
Friday, October 01, 2010

Constant Facts in October 1, 2010

Elitist billionaires are controlling the political discourse in the mainstream. That's easily proven. In the Left paradigm, you have people like Sumner Redstone and CFR member George Soros spewing their propaganda. On the right paradigm, you have the Koch brothers funding some of the mainstream Tea Party movement as well. Henry Makow created a great article on this issue. It's as easily as stirring people up in obsessing with concepts like Capitalism and Communism, while people behind the sense promote a feudal, corporate takeover of our public and private resources including especially lands. They've been doing this divide and conquer strategy against the common people for thousands of years. Nothing is new under the sun indeed. David and Charles Koch are the brothers whom the left gatekeepers like those in the New Yorker want to war with President barack Obama. The Koch are radical libertarians that fund lobbies, think tanks, and foudnations. Radical libertarianism has been popularized by the fellow travelers of von Mises and Ayn Rand (with their political descendants by the names of Michael Winer Savage, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc.). Glen Beck is a $50 million so-called patriot acting as a shill for Rupert Murdoch. The mainstream media in many occasions try to even equate legitimate government criticism with extremists that want to dismantle any form of government. The Koch brothers' father is Fred Koch. Fred was a founding member of the John Birch Society (with ties to the Vatican, Freemasonry among its early members, even the CFR back then. The JBS job is to mix legitimate issues like exposing eugenics and corporate corruption to covertly promote Ecumencialism and reactionary rhetoric). Fred hunting animals in Africa with his 4 sons. Fred was a billionaire, who made his fortune by building refineries for the Communist murder & dictators Joseph Stalin back in the 1930s. So, these people are utilized, so Left gatekeepers can come and intimidate people who disagree with parts of Obamacare (though legitimate things are in the law), the climate change bill, etc. So, these billionaires act like they disagree on issues, but they are unified in supporting the Israeli Likudnite empire in the Middle East, the war on terror, banker bailouts, destroying our culture, having exploitation of people, globalization (which is code for world government), etc. These political shills won't call for the end of the FED, expose 9/11 as a false flag operation, or the closure of hundreds of military bases globally. This is why it's hard to have radical change since the oligarchy don't want radical changes in our society. Charles and David Koch are woth about $20 billion each. William Koch accused his brothers of Charles and David of criminal acts in 60 Minutes. See, the Jesuit & Vatican agents, many Masons, Pilgrims, etc. not only facilitated Communism in Russia, but they create the controlled "anti-Communist" movement in the USA. That is why the JBS had members of the CFR in its early days. Many of its early writers were former Communist writers. For example, the founder Robert Welch had been a member of the Communist front "League for Industrial Democracy."  William Grede, for many years Chairman of the Executive Council of the JBS was a Fed banker. Robert Love, member of the Governing Council was a 32nd Degree Mason. William Macmillan was a member of the CFR. Writers Eugene Lyons and Harold Varney used to work for the Communist "Workers World." It's supected that Robert Welch was a 32nd Degree Mason. This is why the John Birch Society don't want Freemasonry to be exposed in a great way. So, you have labor and management fighting, but the capital of the elite isn't targeted. The elite are monopoly people, so they form monopolies to control the media, businesses, education, mainstream religion, and ohter functions of society. The Illuminists henceforth want a monopoly on our minds (even if your Left or Right, they use psy-ops like the Tea Party to stir the Patriot Movement in the the Left vs. Right matrix as the late Alan Stang warned about). This present Tea Party isn't even like the original one since this new Tea Party movement have been infiltrated by neo-con militarists. Politics are controlled. The liberals can criticize the Tea Party, but they are just as funded by CIA-backed foundations as others are. So, Soros, Newhouse, the Koch brothers, and Murdoch are enemies that should be exposed.

The Leftgatekeepers ironically like Bill Maher and his ilk (including Stewart and Colbert) promote the neo con agenda to the Left and they constantly bash the 9/11 Truth Movement. Maher is the one in private would argue with a black woman and call her ghetto, etc. like a hypocrite. Now, Sumner Redstone is one media kingpin. He uses the so-called "progressive" tag team of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to turn the supposed left 180 degrees from positions they held during the previous administration. Jon Stewart and even Stephen Colbert are known propagandists for the President. Stewart played the MEMRI TV video that demonize Palestinians and Stephen Colbert sucked to the globalist Joe Biden in an interview. Stewart's story about the South Park episode psyop involving Revolution Muslim which turns out to be run by a “converted” jewish ex-settler from the West Bank. Stephen tried to rebrand the Afghan occupation after President Barack Obama took office and he tried to ambush Rod Blagojevich. The neo cons like Bill Kristol, Ari Fleischer, John Bolton, Douglas Feith, Thomas Friedman, Tom Ridge, and John Yoo are gven more respect by Jon Stewart than Rod Blagojevich (who was accused to threaten the Bank of America only if they didn't live up to the conditions of the banker bailout bill). Stewart is callign for the Million Moderates March in his mind to bring sanity to the political discoure. He beliees that only fringe people get attention in America. Yet, centrism is nothing more than code for neoliberalism, the DLC corporate fiscal ideology (in Washington consensus). Stewart spoke with Bill Clinton. Jon Stewart even criticized people who called George W. Bush a war criminal when he was with his policies (like promoting cluster bombs, D.U. poisoning, and illegal plus immoral wars). Even Greenwald exposed how Stewart. George W. Bush have lied, promoted false documents like Niger yellow Cake, done rendition, promoted secret prisons, backed CIA mercenary death squads, etc.  “After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts and reports from human rights organizations, there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes,” Taguba wrote. “The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.” Jon Stewart can't whitewash history at all. You can't be moderate to evil. You be hot or cold against evil. Stephen Colbert recently testified on Capitol Hill to promote the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill  in using satrie. People were offended since he used satire to promote globalization. The truth is that there are many jobs that young Americans can do, but you have to have some sense of compassion toward immigrants. Some accuse the Ag Jobs Bill this committee is discussing is an effort supported  by big US agriculture and other major corporations. Immigration should be reformed, so cheap labor can't be imported to America stripping American jobs in the process (also, immigrants here should have a pathway to citizenship with punishment). The testimony of Dr. Carol Swain from Vanderbilt University, a labor rights expert and activist of over 20 years, wants jobs as well. She used to be considered a hero on the left when she was railing against the injustices of the Bush administration but now that the Obama/Clinton neoliberal regime has taken office.

There is a labor issue in America. Many of the economic amenities that we enjoy and our economic rights have not been formed as a product of big corporations. They have been because of the product of the labor movement. Tha is why in the U.S., we have eight hour days, the 40 hour work week, the banning of child labor laws, worker's compensation, the minimu wage, etc. We have a social safety net too (that is made up of umemployment insurance, food stamps, Social Security, etc.). Free market monetarist extremism would ban most if not all of these benefits today if they had their way. It's historical that mass struggle and true organization can deliver human progress. Individuals and unions have worked to make our society better than it was. Unions have decreased power than decades ago. There are 16 million people in union (or 12.4% of the total U.S. workforce), which is the lowest proportion since 1932. After WWII, 36% of U.S. workers had a union. Today, 7.6 percent of workers are in an union in the private sector, while 37 percent of the public sector have unionization. Now, reactionaries have assaulted unions to promote a privatized, neo-feudal system in America simply. Union decreased their power by the 1970's. Some blame Nixon and Kissinger's ending the Bretton Woods monetary system (that was formed via the New Deal). Nixon made wage and price controls too. This was done to allow corportatists to control the economy more. Reagan went into another level of anti-union rhetoric by busting the air traffic controllers' union in 1981. Reagan had to back down because of a threat of a strike. Reagan had learned his union busting from Lemuel Boulware at General Electric, and his ability to fire the air traffic controllers with total political impunity set the stage for a long series of catastrophic labor defeats. Even Bill Clinton promoted radical free trade and globalization. Total U.S. standard of living have decline in about 2/3 since the mid 1960's. The Taft Hartley Act of 1941 made it hard to form a new union in any place in America. Even Stern has joined the pro-austerity Bowles Simpsion commission (that wants to cut Social Security and other entitlment to promote a deficit hawk agenda). Stern once wanted part of Social Security to be invested into Wall Street. Some reactionaries still believe that the bailout of Chrysler and GM benefit unions. Steve Rattner, Obamas car czar, notes in his new book that the motto of Obama’s White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel  was disrespectful he issued his comments against the UAW. The UAW was forced to reduce wages and working conditions. Today, the Democrats are overtly having a foundation created anti-teacher union policies of funding charter schools, denial of tenure, merit pay, and mass firings of teachers which represents not just a strategy for busting the union. It seems that the end goal in these acts by some is the elimination of most if not all of free, universal education. So, real reform is high development and a high wage economy. This attack on economic rights by the Koch family funded (AEI, Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute are in this as well) structure is without precedent since the Great Depression. Even the racist Charles Murray don't want most Americans to go to college since low wage jobs avaliable to them not require such extensive preparation. This is how these sickos think. Every human irrespective of income level should go into college if they want to. These counterrevolutionaries as Dr. Martin Luther King predicted are having a backlash against the gains we have made in America. These counterrevolutionry want education to be limited ot the rich or the priviledged where the poor especially and most of the middle class are shut out. Economic restoration is necessary not austerity.

Recently, I found out that FOX supported a propaganda pro-Hitler film back in 1932. FOX back then was more Nazi than I have realized. FOX News Channel is owned by the Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch. They promote the GOP-back Tea Party people like Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Sean Hannity, and others. I'm more disappointed in Huckabee since he had some reasonable policies and then he went off into the deep end under peer pressure. FOX News has been caught being under a political group's payroll. In 1932, the German newsreel subsidiary of FOX News Channel's ancestor FOX Films worked in the national elections in Germany. They supported Adolf Hitler as the candidate. This was proven by the German historian Hans Mommsen’s authoritative study entitled The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, which is translated into English and widely available in over five hundred libraries in this country.  Mommsen is an expert. He is now Professor Emertius of History in the University of Bochum. He is one of the most ditinguished postwar German historians. He said that the Nazis used film under Goebbels' influence to promote political power. It was unprecendented in that time. The Nazis or the NSDAP worked with the American company Twentieth Century FOX. Scholar William G. Chrystal confirms this account and provides further important details in his 1975 article on “Nazi Party Election Films, 1927-1938.” He wrote that the German-based subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Tönende Wochenschau (Fox Weekly Sound Newsreel [i.e., Fox Movietone News]) promoted pro-Hitler films in the 1932 election. Their names were Der Führer (The Leader), and Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler’s Struggle for Germany). FOX's helped the Nazis out. FOX used sound films to show Hitler's voice in April 13, 1932. Hitler was once defeated in the election during April 10, 1932 to von Hindenburg. The Nazis though were the biggest single party in Germany. The Nazis used mass organizaiton to get voices and they held rallies. Robert Edwin Herzstein, in his article entitled “Movietone News and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, 1930-1935,” explored the partial archive of Fox Movietone News for these years now at the Thomas Cooper Library at the University of South Carolina. Fox Movietone promoted fascist ideology. Benito Mussolini loved FOX Movietone News.

Without Alberto Rivera, I wouldn’t of known about connections of the Vatican to globalization in a strong fashion. Even back in 2001 when I was almost 18 years, I knew about him. His research galvanized and inspired many of us younger people (and those from Generation X and older) to go out and express the truth in an uncompromising fashion. No man is perfect not even Alberto Rivera. Yet, Rivera’s great legacy is that spreading the Gospel, saving souls from the superstition of the Papacy, and having courage to stand up for real liberty are great values to live by. Living under great precepts and maintaining a sense of a glorious love for your fellow human being are apart of our real essence. Exposing evil bankers is fine with me. They were the ones that created the Federal Reserve. They were some of the same people that aided Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Molotov and Kirov to form the Soviet Union.

By Timothy

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