
Monday, October 04, 2010

I'm living my Life and Free Thought

The war on terror has been destructive for a long time. Illegal U.S. strikes are occuring in Pakistan despite Pakistan experiencing one of its worst floods in its history. This occured in July. Millions of people have been displaced, stranded, evacuated, or lost their homes. Homes, schools, health clinics, and other infrastructure have been totally destroyed. Diseases have grown. Farms have been demicated, yet the United States is still bombing Pakistani territory. That is immoral. The corporate media is covering this up in order to promote a sliming face of America. Some people have changed via events. Some hardened Americans refuse to change since they embrace lies that Barack Obama is a Muslim, religious freedom ends near Ground Zero (when strip joints are near Ground Zero too), etc. I don't need imperalism to prove my manhood. Even the CIA supported the people that assassinated the political leader Patric Lumumba back in the early 1960's. CIA Station Chief Larry Devlin, we now know, was consulted by these officials about the transfer of Lumumba to his sworn enemies. Devlin signaled them that he had no objection to it. Lumumba's fate was sealed. Lumumba helped to liberate his people from Belgian imperialism in the Congo. Even President Eisenhower desired that the progressive African leader should die. Dictator after dictator ruled Congo after Lumumba was assassinated. American imperialism affected Haiti, Afghanistan, Iran, Guatemala, etc. from the 1950's to the present. Latin America's progressive policies were targeted by the U.S. President Barack Obama is President. Imperialism needs a facelip, so the West can conquer resources in the Third World and Eurasia for the 21st and 22nd centuries. So, the elite promote Barack Obama. He gives speeches that omits the need for radical, fundamental changes in society. Obama will not talk that much about Gaza, Pakistan being bombed, etc. The 9/11 Truth Movement is correct to mention that the official story has many holes in it. 9/11 was used by neo cons as a pretext to invade nations, violate civil liberites domestically, and have these fear-based culture so commonly permeate our land. The hijackers never made NORAD stand down, the FEDs training many of them, or allow Building Number Seven to collapse. That is why an independent investigation should transpire to see the total truth about what has occured in 9/11.

Finland has education benefits. They have studied algebra, geometry and statistics since the first grade. They are ranked #1 in many categories as it relates to student education. that is why American educators and researchers want to use the Finland model (and influence from Singapore, Australia, South Korea, Switzerland, etc. to help end the educational crisis in America. Finland used actions that help them to adjust in the 21st century economy. Finland have people learning Finnish, Swedish, and English. They have governmental support for parental leave, day care, and healthcare in exchange for high taxes. Finland has a culture of trusting teachers (and requiring all new teachers to have master degrees if teachers want to teach in primary or secondary schools since 1979). Finland has an abudance of high quality teachers to improve student achievement. Each school in Finland supports a national curriculum. Yet, the testing allows students to be critical thinking and problem solving. The national board samples students' skills periodically and gives feedback to schools (not the public) so they can see how they compare with the national average. So, Finland a single, straightforward curriculum for all students. They expect great results from all students and use strong extra teaching resources to get those results. The teachers are well trained and they love to have the freedom to teach. The teachers are given more independence to have control over how they ran their classroom. So, these lessons and more can improve American educational system (along with learning art, design, economics, engineering, math, science, etc.).

It's easy to see that Republican and Democratic elites have links to abortion, population control, and exploitation of birth control to promote population control. Maafa 21 is one great documentary exposing this basic reality. The global elite have trying to target Native Americans, poor people, the African American community, Hispanics, Asians, Europeans, and other peoples for thousands of years in order to control them (in some cases genocide has occured unjustifiably against innocent human beings too). People know that Francis Galton coined eugenics. He was a British statistician. Eugenics is the lie that certain people have superior genes to others and even killing people that are different is feasable to promote "better" types of humans that extends into future generations. Hitler even used British and American pro-eugenic ideas as a means to justify the Holocaust. In America, bigots forcibly sterilized people of color, immigrants, and the poor. They promote injecting sterilizing agents into public water supplies. Planned Parenthood early on believed that the black population was radically expanding, which didn't occur. Its founders have ties to eugenics and the Nazis. Even Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter in 1913 to the American Eugenics Socity founder Charles Davenport. He wrote that: "...society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. ..Some day we will realize that the prime duty the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.”  These words are in favor of eugenics since Roosevelt doens't believe that certain people should reproduce. In 1965, President Dwight D. Eisenhower said that the U.S. shouldn't spend money to slow the population of responsible families while money was given to people he deemed as ignorant, feebleminded, and lazy. He was the co-chairman of a Planned Parenthood fundraising campaign along with Harry S. Truman. Lyndon B. Johnson promoted population control. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson stated in a speech, that every five dollars the government spent on population control was worth more than a hundred dollars invested in economic growth. He agreed with the Fulbright law and he recieved the Margaret Sanger Award in 1966, which is the highest Planned Parenthood award. Even in 1965, NAACP's Cecil Moore condmned population control. Richard Nixon was more slick and worse than even LBJ. The black journalist Samuel Yette exposed him in his book called "The Choice." Yettee said that Nixon's plan to fight hunger was a farce. The reason was that he wanted everyone to have a guaranteed minimum income of 1,600 dollars per year, but this was less than welfare was paying at the time. He wanted forced abortions for unmarred girls within the 1st three months of pregnancy. One proposal wanted mandatory sterilization for any unmarried girl giving birht out of wedlock for the 2nd time. Nixon proposed other things that would increase hunger since the food stamp program would be tied to the welfare reform package accoridng to Yette. Yette exposed how Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer spoke out against a plan from the Conference on Hunger (because of certain birth control proposals). Richard Nixon admitted on tape that he wanted to decrease the black population via abortion (especially those from born out of wedlock, which he called "bastards") from March 30, 1972. Nixon in the same tape supported population control when the black population wasn't radically expanding in San Francisco at all. Nixon wanted an abortion if the child was interracial. John  Ehrlichman or Nixon's assistant, said that Nixon once told him that African-Americans could not really benefit from federal programs because they are genetically inferior to whites. Nixon is Nixon. Richard Nixon signed legislation that created the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. The bill had supported by John Rockefeller and many Congressional Democrats. Dr. Charles F. Westoff was the Executive Director of the project. He was a member of both the American Eugenics Society and Planned Parenthood's National Advisory Council. Bill Clinton supported the evils of the partial birth aboriton law and RU-486.

Quantitative Easing doesn't work according to many people. There are 2 economists named Seth B. Carpenther and Selva Demiralp. They recently posted a discussion paper on the Federal Reserve Board's website. It's called, "Money, Reserves, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: Does the Money Multiplier Exist?" The studysays that without a multiplier, open market operations (which simply change reserve balances) don't directly affect lending behavior at the aggregrate level. If the quantity of reserves is relevant for the transmission of moentary policy, a different mechanism must be found. So, they believe that the money multiplier and the associated narrow bank lending channel aren't relevant for analyzing the United States. Bnernake knew back in 1988 that quantitative easing doens't work. Now, he believes that QE will work if all else fails to revive economic growth and avert deflation. The FED is intentionally locking up excess bank reserves, so that they will not be loaned into the economy. So, the FED is trying to prevent inflation, but they been paying sufficient relatively high rates of interest on reserves deposited at the Fed by the big banks to encourage banks to lock up their reserves at the Fed instead of lending that money out to borrowers who need it. Quantitative easing in the world won't increasing lending since the banks will just continue to stockpile their money. Banks create credit out of thin air. The commonly-accepted process for money creation is false, and banks don’t need any reserves to create credit. Some evidence have shown that quantitative easing helps the biggest corporations and not the American economy as a whole. That is why others want a public works program, debt free money, build up public education, promote civil liberties, have policies to help the poor, and have an end to the war on terror.

More people are knowing about the Founding Fathers. Many early Americans back then tried to do the right thing and were sincere believers in God. The Great Revival from 1741 to 1800 helped a lot of people to get their spirituality intuned with Almighty God. Yet, many of the Founding Fathers were not only Diests and Masons. Some were straight occultists and say offensive along with controversial comments about Christianity and religion in general. The occult crowd wanted America to be a New Atlantis in order to spread what Hall called a global democratic commonwealth. Freemasonry was the creed that many Founding Fathers embraced. Freemasonry merges pagan teachings with the belief in one God to gain converts. Charles Thomson is the famous historian that didn't want the total history of the Founders known publicly. Thomson destroyed his manuscript about the true account of the American Revolution. This is why government buildings in Washington D.C. have pagan monument, occult paintings, and unique street layouts (like D.C. having a Pentagram with one side missing in its layout. Even Hall said that this image relates to the footprint of the Devil. The Pentagram has many meanings like the 8 year cycle of Venus, the perfected Man, Nature, etc.). Since some of these Founders harbor anti-Christ views, they have that spirit or mentality of anti-Christ. Sir Francis Bacon promoted the New Atlantis in America. Even Dr. John Dee wanted Britian to conquer the world in a new world system. Dee lived before Bacon. David Barton is wrong to make most Founding Fathers as Christians when they weren't. Barton is doing this, because he's pro-Dominionist. Dominionist is the heresy that Christians must dominate the governments of the world politically in order to herald the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (when Jesus will come on his own time after the Tribulation). Dominionism is nothing more than a new world order type of system with a religious face. The images of D.C. in some way represent man's old quest to make the Perfect world and await the so-called Perfected Man (or what Christian call the Antichrist). The wickedness in America is a product of many corporate forces trying to dominate our minds, hearts, and souls. The good news is that we can rely on God to break the bonds of mental and spiritual slavery. Even President Washington did strange things on his deathbed.

By Timothy

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