
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Time and Philosophies

E-Books could increase in the future. There is link between Nazis and Muslim radicals (not all Muslims). There was a secret Nazi plan was to use 200,000-300,000 men within German plants, factories, city administrations, etc. going understand just in Germany. Many radical Islamic groups have roots with the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Dr. Peter Goodgame, the Muslim Brotherhood was facilitated by British Intelligence. The Muslim Brotherhood was begun in Egypt and allied with the Nazis. The CIA and British Intelligence had links to the Nazis and radical Islamists. The CIA and the Nazi's Reinhard Gehlen's group overthrew the democratic elected Iranian government in 1953. This was approved by the Ayatollah Kashani. In the late 1950's, the CIA supported an Iraqi 6-man assassination team (that included a young Saddam Hussein). Later, the CIA would help to train Osama bin Laden's mujahadeen. The Western German government's intelligence arm was once apart of General Gehlen's organizaiton in the mid 1950's. They worked with the British Intelligence or the CIA to infiltrate Egypt and other nations. Franz Buensch was one agent. According to Miles Copeland's "The Game of Nations" in 1969: "...Buensch… did develop one project that quickly gained Egyptian interest: a plan to collect Nazi diehards from their various hiding places all over the world (Argentina, Brazil, Ireland, Spain, etc.) and give them Islamic names, join them to the ‘underground assets’ developed by Egypt during the second World War, build a subversive intelligence org combining the best in German and Egyptian talent….”  Buensch was a CIA operative in Egypt. Even Mohammed Atta graduated from college and joined the Engineers Syndicate (which was one of the 3 professional associations controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood). Atta was an accused 9/11 terrorist. In 2001, the German intelligence magazine named FOCUS said something. It said that Atta had been under CIA surveilance in Frankfurt Germany from January to May 2000. Later, he came into America by June of 2000. Also, someone from German intelligence told FOCUS: “We can no longer exclude the possibility that the Americans wanted to keep an eye on Atta after his entry in the USA.”  So, the global elite use Communism and Islamic radicals as an excuse to promote submitting the world into their global authority under the guise of "peace and security." Globalization is another agenda that has been going on for decades in America. It allows foreign control of American companies. Globalization causes the U.S. to be just a nation that can experience economic exploitation (like factories going overseas or foreigners getting resources without compensation). It's a form of neo-fedualism and according to a CNBC survey, 60% of the public opposes it. China is feudal with a small elite class controlling a pooer class. It has skills, but cheap labor that the elite want America to become. China has a great deal of America's debt and leaverage in America's policies. China is even investing in Africa. India has a feudal like systme too. A large number of Indian physicians now work in the U.S., and a town like Edison, New Jersey now “has become home to one of the biggest Indian communities in the U.S., as familiar to people in India as how to instruct stupid Americans to reboot their Internet routers,” according to Joel Stein in “My Own Private India” (TIME, July 5, 2010). President Barack Obama is a puppet too. He supported the G-20 meeting of calling for an interdependence of nations to have global solutions. He has apponted czars too to handle problems. The Science Czar John Holdren wrote literature in favor of involuntary abortions and serilizations to limit the number of children a family could attain in a sustainable way. Health Czar Donald Berwick (who was appointed in July of 2010) in a June 2009 interview said that: "...the decision is not whether or not we will ration [health] care—the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.” This is why Berwick has been called “a one-man Death Panel.” He told these words with senior editor Katherine Adams for Biotechnology Healthcare. He loves the British healthcare system as a global treasure. The elite allow capitalism and communism to battle in order to promote a globalized synthetized system. Some of the elite support socialism not to promote altruism. They use it to promote control over people. Carol Browner is the Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, after she had been one of 14 leaders on Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. Do I think Barack Obama is a socialist? No, because socialism bans any form of private enterpise (it believes that the government or public forces should control all of the means of production in America). Barack Obama believes in private enterpise, but he thinks that the government should have an increased role in society than conservatives do.

There is an iPone game that kils humans in order to defend "Mother Earth." This is an example of eco-fascism that emphasizes man-made global warming while obsessing with mass genocide and blood splattering death. The game deals with a giant worm killing people and knocking airplanes out of the sky. This is done to promote Mother Earth. Many in the environmental establishment movement (as opposed to real, sincere environmentalists) desirre mass genocide and gory death. The game is "Super Mega Worm." In nature, you see the sky, animals, and other creatures living in the midst of technology. Yet, those are others who believe any machine used in the world is evil. Man is blamed for carbon dixoide. The worm in the game eats children and women with baby strollers. This is similar to the global climate change propaganda film that depcited people who refused to lower their CO2 footprint as being liquidated in the midst of blood and guts exploding. CNet called the game fun and unique. The game challenges people to destroy all human beings. The worm maneueves in the dirt with teeth and goes through the soil. The worm travels in the sky and space. The worm blows up cars and airplanes. They fry humans with its flame throwing breath or simply eating them up. The worm goes into space and destroys the International Space State. This is an example of the mentalities of eco-extremists trying to return the planet into the stone age and reversing hundres oyears of technological progress. There is the backlash of the organizers of the 10:10 Global campign. This is wild.
Imagine if Hamas had created an iPhone app where a giant creature marauds around gobbling up Jews as their innards and blood spray everywhere, do you think Apple would have allowed the game to appear in their store? And yet eco-mentalists are regularly promoting the genocide of the entire human race as if it’s a reasonable and rational proposal. There is a merger now of eguenics and environmental radicalism, which is supported by some figures of the global warming movement. Even Bill Gates wanted vaccines with his Foundation to be promoted in the Third World in order to lower the global population. One perso nof the enviro-kill cult is Finnish ecologist Pentti Linkola. Linkola said that man-made climate change deniers need to be reeducated in eco-gulags and the vast majority of humans should be killed (with the rest ensalved and controlled by a green police state with people forcibly sterilized, cars confiscated, and travel restricted to mebmers of the elite). Linkola called for abortions. He added that a another world war would be: "... happy occasion for the planet” because it would eradicate tens of millions of people. The environmentalist believes that only jackbooted tyranny can help to save mother earth from “the worst ideologies in the world” which he defines as “growth and freedom." These views are embraced by NASA"s Dr. James Hansen. He endorsed a book written by environmentalist Keith Farnish. Farnish wants acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age. Every knowns that Dr. Eric R. Pianka (or the American biologist based on the University of Texas in Austin) said in 2006 that he wants 90 percent of the worldwide population to die form an airborne ebola virus. He said these words to the Texas Academy of Science in Marhco f 2006. Many top scientists and professors cheered and applauded his words instead of opposing Pianaka's call for mass genocide. The current White House science czar John P. Holdren also advocates the most obscenely dictatorial, eco-fascist, and inhumane practices in the name of environmentalism. In his 1977 Ecoscience textbook, Holdren calls for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus. Mass population control and genocide are the agenda of the eco-fascist movement. They support the aims of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. The fraud of man-made global warming has been exposed. Its supporters are bearing their teeth. They are showing to the world that their true movtivation of the climate change agenda is mass slaughter in a big scale (and this power to be administrered by a planetary regime that can enslave people in a neo-feudal system).

The elite Aspen Institute is trying to target Russia Today, Iran's Press Tv, and China's CCTV as enemies. Ironically, Aspen was an organization that is funded by the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Ford FOundation. Isaacson was appointed by President Barack Obama to be chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the organization that directs establishment propaganda for foreign audiences. RT was formerly called Russia Today. RT is funded by the Russian state budget. It was accused by the Der Spiegel and Reporters Without Borders of disseminating pro-Kremlin propaganda. Press TV is owned by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. CCTV, short for China Central Television, reports directly to high-level officials in the Chinese Communist Party and its Central Propaganda Department. Isaacson in a speech before Radio Free Europe said that these news outlets are autocratic and the elite can't itself be outcommunicated. This means that any contrarian points of views about the elite can't be readily shown in nation states ruled by autocrats. Radio Free Europe has been documented to being a CIA front organizaiton. The CIA and its Mockingbird media engaged in a plot called the Crusade for Freedom. The Crusade for Freedom that successfully persuaded thousands of Americans to donate millions of dollars to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty and in doing so consider the spook propaganda outfit sort of like National Public Radio (which is also controlled by the government). Isaacson is a paid member of the elite. He would characterize the state run competition as portentous enemy. CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and dozens or other networks and newspapers fall under the sway of the bankster elite and their transnational corporations. In real life, the CIA was formed by a group of Wall Street lawyers and their partners in the Pentagon. One of the first CIA operations was to correal the corporate media and turn it inot a propaganda of the ruling elite. The CIA has lived for over 60 years in that mode. The alternative media is hated by the ruling elite. That is why Congress is trying to pass legislation to muzzle the alternative media. The globalists want to gain control over the non-corproate media and prevent alternative points of view from reaching people (even media from foreign countries like from Russia, CHina, Iran, etc. that have stories that run counter to the propaganda of the ruling elite).

Economic truths continually come out. I once didn't understand that much about economics until I have gotten older. It's a great thing. One lie is that Ronald Reagan was god of economic renewal in society. This lie has been promoted by neo cons, etc. Ronald Reagan increased national spending by 80%, he increased the national debt by 187%, deficits increased in his time by 112%. Raising taxes isn't what most of what would like or want, especially in a recession. Yet, sometimes raising taxes is the only way to solve problems. One example is that President Bill Clinton raised taxes on the super rich, not the middle class or the poor. This caused an economic boom in the 1990's despite some Republican opposition to that policy. Taxes fund our schools, our homes, our infrastructure, and our livelihoods. Taxes paid in the right way isn't some sin nor curse. It can be a blessing to imrpove the standard of living in society. Many Republicans and some Tea Party people oppose  any taxes (or raise taxes at any circumstances even if we aren't in a recession). Also, compassion is apart of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ not Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand was the radical libertarian atheist that believed in extreme views. Rand's views are the foundation of much of the economic/moral philosophies of the neo-conservative movement. She lived in America in 1926 to escape Communism. Her real name is Alice Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1905. Since she was presecuted, she abhored Communism and socialism. She wrote in 1957 a book called "Atlas Shrugged." Rand followed Objectivism or that the individual was celebrated or each individual is his or her own god. She was so extreme that she was a social Darwinist believing that nature wanted the so-called strong to survive. She didn't want the government to give social welfare to the poor or disadvangted at all. She didn't want the government to help the poor or less fortunate in society. She saw all forms of social welfare as the government taking from the "achievers" and giving to non-producers. That's a lie since all humans need some assistance and giving to the poor legitimate is apart of fine altruism. She believed that man must support the interest of himself sacrificing other people. She followed laissez faire capitalism. She said that: "The concept of God is degrading to a man" being an atheist. Ayn Rand loved selfishness as a virute. That's false since charity for your fellow man is a blessing and virtue not selfishness. A real human lives to serve other people and help other people. Reagan, Gingrich, Delay, Trent Lott, and other Republicans praising Rand don't know that she hold their so-called Christian views in disdain not admiration. You know John Stossel, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Ann Coulter, etc. promote Rand's views all of the time. Ayn Rand's self centered views are contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. People have the right to volunteer to help the sick and dying in the world while rejecing Objectivism. There is nothing wrong with being self-reliance, but not have self-indulgence to evil. The greed, materialism, and the Me entitlement wicked culture that you see today is a product of some of Ayn Rand's nefarious ideologies. You sacrifice your time to make another human being feel better.

Alex Jones have been criticized legitimately for years. Now, the Alex Jones organization threatened We Are Change Chicago claiming that they would not support We Are Are Change as an organization any longer unless clips containing material critical of Alex Jones were removed from the We Are Change Chicago YouTube channel. Even Josh Reeves from the Global Reality Show have exposed Jones and accuse him of using trauma based mind control operations. The truth is that free speech is fine and We Are Change ought not to be intimidated by the Alex Jones crew. I'm certainly not afraid of that Jones ilk. Of course Alex Jones and others even in the alternative media will not expose the Council on National Policy, Dominionists, and the John Birch Society. The John Birth Society has ties to Masonry for decades. The reason is that they support or are tied with the JBS, the CNP, Dominionists, etc. There has been CNP link leaders that donated $200,000 to the Republican New Mexico Gubernatorial candidate. Susana Martinez wants to run for Governor. Martinez's largest individual donor was Foster Friess, an investor from Jackson, Wyo., who gave $200,000. Friess spoke at the Western Conservative Summit in June in Colorado, along with U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.; and pundits Michelle Malkin & Dick Morris.Freiss, identified by The Washington Post as a "a big-time GOP donor" and hunting partner of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is a major financial backer of conservative commentator Tucker Carlson's website The Daily Caller. In the late '90s, Freiss was vice president of the Council for National Policy, a neo-conservative group headed by former Attorney General Edwin Meese. Martinez got $100,000 from B. Wayne Hughes Jr., who operates a commercial real-estate company and a national self-storage chain based in Malibu, Calif. Hughes, listed by Forbes magazine as one of the richest people in the country.

By Timothy

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