
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Hale Boggs, JFK, etc.

1 year ago 6
Hale Boggs doubted the Warren Commm. conclusions on which he participated. He privately encouraged Jim Garrison to investigate the murder.Garrison claimed it was Huey Long to protect Boggs. Boggs publicly criticized Hoover in 1971, claiming the FBI was creating a police state. He also began publicly airing his doubts about Oswald. Boggs died in a plane crash in 1972.

1 year ago
Ford and Boggs served on the Warren Commission.
Ford covered up two important discrepancies: the rifle switch at the TSBD and JFK's back wound. He became VP and then president.
Boggs expressed doubt about the Warren Report's accuracy. He died in a mysterious plane crash.
Nixon was in Dallas on 11/22/63. Had conflicting stories about that day. Appointed Ford to VP. Ford pardoned Nixon when he became the only US President never elected to the Executive branch.


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