
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sony Forced To Disassociate Itself With Eco-Fascist Group



Sony Forced To Disassociate Itself With Eco-Fascist Group

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“Splattergate” becomes the new Climategate
Sony Forced To Disassociate Itself With Eco Fascist Group 051010top
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
As a result of the huge backlash in response to the shocking 10:10 Global climate change infomercial, in which children are liquidated for not expressing support for reducing carbon emissions, Sony has been forced to disassociate itself from the eco-fascist group behind the video.
In an email, Sony Europe Director of Corporate Communications Nick Sharples has “taken the decision to disassociate ourselves from 10:10 at this time.”
However, Sony still remains committed to “its objective to reduce carbon emissions,” indicating that the disgraceful PSA has done nothing to shift Sony’s support for the global warming scam.
Environmental groups on both sides of the Atlantic have been busy distancing themselves from the organization in an effort to salvage some tattered shreds of credibility for the global warming movement, keen to disguise the increasingly transparent fact that the climate change agenda is a thin veil for neo-eugenics and population control.
With the credibility of the IPCC at an all time low as the man-made climate change movement increasingly loses the scientific debate while forecasters predict the coldest winter in Europe for 1,000 years, environmentalists are turning to desperate measures in a bid to amplify their propaganda.
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But the more extreme the message becomes, the more people are turned off to the notion that carbon dioxide is a planet killer, increasingly knowledgeable of the fact that CO2 is a naturally occurring, beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere, and not a pollutant like smog or Carbon Monoxide.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, global warming skeptics are pointing out that “Splattergate” could become the new Climategate, representing another nail in the coffin of the entire AGW movement.
The 10:10 Global video has been seen by at least 600,000 people in its many different versions, and with both the organization itself and vehemently pro-global warming outlets like the Guardian furiously deleting comments in an effort to quell the burgeoning backlash, October 10th, the day set aside by 10:10 as the big push to reduce CO2, looks set to be a complete failure.
The video below, a re-hash of the original “No Pressure” clip, provides a reasonably accurate depiction of what a lot of eco-fascists, people like Finnish ecologist Pentti Linkola, embrace as the ultimate goal of top-down environmentalism.



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