
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Economics and Political Issues Galore (in 2010)

Some people have criticized the Tea Party Movement as a means to allow crony capitalists to divert attention from their oppression and criminality. Much of the Tea Party deal with reactionary forces. This neo cons have infiltrated the Tea Party movement and promoted a hoax of a grassroots workers movement. FOX News funded the Tea Party movement and FOX have made propaganda films for Hitler back in 1932. The Tea Party desires to make America to be more reactionary in terms of economic issues especially. Its ilk promote the lie that the Obama administration is socialist and want universal health care. CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli let loose with a rant from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade--cheered on by traders--against the Obama administration's meager mortgage reform, denouncing attempts "to subsidize the losers' mortgages. How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?" This was one of the origins of the modern Tea Party movement. Tom Tancredo is an anti-immigrant fanatic and he's prominent in the Tea Party movement (that wanted a poll tax in order for citizens to vote during elections). Some of them want fiscal responsibility, less government, states' rights, lower taxes, and a strong national security. Yet, we know the game is played. These are code words for deregulation or no regulations to help people, war mongering, political divisiveness, and ignoring how we have record low taxes already in America. Sarah Palin could be a Republican candidate in 2012. John Coale and his wife Greta van Susteren (both ex-Democratic fundraisers and both members of the cult of Scientology) have aided Sarah Palin. Coale even funded John McCain Presidential campaign in 2008, so this is why Susteren is a critique of the White House. Capitalists Koch Brothers aided the Tea Party movement and they owe their fortune to the Stalin regime in the Soviet Union. The Tea party movement is aided by Freedom Works, FOX News, and Americans for Prosperity. This movement yells about communism, but won't expose the genocide done by cartel-capitalists for obvious reasons. Like slick foxes, the Democrats have embrace austerity policies as well. Concern about unemployment takes precedent above federal deficits. Paul Ryan wants to possibly privatize Medicare as a member of the deficit reduction commission. You have Rand Paul wanted little to no regulation of the coal industry. Sharron Angle desire the indoctrination of state prison inmates by the Scientology cult, as well as abolition of the federal Department of Education. Angle don't want the requiring of insurance companies to cover specific procedures and medical conditions, plus she desires the privatization of Social Security. Sharon Angle said the offensive comment that Hispanic teens look more Asian (and that people called her the first Asian legislator in Nevada). That's bigoted, because any human being should be treated with respect. Harry Reid called George W. Bush a friend and called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a masterful mind on legal affairs. I have no sympathy for the Democratic establishment though. They are the ones who hypocritically call for tolerance, but promote the celebrity gossip, entertainment, and other evil cultures in America. They are intolerant of people that disagree with them politically by saying almost every name under the sun toward people not allying with their extreme politically correct point of view. They have a false sense of moral & intellectual superiority when no man and no woman has a monopoly on idealism. They yell about George Tiller (and I don't agree with Tiller being murdered at all), but they never report on the innocent Pro-Life people in America being killed by pro-abortion radical extremists. They just like the Republicans promote corporate interests above the interests of the people. They like the Republicans are responsible for deceiving people, promoting the banker bailout, refusing to advance universal health care, and promoting corporate interests (the corpartists want to privatize Social Security, have the social safety net nearly gone, and have economic inequality). This is why people want to promote more community banks, more community health clinics, and food cooperatives. The Tea Party rallies are made up of heavily small business people and professionals. This doesn't leave fascists off the hook though. The fascists use apple pie patriotic jingoistic tripe as an excuse to promote hatred of any public services. We shouldn't ignore these extremists since ignoring extremism passively with make tyranny more readily available in existence. Austerity is real when some in Boston are proposing to end jobs for teachers in public schools. 6 other Boston schools are threaten with closure. The ruling class use the fascists as a buffer to contain the working people (and all people) from promoting genuine reforms in American society. You can't lecture about redistribution, because the rich elite stole wealth from the common people in an immoral fashion for thousands of years. That the real evil redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor.

There are new pieces of information that exposed again Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey did horrific sex experiments even against children to promote his agenda of extreme sexual liberalization in society. There is nothing wrong with sex done in the right context, but exploiting sex in an evil fashion is wrong. Sex abuse was done by Kinsey and his researchers in the 1940's. Kinsey published their findings. One victim accused her father of being paid by Kinsey to allow her father to rape her and then report to him or Kinsey on the attacks. He or Alfred Kinsey used a stopwatch to time orgasms. The woman was named White and she was only 7 when her father began abusing her. This research broke the law, especially in the 1940's when the country of America was much more conservative back then. 'There's no question that Kinsey broke a number of laws and conspired to break a number of laws to conduct his faux research', said Matt Barber, a law professor and associate dean at the Liberty University School of Law. The establishment turn their eyes from Kinsey's evils. Kinsey's 1948 and 1953 books on human sexual behavior contain tables of information about sexual responses in children as young as 2 months old. That's a disgrace. Many tables show how long the children do things related to "orgasm." Kinsey was a biased researcher and believed that almost any sex act between adults (and even between adults and children) were normal. Kinsey redefined sexual morality in America. Modern researchers even found errors in Kinsey's research. We know that the Foundation-funded free love and free drugs hippie movement distracted people from opposing the Vietnam War and talking other real issues in America (to create a docile, confirmist population in America and increase the prison industrial complex). Some of these same so-called hippies are in the corporate board rooms today promoting imperialism, pop culture hysteria, and slick control over numerous masses of people. CIA-related person Timothy Leary (who was Jesuit trained I might add) promoted the recreational usage of LSD. White said Kinsey 'enticed' her grandfather, who became a personal friend of Kinsey while studying at Indiana University, to participate in the research, and that her grandfather in turn recruited two of his sons to molest their own daughters for Kinsey. She described Kinsey as 'insane', 'evil' and 'Satan incarnate'."  Alfred Kinsey is again exposed in Chris Pinto's DVD called "The Kinsey Syndrome." The documentary exposed in great detail the appalling, gruesome sex studies that Alfred Kinsey cosigned. Kinsey's research inspired a whole movement of people.

There are massive protests in France. In America, there are no protests on that level in France while the elite don't represent the interests of the middle class or the poor in the USA. France is proposing austerity measures. So, in France, there are riots, street battles, fuel blockades, and other chaos in France. Some wonder if such unrest will occur in America or people will be distracted by "Dancing with the Stars." Austerity measures include the government looting the resources of taxpayers. This means that some in the government want to steal jobs, savings, basic public services, pensions, and welfare money (these sources of capitals are stolen by some Wall Street people that caused the economic collapse in the first place). France has one of the highest standard of living in the world and it's prosperous. France have experienced days of strikes and protests, because the government plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. They want the full state pension age to go into 67 from 65. There are 2 different types of protests occurring in France. One are the more violent ones with anarchist youths. They really don't care about pensions, but they use black hoods to cause damage to shop windows in criticizing capitalism. Yet, the government stealing pension is extremism and fascism not free market capitalism nor socialism. Some of the youth are using baseball bats to Starbucks forecourts, which is hyped up by the media. There is nothing wrong with being concerned with welfare check being cut, but unnecessary violence is wrong as well. There are legitimate protests as well. 70% of the French population support the real protesters that make up French workers, truck drivers, union leaders, etc. Over 1,000 gas stations have run out of fuel in France. There are strategic reserves that are set to last for just a few weeks. Flights and trains have been disrupted, organized slowdowns have snarled highway traffic. The French are showing Americans how it should be done, by uniting peacefully to shut down an entire country. This is genuine people power – the French are sending a message to the establishment that they will no longer play ball until the looting stops. Hopeful, the anarchists won't do similar violent riots in America. There should be a legitimate backlash against this evil. Some people accuse the White of trying to steal private 401 (k) pensions to be sent to the Social Security Administration. People are waking up. There are QE2 proposals that can act as another government bailout. British historian Simon Schama predicts not only widespread civil unrest in America, but even a potential revolution if the elite allow the situation to spiral out of their control (he said that Obama might use more enforcing measures to handle criticism against him). Austerity and authoritarian actions are occurring in many states of America now. This fascism is against the Constitution even. The Constitution from Article 1, Section 8 clearly says that people have the right to fund post offices, roads, and other infrastructure via taxation. Record public spending cuts, salary caps, retirement crackdown,s and tax increases on the middle class are existing now. The poor and the middle class should expose this evil as fascism. Political and economic freedom with prosperity are great to embrace. Saving money using guns for self protection is fine. There are many ways to jump start the economy and prevent deflation like making a real stimulus, have investments, and create public works programs to get people back to work. The establishment is promoting their agenda.

Pro-Life students endure taunts and threats, but they save 8 babies during Silent day. Thousands of pro-life students endured taunts and threats from fellow students today to don red tape and keep their mouths shut. In remembrance for the unborn children who have been killed in abortions. The students joined their peers for the Pro Life Day of Silent Solidarity. This day was organized by the Stand True pro-life group. In the days, students emailed and submitted Twitter and Facebook their stories of what they encountered.  "There was this girl at school, and she got pregnant three months ago, and she absolutely hates it," one student told organizer Bryan Kemper. "She was going to have an abortion, and she followed me around all day telling me how she was going to. And finally I asked why and had this discussion with her." "She didn't understand what her consequences would be if she had it, and I explained it, and it took around an hour before she broke down crying and understood she couldn't do it. She felt so bad, and so I'm not sure what her feelings were, I just knew how long she was crying, and her reaction," the student shared. The student said that she put the red tape on her mouth and promised to keep this baby or give it up for adoption. She didn't want to deal with abortion in killing a life. A precious life was saved from that day. Not every student experienced a happy ending. Liana said that she was harassed by other students in a school of over 1,000 students since she is Pro-Life. Some said that the unborn isn't a baby and others used profane language. Even this teenager saw what so many pro-life adults see every day, the callous disregard for human life. "I turned away and teared up. How can someone have that little respect for a child, a human life? Teenagers never fail to surprise me," Liana said. Another student told a story about a baby saved from abortion. One student said that a woman canceled her abortion, because of the student's words. Kemper said that he's delighted of the stories of courage of students in America plus abroad. "I have already heard from students participating in Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Belgium, Africa, Wales and Germany; I am so honored that this is going on around the world today," he said. "My friend from Wales texted me to let me know they ran out of fliers way before they were done, and had to make more."

There are violent anarchists to help French authorities crush pension protests. These anarchists smashed shop windows, they set fire to cars, etc. These actions are representative of all protesters that include legitimate union demonstrators and allowing the government to crackdown with paramilitary offices, according to a leading French labor expert. People are protesting the actions of government plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. There were youths acting in violence in Lyon and Paris. They have highlighted once again the fact that nihilistic communists who foolishly think they are the vanguard of some potent revolution are in fact the greatest ally of the state. 2 types of groups are protesting in France exist. One have genuine concerns like the the union workers who have shut down entire areas of the country with fuel blockades, go-slow protests and picket lines and in doing so garnered the support of 70% of the country, and the idiot rent-a-mob anarcho-communists who will seize on any opportunity to run rampage in the deluded belief that they are standing up to the evil forces of capitalism by throwing a rock at a Starbucks window. “The violence this week, amid huge country-wide strikes, blockades and demonstrations, has weakened the unions and played directly into the hands of the government, according to Bernard Vivier, director of France’s Higher Institute of Labour (a leading French think tank),” reports France 24.The unions oppose the anarchist elements of the unions who don't want to negotiate with the government according to Vivier. The protest movement could be shot in the foot if the anarchist violent acts occur. The riots have given French President Sarkozy with the perfect justification to send in the paramilitary forces to clear blockades at French fuel depots and have also made his refusal to negotiate with unions look like a responsible response. Many immigrants protested from French Muslim ghettos in 2005. These protesters demanded rights.

By Timothy

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