also attended the proceedings, many wearing light blue “40 Days for Life” wrist bands.
Protesters began gathering outside the West Ashley clinic on Sept. 22 and will hold a prayer vigil against abortion there 24 hours a day,
every day, until Oct. 31.

Of the three alleged victims, only Karafa represented the “40 Days” movement.  The incident wasn’t the doctor’s first legal snag.

He and his partner operated their clinic without the required certificate of need from the Tennessee Health Department for several years
in the 1990s, and the health department tried to shut them down, according to court filings.

The dispute dragged on for years until 2002, when an appeals judge ruled that the state statute requiring the certificate had violated
a woman’s right to privacy.

Reach Allyson Bird at 937-5594 or

Copyright © 1995 - 2010 Evening Post Publishing Co.


The SC Personhood Bill recognizes the God-given, unalienable right to life of every human being as a "person"
beginning at fertilization, in SC law.
Personhood legislation for the unborn was first introduced in the SC House and SC Senate in 1998, and has been
active in the SC House
every year since, and active in the SC Senate every year since 2005.  The Republicans
have been in the majority in SC House continuously since Jan 1995, The Republicans have been in the majority
in SC Senate continuously since Jan 2001, and still the SC Personhood Bill has not been passed into law.

2010 SC Legislative Session:-
Republican-Majority SC Senate rejects opportunity to advance Personhood Bill; abandons pre-born children
- Over 40% (
12 out of 27) of  SC Senate Republicans voted against Recall effort led by Christian Pro-Life Senator Lee BrightPart 1  (1:20 min.) - Religious exercise ("prayer") by Senate chaplain, Dr. James St. John (PCUSA minister - Columbia)Part 2  (14:26 min.) - Recall motion by Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg); Rant in opposition by Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)Part 3  (19:28 min.) - Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) - primary sponsor of SC Personhood Bill ( S.450)
                               ( Note:  Bright incorrectly stated MT and ND each passed Personhood legislation into law )
Part 4  (10:34 min.) - Senator Jake Knotts (R-Lexington) attack on Senator Lee Bright and Personhood Bill ( S.450)
                               ( Note:  Knotts incorrectly identifies the Bible verse he is misusing to justify killing rape babies; it is Psalm 127:3 )
Part 5  (3:54 min.) - Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) makes correction (MT and ND each passed Personhood in one chamber, not both) Part 6  (3:10 min.) - Senator Larry Grooms (R-Berkeley) - "... 50 million people, people, human beings, have perished in their mother's womb ...
                             50 million ..."  ( NoteGrooms incorrectly identifies the year of Roe vs. Wade; it is 1973 )
Part 7  (16:34 min.) - Anti-Personhood Bill Senator
Chip Campsen (R- Charleston) opposes Roe, but preaches federal supremacy of SCOTUS decisions
                               ( NoteCampsen incorrectly identifies the year of the "Roe v. Wade of birth control",
Griswold vs. Connecticut; it is 1965 )Part 8  (2:36 min.) - Pro-Abort Senator Phil Leventis (D-Sumter) preaching government socialism over justice for all pre-born human beingsPart 9a  (3:26 min.) - Motion to Table Senator Bright's Recall Motion by Pro-Abort Senator Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg); Roll Call vote
Part 9b  (4:40 min.) - Final Tabling motion vote tally, 24 - 18 in favor of tabling (killing) Personhood Bill Recall motion; Senate Adjourns
                               (Note: Christian Pro-Life Senator Larry Grooms voted "Nay" to motion to Table ) REPUBLICAN-MAJORITY SOUTH CAROLINA SENATE REJECTS OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE PERSONHOOD BILL BY 24 - 18 VOTE; ABANDONS PRE-BORN CHILDREN
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Letter to SC Senate President Pro Tem Senator Glenn McConnell (R)
Re: Executing Rape Babies
- REPUBLICAN Senators Jake Knotts (West Columbia/Lexington) & Glenn McConnell (Charleston)
  are still BLOCKING
S.450, the SC Personhood for all humans Bill.
- 50% of the entire South Carolina State Senate (23 of 46 members) is co-sponsoring
- 50% of REPUBLICAN Senator Jake Knotts' Judiciary Subcommittee (three of six members).
  is co-sponsoring
S.450 - yet, Senator Knotts has refused to schedule a public hearing for the bill.
- We have been trying for 12 years (
since 1998) (South Carolina state-level personhood legislation).
- The
SC Senate has 27 Republicans, 19 Democrats.
April 10, 2010 SC Senate Leader Glenn McConnell BLOCKING Personhood BillApril 1, 2010 SC Personhood Bill ALERT - Ask State Senator Jake Knotts (Republican) for Public Hearing for S.450 nowMarch 25, 2010 / Revised April 1, 2010


2009 - 2010
- 16 States have had Personhood Legislation Efforts Filed
                         in State Legislatures or as Ballot Initiatives
- a/o December 3, 2009 / Revised April 7, 2010 2009-2010 State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation:- Including State-Level Personhood Bills and Constitutional Amendments
- ALA, ALASK, CA, CO, FL, GA, MD, MICH, MISS, MO, MONT, ND, NV, OR, SC, VAUpdated December 3, 2009 / Revised April 7, 2010 Personhood State Constitutional Amendment introduced In Iowa LegislatureIowa is one of 16 States which have had Personhood Legislation filed in 2009-2010.January 20, 2010 Personhood State Constitutional Amendment Re-introduced in Maryland LegislatureMaryland is one of 16 States which have had Personhood Legislation filed in 2009-2010.February 17, 2010  

Personhood Amendment Certified for Colorado Ballot for November 2010Colorado Secretary of State has certified the Personhood Amendment, called Amendment 62
March 26, 2010 Mississippi Personhood Amendment Officially on 2011 BallotMississippi Secretary of State gives notice of sufficient certified voter signatures to be on 2011 Ballot
April 1, 2010 _________

Five Reasons Why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity to Roman Catholics by a former Roman Catholic priest:The www website is the ministry outreach of former Catholic priest Richard Bennett.

The Pope Kissing The Koran(Karol Wojtyla - "Pope John Paul II")

Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where "the Pope bowed to the
Muslim holy
[sic]"Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over ninety years ago,
Alexander Hislop reveals that
many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted
from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names."

2 Chronicles 7:14 - God's remedy for America to be healed is for we who are CHRISTIANS to REPENT !
"If My people
[Christians], which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray,
and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways
[sins of commission and omission]
; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land
[America, or any nation]
  2 Chronicles 7:14

"America Repent" (music video)Contemporary Christian Artist:  Tim Juillet
Video (4:34)   Views:
Video (4:32)   Views:  4,207
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
 Psalm 9:17, KJB

"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."

Psalm 94:15, KJB

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD;..."
 Psalm 33:12, KJB

Christ is Ruler of the Nations !
Psalm 2;  Psalm 24:1;  Psalm 47:7,8;  Psalm 50:12; 1 Timothy 6:15, KJB        "For the kingdom is the LORD's:  and he is the governor among the nations."  Psalm 22:28, KJB
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Matthew 16:18
     Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358
Columbia, SC  29250
(803) 794-6273
October 2, 2010


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Columbia Christians for Life

Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and kissed it as a sign of respect".

"The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins," by Alexander Hislop (1916):
Summary Report:  14 States have current Personhood Legislation efforts filed:
(Audio) SC Senate debate and 24 - 18 vote against motion to Recall Personhood Bill ( S.450) - April 13, 2010
From Columbia Christians for Life:

SC Personhood Bills: 
S.450 (SC Senate) and H .3526 (SC House)
The Charleston Women’s Medical Center
attracts pro-life demonstrators every Saturday, and about 15 people had come out to protest when Boyle allegedly brandished the gun.
Charleston TV5 News
Charleston doctor arrested for pointing gun at abortion protesters
Three types of separation

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